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Gwadar to be functional in five years: Fatemi

Gawadar Port is very important for Pakistan & it needs to be completed ASAP.
Iran can also provide acess to Arabian sea and other areas from Chabhar port,Centrals Asian nations are also working on North South transport corridor.What do you think is so special about Gwadar port.
As for China read about the corridor that is passing through India to BD to Myanmar to China so China also doesnt necessarily need Gwadar port as it will have acess to ports of BD,Myanmar and India.
even if iran develops its linkages it will be twice lenghty due to many reasons, not on map bt geographialy.
then there is always a problem with USA-iran relationships.
lastly iran CANNOT provide route to china.
As i read more about Gwadar & Chahbahar I came to the conclusion both Ports are Sucessful ,Chahbahar in Short Span & Gwadar in Long-Term until strive for peace & Phase II of Gwadar is done, I hope best for Persians too bcoz Economic activity in all of our Neighbour Country will be beneficial for Us in Short & Long term...Gwadar and Chahbahar both ways will benefit Afghanistan Alone...WoW
Gawadar is a long way from becoming anything close to Dubai. It requires massive investment and for that to happen, the Pakistani government needs to provide absolute and i mean absolute security and peace.

The security situation of our country is down right pathetic and i don't see how it will improve over years to come. Government is totally clueless and direction less in this regard.

Massive investment means not less than $30B and proper Dubai like City Regional development thus making it attractive to foreign investment not like a khokay wala has a place near to it a restraint and near to that a kasai aur hajam wala.

The key to success is that Pakistan has to buy all sorts of Machinery for the development and not rent it iranians are making good products and obvious choice due to costs would be either China or iran, there is a thread made in iran see the products. Provided also that iran give a long term support of those products.

I do not understand why Pakistan in calling in foreign companies to dig gold and other minerals and not investing in its own people and Machinery.
If you think pakistan is not Secure country then Iran chahbahr port is center of sunni militants
Just tell me who is more stable country,Iran or Pakistan,Then we will talk.
, morever Iran atomic program is convtroversial in the Eye of world .How you can afford International Pressure ... I uploaded de Map you can see it, combined distance from india to Iran to DEEp Afghanistan to CENTRAL ASIA is HUGE meanwhile u've MIGHTY Arabean Sea on the Route
Distance is huge for whom?? For Central Asian nations distance is more or less same.It is irrelevant anyway.Distance bw America and China is also huge.Does that stop them from doing trade with each other?? What matters is stabilty.IF other Pakistan provides better stability than Iran then only countries will prefer Pakistan.
As for sanctions and stuuf we will have to wait as it is tooo early to say anything.
And Arabian sea in the way is a boon and not a curse.As far as i know Transportation with sea is far more cheaper than land.Or i am wrong??
1) only narrow wakhan corridor separates pakistan from tajikistan

2) pakistan is connected to china & India (half of world population) and definately our Gov will Lure Indian investors to prefer our land for access to central Asian states

3) pakistan has a deep sea port, iran doesnt, i dont think chahbahr is a deep sea port, not deep like gwadar....Right Now Big Ships 2.5 Ton prefers to lands in UAE ports then Goods transferred in small boats to Bandar Abbas of Iran which can handle 1 ton only..Which means that UAE ports r taking Lion's share in international trading

4) gwadar is located near india,In open SEA insted of Gulf..also pakistan has good relations with arab countries not like iran

5) For the Indians, this is a direct threat. The Delhi-based Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis recently published a report on Pakistan:Gwadar port being so close to the Straits of Hormuz also has implications for India as it would enable Pakistan to exercise control over energy routes. It is believed that Gwadar will provide Beijing with a facility to monitor US and Indian naval activity in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea, respectively

7. China & Iran r fair weather friends & may not want to take any risk alienating China, a country which has supported Tehran, including its nuclear policy,

