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HADR Exercise by Indian Navy


Apr 8, 2014
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HADR Exercise by Indian Navy
10-February, 2015

A large scale Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) exercise involving more than 20 ships from the Western and Eastern Fleet and various aircraft of the Indian Navy was conducted yesterday (09 Feb 15) in the Lakshadweep Islands (Karavati, Aggatti, Kalpeni and Androth).

The Exercise simulated a major cyclone striking the Lakshdweep Islands and disrupting essential services, causing widespread destruction of property, loss of life and dislocation of personnel, and was designed to validate the Indian Navy’s capability to provide immediate succor and relief to the affected populace. The Exercise involved setting up medical camps, provision of food, shelter from the elements, restoration of basic facilities and limited restoration work till the situation stabilised.

The Indian Navy has the inherent capacity and capability to reach outlying islands and coastal areas, with relief and rehabilitation material and continuously prepares for this task.

In the recent past, it may be recalled that, in the wake of the ”fresh water crisis” at Male in Dec 14, the Indian Navy had deployed two warships, which supplied more than 2000 tones of fresh water to the city of Male over a period of 10 days.

The Indian Navy was also at the forefront of relief operations in the wake of the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004, evacuation operations from Lebanon in 2006 and Libya in 2011, assistance to Bangladesh during Cyclone Sidr in 2007 and Myanmar during Cyclone Nargis in 2008. The Indian Navy had also participated in the search efforts for search of Malaysian airliner MH 370.

This Exercise will further underscore the nation’s capabilities in being the ‘first responder’ in the region during times of humanitarian crises.
HADR Exercise by Indian Navy

Sailors of Indian Navy shifting relief material ashore

A large scale Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) exercise involving more than 20 ships from the Western and Eastern Fleet and various aircraft of the Indian Navy was conducted on 09 Feb 15, in the Lakshadweep Islands (Karavati, Aggatti, Kalpeni and Androth).

Children of the islands visiting the relief camp established on the Island

The Exercise simulated a major cyclone striking the Lakshdweep Islands and disrupting essential services, causing widespread destruction of property, loss of life and dislocation of personnel, and was designed to validate the Indian Navy’s capability to provide immediate succor and relief to the affected populace. The exercise involved setting up medical camps, provision of food, shelter from the elements, restoration of basic facilities and limited restoration work till the situation stabilised.


Medical camp established on the Island

The Indian Navy has the inherent capacity and capability to reach outlying islands and coastal areas, with relief and rehabilitation material and continuously prepares for this task.


Medical camp established on the Island

In the recent past, it may be recalled that, in the wake of the ”fresh water crisis” at Male in Dec 14, the Indian Navy had deployed two warships, which supplied more than 2000 tones of fresh water to the city of Male over a period of 10 days.


SKG 42 C dropping relief material on the island

The Indian Navy was also at the forefront of relief operations in the wake of the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004, evacuation operations from Lebanon in 2006 and Libya in 2011, assistance to Bangladesh during Cyclone Sidr in 2007 and Myanmar during Cyclone Nargis in 2008. The Indian Navy had also participated in the search efforts for search of Malaysian airliner MH 370.


Rear Admiral AB Singh, Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet interacting with local administration

This Exercise will further underscore the nation’s capabilities in being the ‘first responder’ in the region during times of humanitarian crises.

Casualty evacuation being exercised

Supplementary Information

The following relief activities were exercised simultaneously on four islands, viz. Agatti, Kavaratti, Androth and Kalpeni:-

Setting up of medical relief camps.
Provision of food, water and clothing to affected populace.
Activation of airfields and setting up of helicopter landing sites.
Setting up emergency power supply for hospitals, airport and communication centres.
Setting up temporary structures and shelters.
Evacuation of critically ill/ injured personnel.
Assistance towards rehabilitation.


Rear Admiral R Hari Kumar Flag Officer Commanding Western Fleet & Rear Admiral AB Singh, Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet interacting with local populace

Units Participating.
A total of 20 Indian Naval ships and various aircraft participated in the Exercise, which encompassed an area spanning approximately 8000 square miles in the Indian Ocean. The ships were grouped into four forces, each having a Humanitarian Assistance and Security component, as follows:-

Task Group Island
Humanitarian Assistance
Security Ships

I Agatti Shakti Sahyadri Sumedha Tarkash Karmuk
II Kavaratti Jalashwa Trishul Gomati Ranvir Subhadra Trikand Kora
III Androth Viraat Delhi Rajput Mumbai Talwar Kulish
IV Kalpeni Deepak Betwa Kamorta Godavari Kirpan


Ministry of Defence
26-September, 2018 15:58 IST
Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS)

Working group meeting on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (27 – 28 september 2018)

In the series of meetings of IONS Working Group (IWG) on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR), the 3rd meeting is scheduled at Headquarters Eastern Naval Command, Vishakhapatnam from 27 to 28 September 2018. IONS, the 21st century’s first significant international maritime security initiative launched in February 2008, provides a forum for discussion of regional maritime issues and promotes friendly relationships among member nations. It presently has 24 members and eight observer navies.

Participants from the IWG member nations including Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Oman, will be participating in the two day event. The ‘Guidelines on HADR for IONS nations’, prepared by the Indian Navy will be validated by conduct of a Table Top Exercise as part of the meeting. The participants will also exchange lessons learnt during the conduct of HADR operations by respective navies with special reference to galvanising the IONS efforts to respond in a faster and coordinated manner.


Ministry of Defence
27-September, 2018 17:12 IST
IONS Working Group Meeting on HADR held at Visakhapatnam

The 3rd Meeting of Indian Ocean Naval symposium (IONS) Working Group on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) was inaugurated at Maritime Warfare Centre, Visakhapatnam by Rear Adm Mahesh Singh Chief Staff Officer (Operations) Eastern Naval Command on 27 September 18. The two day event is attended by IONS member nations including Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Oman . The participants shared their experiences gained and lessons learnt during the conduct of various HADR operations by their Navies and deliberated on best practices that can be imbibed during Joint HADR operations in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

A Table Top Exercise is also scheduled on Friday, simulating a real time scenario of a major disaster in the IOR and working out coordinated efforts an effective Joint HADR operation in the region. The event would culminate formulation of guidelines to render HADR assistance in future.


Initiated in 2008 by Indian Navy, IONS primarily seeks to enhance maritime cooperation amongst navies of the littoral states of the Indian Ocean by providing an open and inclusive forum for discussion on regionally relevant maritime issues and promotes friendly relationship among member nations. It presently has 24 members and eight observer navies.
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