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Habitable exoplanets are bad news for humanity

Generally, in these contexts, the term "intelligent life" is used to mean a biological life form which has the foresight and means to manipulate nature to suit its needs.

At a basic level, a bird building a nest is also molding its environment, but it remains susceptible to environmental and evolutionary pressures. Humans, by contrast, create their own artificial environment and detach themselves from evolutionary forces to an increasing extent.
True enough for a microcosmic point of view, I wanted to show that some causing effects of those biological conditions stem from other forms of intelligent life in the macrocosmic level, and all planets are doing just what you said about humans , they all manipulate their environments to suit their needs by following a specific path, spinning and using energy to stay in their orbits, if they adjust constantly their movements, then there is no difference with humans, because they are manipulating their environment to suit their needs and their needs are conditioned by the needs of other planets or stars or galaxies, So, humans, in principle, have no meas of violating this rule, what they do in reality is adjust their course inside their environment while being subject to that environment and other exponentially bigger environs.
For biological forms, they might be other biologies, conditions and forms we do not know about, or that are beyond the human capacity to see, hear or feel. They might be on other wavelengths completely out of reach for human senses.
True enough for a microcosmic point of view, I wanted to show that some causing effects of those biological conditions stem from other forms of intelligent life in the macrocosmic level, and all planets are doing just what you said about humans , they all manipulate their environments to suit their needs by following a specific path, spinning and using energy to stay in their orbits, if they adjust constantly their movements, then there is no difference with humans, because they are manipulating their environment to suit their needs and their needs are conditioned by the needs of other planets or stars or galaxies, So, humans, in principle, have no meas of violating this rule, what they do in reality is adjust their course inside their environment while being subject to that environment and other exponentially bigger environs.
For biological forms, they might be other biologies, conditions and forms we do not know about, or that are beyond the human capacity to see, hear or feel. They might be on other wavelengths completely out of reach for human senses.

I think now you are going into a metaphysical dimension about the degree of free will.

Inanimate objects have no free will; all their actions are predicted by the laws of physics.
Living things have varying degrees of free will: from innate instinct at one end to, presumably, human free will at the other.
Setting aside the fact that radio takes forever and a day to get anywhere, we don't know where it stacks up in the list of communication technologies. I mentioned quantum entanglement, but there might be a thousand other ways to communicate.

Any alien civilization would prioritize the list of technologies used to broadcast itself and we simply don't know where radio sits in that list.

P.S. I remember watching a program called 'After humans' or something like that. It analyzed how long our impact would be visible if we disappeared tomorrow. One of the things they mentioned is that even our radio transmissions would get so weak beyond a certain radius that they would be indistinguishable from galactic noise.

We do know that most of the universe is matter. And the easiest communication method is one that transfers energy. This method needs to be simple, should have a high probability to be understood by most, should be interactive with known matter. Take a guess what it can be?

Now if you talk about things like some other state of matter/energy or something which can constitute a universe but is out of our knowledge now, that's different. That won't even be our own universe. But for what we know of our universe, nothing beats light.
We do know that most of the universe is matter. And the easiest communication method is one that transfers energy. This method needs to be simple, should have a high probability to be understood by most, should be interactive with known matter. Take a guess what it can be?

Now if you talk about things like some other state of matter/energy or something which can constitute a universe but is out of our knowledge now, that's different. That won't even be our own universe. But for what we know of our universe, nothing beats light.

Quantum entanglement is just as real as photons and electrons. If anything, it is even more fundamental.

Why should communication using photons be more "real" than communication using quantum effects?

Why should alien civilizations be constrained by our sense of what's real and what's weird?

P.S. Anyway, I think we are spinning our wheels here.
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yeah they exit see.....

ye lain made enuff fun of your favurite aliens above!:tongue:
yeah they exit see.....

ye lain made enuff fun of your favurite aliens above!:tongue:
This is my fav alien

Despite you having made fun of aliens they would not attack you or abduct you because "its just gonna be a casual watch" :P
OK, there are two possibilities. Either we are alone or we are not!! and both possibilities are scary!!

Even I could summarize that by skimming through...I mean summarize what needs to be discussed :angel:
I think now you are going into a metaphysical dimension about the degree of free will.

Inanimate objects have no free will; all their actions are predicted by the laws of physics.
Living things have varying degrees of free will: from innate instinct at one end to, presumably, human free will at the other.

I still think that the concept of free will is subject to instinct, this freewill of humans is conditioned by survival, they always try to push it further, but nature reminds them of the limits set by the same laws you've mentioned. A planet can stray a little bit off its orbit , but the laws of physics will push it back to its orbit. do you see any difference at this level?
Human freewill is not that much different than animal instinct-freewill, like in the case of a lion choosing to fight a bull or not. It is more of an evaluation of things by instinct and feeling.
These advancements and material manipulating that you see around you are the products of cooperation and knowledge sharing between billions of humans, so the big picture points to something much bigger than the individual intelligence and it goes exponentially upwards to the infinities of the universe.
If one way we can destroy ourselves its environment.We all have only 1 planet,and its irreplaceable.
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