" The H2 is a long-range TV guided glide bomb. Equipped with a TV camera in its nose, the weapon transmits TV pictures to the control pilot in another aircraft, who guides the weapon to the target while staying 65-88 miles (100-140km) behind the weapon.
Mark, the AFM says the missile was released from a range of 60KM, while it can be guided from a 100-140Km range through transmission of TV signals. It doesn't says the H2 has a range of 100Km or so. The aircraft would release the missile at 60Km and then turn back to a safer distance, a distance at which the missile can send signals to the command aircraft, where the WSO can guide the missile towards its target.
So i believe there is no confirmation of any range increase for H2, but i do agree there is very possibility that range increase would be looked into or may already have looked into, as the longer the range, the better.