Conclusion: my personal view is that Iran-Pak both enjoy FREE MONEY & God Gifted NATURAL TRADE, but their will be a fierce compitation in Future, Bcoz ther r some Central Asian Countries who r bound to Use (hve no opton) Iranian Port only...But for access in India/China, they hve to come in pakistan. If india is preferring Chahbahar to avoid "pakistan totally"?? Impossible...in any Crisis we can block Indian iraniantrade route just sending One Battle Ship
1) only narrow wakhan corridor separates pakistan from tajikistan
And your point is??
2) pakistan is connected to china & India (half of world population) and definately our Gov will Lure Indian investors to prefer our land for access to central Asian states
Pakistan denied us acess to Central Asia and thats why we are investing in Gwadar in the first place.
3) pakistan has a deep sea port, iran doesnt, i dont think chahbahr is a deep sea port, not deep like gwadar....Right Now Big Ships 2.5 Ton prefers to lands in UAE ports then Goods transferred in small boats to Bandar Abbas of Iran which can handle 1 ton only..Which means that UAE ports r taking Lion's share in international trading
Thats why i told you to read more about Chabhar port.It is also a deep sea port and will have a capcity of 12 milion tons per year.Not deep like Gwadar?? lol What was that supposed to mean??
4) gwadar is located near india,In open SEA insted of Gulf..also pakistan has good relations with arab countries not like iran
How come Arab countries suddently came in the picture?? We are talking about Central Asian nations and not Arabian countries.Arabian countries have ports of there own.
5) For the Indians, this is a direct threat. The Delhi-based Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis recently published a report on Pakistan:Gwadar port being so close to the Straits of Hormuz also has implications for India as it would enable Pakistan to exercise control over energy routes. It is believed that Gwadar will provide Beijing with a facility to monitor US and Indian naval activity in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea, respectively
So?? Read the full article,to counter these threats we are devloping Chabhar port and Karwar port on the Western coast of India.Dont cherry pick things dude.
7. China & Iran r fair weather friends & may not want to take any risk alienating China, a country which has supported Tehran, including its nuclear policy,
Just making a port and a corridor doest not equate to alienating China.Going by this logic China is also investing Pakistan does that mean America has been alienated in Pakistan
..But for access in India/China, they hve to come in pakistan. If india is preferring Chahbahar to avoid "pakistan totally"??
I have already explained you that by the the devlopemennt of Chabahar port Indian does not need Pakistan for accessing Central Asia or vice versa.You are repeating the same thing again and again.And yes we will ignore Pakistan totally.
.in any Crisis we can block Indian iraniantrade route just sending One Battle Ship
:rofl: You need to read more about IN and PN and the difference bw there strength.Forget about choking out Chabhar port it would be a very big achievement for PN if it manages to save Gwadar port and other ports from blockade infliclted by IN and not to mention that if you try to choke Chabhar port Iran will not sit back idly. lol
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Pakistan denied us acess to Central Asia and thats why we are investing in Gwadar in the first place.
O Na Na... G, How its Possible, Our parliment proceeding to declare you Most favourite nation but we're waiting for your new Government after Election,
If indian money is flowing in pakistan,How we can say you "NO" ....its not possible in short/long term

Just making a port and a corridor doest not equate to alienating China.Going by this logic China is also investing Pakistan does that mean America has been alienated in Pakistan

Actually i wanna say to you that... Gwadar will become Naval Base of Chinese Navy, which right now they humbly refused pakistan. and i wanna say to you that in Future Indian navy cant enjoy such things in Chahbahar,....& india wont need to establish naval port in Chahbahar, bcoz they r enjoying Full Room in deep indian Ocean

i Understood all ur remaining Points.....
O Na Na... G, How its Possible, Our parliment proceeding to declare you Most favourite nation but we're waiting for your new Government after Election,
If indian money is flowing in pakistan,How we can say you "NO" ....its not possible in short/long term
Ask that to your Gov..Pakistan wanted Kashmir issue to be resolved in exchange of access to India to Central Asia.But the India denied.Also Pakistan also says or fears that India will indulge in anti Pakistani activities in Afghanistan if given access to Centrral Asia through Pakistan.THis issue has nothing to do with MFN and not to mention that this MFN drama has been continuing for years now and each time Pakistani gov. declares giving MFN status to India in a short time and then delays it again.
Actually i wanna say to you that... Gwadar will become Naval Base of Chinese Navy, which right now they humbly refused pakistan. and i wanna say to you that in Future Indian navy cant enjoy such things in Chahbahar,....& india wont need to establish naval port in Chahbahar, bcoz they r enjoying Full Room in deep indian Ocean
Yeah that is true that if China establishes naval base then IN will ot be able to blockade Gwadar port.Future will be interesting

