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Gwadar- turn it into a liberal city.

Just throwing around the word 'liberal' to sound fancy doesn't make something liberal.
ok lets use a different word, how bout lets make gawadar a "free" city?
its just a word i chose to use because no other word came to my mind at that time.
so basically the rest of your argument falls apart because its all based on me using that word lol.

one definition of liberal
: not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted

What exactly is 'liberal' about allowing gambling and alcohol?
the reason i said we should make it legal is because people should be allowed to make their own decisions of weather they want to drink or not , and gamble or not.
if thats not liberal then what is?
and if you disagree that its not liberal then tell what it is.

What is illiberal about restricting them?
its "illiberal" because its restricting freedoms people should have.

Why stop at gambling and alcohol?
Why not allow hashish, marijuana, and heroin while we are at it?
Why not allow prostitution?
i say go for it.
these things already exist in our society so what would be the big deal in making them open?
in fact if we make it legal we will reduce crimes, and would have less gangs. gangs that are in business because these things are illegal( smugglers, mobsters, drug dealers..ect)
The Dutch allow hard drugs and prostitution and they would claim that you are not "liberal" until you allow them.
the dutch are smart, they aren't insecure about their culture.
most pakistanis are insecure, they believe that having these things will make them lose their culture.
i don't know why the insecurity exists if our culture is that great.

Do you have ANY idea how much money developed countries spend to clean up the social effect of alcohol?
no actually i don't, i lived in america my whole life and i really don't see the government doing anything special.
don't forget all the tax revenue that the governments will earn from the sales of these things.
Do you have ANY idea how much organized crime comes with gambling?
yes, I'm aware of the underground crime involved with gambling in places where gambling is illegal.
but i didn't know there was crime in casinos which are owned by corporations and businessmen.

Does this proposal have any logic, or just trying to sound cool because the word 'liberal' sounds fancy?
ofcourse im not trying to sound "cool"
once again this is just my idea brother, if you have a better one then please tell us.
i just liked this idea because it would turn gawadar into an international destination, it would give pakistanis who don't want to live in an "islamic republic" an escape without moving abroad. it would bring millions of tourists from all over the world and companies will move their head quarters there because will be able to "entertain" their guests ect.
how about macau? or even dubai?
A somewhat limited example - Goa.
Gambling is allowed in Goa and the only place in India where it is so.

Tons of Indians go to Goa to enjoy then come back. It has a laid back and welcoming culture. Many Indians from other States have shifted there because they liked the place so much.
When Bengalis put up the 6 Point demand, there was the '71 War. These 4 Points are more radical.
its just one city not a whole state like bangladesh and it would be approved by the government its not an uprising like in bangladesh

Why not turn every city into liberal city?
even better, I'm all for it.
so i have was thinking that the government of pakistan should turn gawadar into a liberal city.
what do i mean by this?:

1.have a defined boundary for gawadar
2.have its own laws
- complete freedom of speech
- alcohol is legal
- gambling is legal
-complete freedom of religion
- have its own special police force
- completely independent of balochistan
3. pakistanis from rest of pakistan would have to get special permission to work and live there.
4. the whole citys prices of goods and wages should be completely different from pakistan
- pick any european country ( follow its wages and prices for goods)
- if a bottle of pepsi costs a dollar then in gawadar it should be 100 rupees
- if minimum wage is 8 dollars an hour then in gawadar we should make it 800 rupees an hr
- and so on.
basically gawadar will become the hong kong of of pakistan.

what do you guys think?

Move to India then.
way to go but before that we need to prepare society for the big change thats where Gwadar can be a good start.
we need to start at a place like this, plus lot of business people hate coming to pakistan because its boring for them, gawadar will be a place for entertainment for them as well.
so i have was thinking that the government of pakistan should turn gawadar into a liberal city.
what do i mean by this?:

1.have a defined boundary for gawadar
2.have its own laws
- complete freedom of speech
- alcohol is legal
- gambling is legal
-complete freedom of religion
- have its own special police force
- completely independent of balochistan
3. pakistanis from rest of pakistan would have to get special permission to work and live there.
4. the whole citys prices of goods and wages should be completely different from pakistan
- pick any european country ( follow its wages and prices for goods)
- if a bottle of pepsi costs a dollar then in gawadar it should be 100 rupees
- if minimum wage is 8 dollars an hour then in gawadar we should make it 800 rupees an hr
- and so on.
basically gawadar will become the hong kong of of pakistan.

what do you guys think?

