Yes, those who call their parents who are 60+ years old and useless which is big with Pajeet community. Overweight females with diabetes and stuff, we can’t have those here.
The other one is called birth right citizenship should be tossed out as well. If a parent is a citizen only that should be transferred to the child.
US immigrant policy is to lenient and needs tightening of screws.
Soon it’ll come to the point where the Democratic Party will have to support the Republicans as future politics will be far right and US being majority white the Demos can’t lose that base entirely.
Already seen how that multicultural NY House Rep. AOC — screwed up deals and how unpopular she’ll be getting.
As usual, you have a habbit of turning a good debate to show your hatred for Hindus and Indian...Why are in illusion that Pakistan and other South Asian Muslim countries do not abuse the system with familly based GC...
Ask any of your friends from Dallas about how Familly based green card is used and misused to make business in Pakistani community Richardson area...
Stop dragging or pin pointing Indian when you are fully aware than you are not saint either...
I won't deny that Indians techies are not a drain on American welfare. But neither are Pakistanis or Russian or Chinese techies.
Problem is that there are millions of Americans--doesn't matter of European descent or not--who are qualified to take tech jobs but can't because of various visa/immigration scams. Denying Americans job to bring in those whose primary qualification is being cheap labor, with difficult accents, questionable qualifications--and, yes, for every Satya Nadella there are a 10,000 unqualified Indians (and the rest of the world).
Every country must protect it's own citizens, especially in times like these. Support 'US Tech Workers'.
PS. I consider Indian techies and the rapidly growing Indian population in America to be a strategic threat to Pakistan. The same way the Israeli Lobby has guided American policies in the Middle East to the detriment of the Arab world is going to happen to Pakistan once Indians in America get enough clout.
You can not wear both hats in arugument...Pakistan and US interest will never converge because the value system of both nations are different...So forget India, If Pakistan has to win US friendship, then Pakistan has change narrative of your approach towards US...
US society in general will always believe in liberal values where all religion are equally respected...Fundamentally all Islamic nations are created for the interests of one religion assuming that other religions are inferior..
Now coming to Visa scams...Defly there is a abuse with the system...But does that mean Pakistan has not abused visa system at all?
So i do not have any problem is calling out the visa system should go...But why only target H1b visa only...What is the contributing of refugee visa and familly visa in our American ecosystem...Why the heck even US should be the gate keeper to allow illegal refugees to take citizenship where legal immigrants find it difficult to get a Gc?
Why even US is allowing citizenship to the people from native countries who are politically and value system wise are opposite direction to American values?
And again, it seems you are concerned about American white people not getting jobs..But if you are really thinking about them, then it is a mistake from US ,to even think for native people from countries where religious supremacy of one religion is always supported against others,to assimilate to US value system??So US should rightfully put additional restriction to the people from countries which are not secular and democratic to take GC and citizenship here...
So again, let us take a brodbased approch to stop visa scam and rather than cherry picking to naik down Indian H1b only.