Ask that to your Gov..Pakistan wanted Kashmir issue to be resolved in exchange of access to India to Central Asia.But the India denied.Also Pakistan also says or fears that India will indulge in anti Pakistani activities in Afghanistan if given access to Centrral Asia through Pakistan.THis issue has nothing to do with MFN and not to mention that this MFN drama has been continuing for years now and each time Pakistani gov. declares giving MFN status to India in a short time and then delays it again.
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Short Term Answer: Your Point is Valid
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Security need to be improved for foreign investment, China will invest in infrastructure so it can start using the port. But investment in city will only come ones security improves.

KARACHI: The Nawaz Sharif government envisages not only a motorway from Gwadar to Karachi, but also an airport, a hospital, a university and a technical institute, with the objective of turning Gwadar into a fully functional city within five years, said special assistant to the prime minister Tariq Fatemi at a session on Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Objectives, organised by the Karachi Council on Foreign Relations on Monday evening.
He added that two power plants in Gwadar would start functioning next month.

In his keynote address, Mr Fatemi addressed a number of critical foreign policy issues ranging from enhancing relations with China to supporting Afghanistan’s new government and to ensuring cordial relations with India.

Highlighting his government’s policy of economic diplomacy, he said: “Nawaz Sharif believes that Pakistan has to move away from traditional forms of diplomacy. It must become a tool for the economic wellbeing of its people. That is why within hours of taking oath of office, he issued directions to our missions abroad that their goals need to be reoriented towards commercial interests. All his foreign travels have had robust economic objectives.”

He said since Pakistan was located at crossroads of South Asia, the Gulf and the Middle East, it needed to take full advantage of its geographical position. He cited the example of relations with China to emphasise his point. “In the past eight to nine months, I have visited China four times. The visits have been geared in areas in which China can aid and assist us. We are planning a Pakistan-China economic corridor, which is a massive project involving billions of dollars.”

He, however, tempered the ambitious plans with caution saying that its materialisation would take several years, adding “but the size and scale of the project should not deter us. In fact we should double our efforts.”

He also outlined other upcoming projects with China including 16 power projects of which 10 are planned for Gadani and six for Punjab.

Regarding India, Mr Fatemi said: “The prime minister is convinced that it is advantageous for both countries to have cordial relations. We are monitoring the events next door and irrespective of which coalition comes to power, we will reach out to them with sincerity.”

Later during the question and answer session, Dr Farooq Sattar of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement asked Mr Fatemi about relations with India, particularly easing of the visa process, opening of consulates in Mumbai and Karachi and increased use of trade routes particularly Munabao-Khokhrapar. “We are prepared to take any initiative and that includes visa facilitation and trade expansion,” he said, adding that it was now up to the Indian leadership to enhance these relations as the political leadership here was supportive of engaging with India.

With respect to Afghanistan, he said President Hamid Karzai and Prime Minister Sharif have had four meetings so far and consequently there were far better relations between Kabul and Islamabad. “We do not wish to interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs. We have no favourites; it is for the people of Afghanistan to elect whoever they want as their president. Whoever comes to power we will reach out to him and will work on better economic relations and border management.”

Mr Fatemi said: “Pakistan has had a long and chequered history with the United States. Some people say that it is a transactional relationship while others assess it to be a relation of extremes saying that either we are the most allied of allies or the most sanctioned ally.”

He said he was present in the rose garden when the Mujahideen were feted as freedom fighters and was also there in September 1990 when all assistance to Pakistan was ended on suspicions of having nuclear interest. “The current status between the two countries is that we are now involved in a strategic dialogue process where we understand each other’s compulsions but with dignity and honour.”

Despite his busy schedule, a point made repeatedly by moderator of the session Dr Huma Baqai, Mr Fatemi took questions from the audience, some being quite hostile. He diplomatically answered the questions acknowledging the Foreign Office’s weaknesses.

Gwadar to be functional in five years: Fatemi - DAWN.COM

Bring GCC investment in Real Estate development and Power Generation of Gwadar and Jiwani but GoP should invest in Port, Naval bases and Ship Yards.
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