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H.I.V. Tests Urged for 800 Million in India

You took offense at something that is a universal fact .

800 million is a big figure instead of taking offense and trying to portray as if this is something to be ashamed of and hence you comparing polio with aids in India, you could have come up with causes/reasons of the disease/postive steps Indian govts took and improvement in the field.

As far as your stupid remark about 4 wives and the disease i presume you are under high emotinal stress for the time being :)

extra marital relations had been one of the causes of the diseas apart from poor health practices (which have higher role), than marital relations.

as far as polio situation is concerned in Pakistan, we are ashamed that we have corrupt people in the power who had out our kids to polio risk despite such big polio vaccination programmes

I want all people tested in UK but also in Pakistan and India as we receive most immigrants from there and the women there are to docile to insist that their Husbands take a test before sex. When you can't eradicate polio I shudder to think what your real AIDS figures must be?
@OP don't worry AIDS doesn't spread through internet ... so you are safe but yeah thanks for the concern it got me a bit welled up.
I think there is a new rule in place now, where anyone who goes to a hospital for surgery has to undergo an HIV test, and the details go in a database.
I think there is a new rule in place now, where anyone who goes to a hospital for surgery has to undergo an HIV test, and the details go in a database.

that his been implemented for a while now.
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