Not only is this completely unacceptable but absolutely repugnant even as a suggestion.

There will be no Afghan, Hindu, Christian, Shiite, Sunni, American, British, etc... zones in Pakistan let alone any area operating by any other law than our own or restricting access to Pakistanis.

Pakistan is a nation created by Muslims (the whole All India Muslim league, which Jinnah himself was a part of, was an Islamic nationalist movement) and those non-Muslims who respected Islam (many of whom later reverted to it - ex. Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan) which was always to be built on the laws of the Quran and Sunnah hence why there is a Part IX Article 22u of the constitution.

We will never divide our nation or restrict access to any part of it to other Pakistanis who are proud citizens of the Islamic republic for any liberal or foreigner. If anyone has a problem with that they're free to live as refugees elsewhere and should be stripped of their citizenship.

What you've suggested has not only invited anarchy but resulted in increased crime within virtually every Western country I know of. I've said it before and I'll say it again liberals are the stupidest segment of Pakistani society and have routinely back stabbed the nation (ex. H. Haqqani and S. Afridi) why they even are allowed to live in Pakistan is beyond me. We can develop Gwadar just fine without them in fact they are a complete hindrance to Pakistan's development and I've seen them, particularly as of late, encourage some of the worst economic policies possible.
so i have was thinking that the government of pakistan should turn gawadar into a liberal city.
what do i mean by this?:

1.have a defined boundary for gawadar
2.have its own laws
- complete freedom of speech
- alcohol is legal
- gambling is legal
-complete freedom of religion
- have its own special police force
- completely independent of balochistan
3. pakistanis from rest of pakistan would have to get special permission to work and live there.
4. the whole citys prices of goods and wages should be completely different from pakistan
- pick any european country ( follow its wages and prices for goods)
- if a bottle of pepsi costs a dollar then in gawadar it should be 100 rupees
- if minimum wage is 8 dollars an hour then in gawadar we should make it 800 rupees an hr
- and so on.
basically gawadar will become the hong kong of of pakistan.

what do you guys think?

what has making alcohol and gambling legal got to do with making gwadar a mega city?, are you trying to make gwadar a monte carlo, los vegas or something?

to sustain the ideas you are coming up with, will fish run gwadar?

hong kong is not like gwadar, gwadar is a fishing village, hong kong is like srilanka, it has its own enough population and trained and resourceful enough to sustain being independent
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what has making alcohol and gambling legal got to do with making gwadar a mega city?, are you trying to make gwadar a monte carlo, los vegas or something?
yeah pretty much

to sustain the ideas you are coming up with, will fish run gwadar?
human beings would run gwadar
hong kong is not like gwadar, gwadar is a fishing village, hong kong is like srilanka, it has its own enough population and trained and resourceful enough to sustain being independent
it won't remain a fishing village, it will become a city.
the reason i said we should make it legal is because people should be allowed to make their own decisions of weather they want to drink or not , and gamble or not.
if thats not liberal then what is?

Allowing people to do whatever they want is not the definition of liberal. We don't allow people to walk round naked in public, or to build a house in the middle of the freeway.

When a person's actions have consequences on others in society, then their freedom of action is constrained.

Alcohol and gambling have very high social costs. The tax revenue doesn't even begin to cover those costs.

and if you disagree that its not liberal then tell what it is.

I differentiate between basic human rights -- like life, liberty, education, freedom of expression, religion, etc. -- which are non-negotiable and must be accorded to everyone, and privileges -- like driving, alcohol, etc. -- which are constantly measured for their impact on society.

That is why I gave the example of the Dutch. By their standards, most of the world, including the Western world, is not liberal at all. When it comes to privileges, there is a spectrum and each society decides which privileges it will allow its members, based on consensus.
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