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Gwadar port to be operational by year end :Chinese official

Which products? Ball point pens?

It is not that you do not know it already, still, i will give it another try!
China has been the world's largest exporter of goods since 2009. Official estimates suggest Chinese exports amounted to $1.904 trillion in 2013.

As long as we get business i wont be too concerned if it is ball points pens or lead pencils. :)
CPEC is actually a logical project. Both China and pakistan will benefit from it in the long run....

1. The port and any pipeline will give China a better access to the oil resources of the middle east while bypassing the chokepoints controlled by india.

2. Western China is the least developed and least populated region of China, while the eastern coastal region is highly devloped and relatively overpopulated. China will need to invest far more in the interior and western provinces in the future....that will require oil and access, ports on the eastern coast are much further then this port.

3. CPEC will also give China a route option that is not threated by Japan/US.

4. The port in the indian ocean will give China a huge strategic edge in the comming decades as well as benefiting the main allie it has.

Its win win for both Pakistan and China......
Gawadar will become Pakistan's alternate port, that much is clear for its importance. Not much from "Heartland China" is going to be going through here, that much is also clear. Logistics and geography make that clear too, no cynicism needed.

Most of the times, the CPEC project is viewed only in the background of Pak-China relationship. The reality is that this project has much wider bearing on the global geostrategic map. Even in the context of Pak-China relations, CPEP project is tremendously beneficial for both countries. If the two nations could succeed in utilizing the CPEC project for even 10% of total Chinese annual exports/imports, that will make Gwadar super shine and turn Dubai to pale. That will also usher a new era for downstream industries (transportation, packaging, hoteling, communications, JVs for manufacturing, services, and what not) in Pakistan. But on a wider canvas, Gwadar is capable of changing global trade routes by attracting Russia too to actively participate in the great game. Unhindered access to warm waters Gwadar will give a whole new dimension for expansion to the Russian industry. What do you think why Russia is inclined to offer its latest military systems to Pakistan? Because India is turning to the West? Russians are willing to sell its latest weapon systems to any or every one willing to pay? No, not exactly! It's the opportunity for Russians to get strategic benefits of the great game through Gwadar without even dropping of an ounce of blood. No wonders, China, Russia, and Pakistan are emerging as a solid strategic nucleolus for regional and global alliances. Now compare the gigantic CPEC project with what Indians are trying to achieve through Chabahar. Compared to tens of billions of dollars being spent under the CPEC project, Indians want to counter it by spending tens of millions in Chabahar. Well, good for them. But a hound cannot compete with a cheetah no matter what you feed it.
It is not that you do not know it already, still, i will give it another try!


As long as we get business i wont be too concerned if it is ball points pens or lead pencils. :)

As long there is business, it is good. But merely building a port and few roads is not enough for business to come a-runnin'.

I have not attacked you personally, rather I've rightfully questioned your judgement.

Also, it's funny how you are stuck on one point, and fail to address the rest of my points.

You can't argue your points, so trying in the first place was pointless. All you've done is failed to prove your point against overwhelming evidence and logic.

What is actually funny is that you are not even able to give sources to support one of your claims from The Googles for the 5% figure and expect me to respond to all the other similarly false claims you make. Let us agree to rest on our positions, please.
Most of the times, the CPEC project is viewed only in the background of Pak-China relationship. The reality is that this project has much wider bearing on the global geostrategic map. Even in the context of Pak-China relations, CPEP project is tremendously beneficial for both countries. If the two nations could succeed in utilizing the CPEC project for even 10% of total Chinese annual exports/imports, that will make Gwadar super shine and turn Dubai to pale. That will also usher a new era for downstream industries (transportation, packaging, hoteling, communications, JVs for manufacturing, services, and what not) in Pakistan. But on a wider canvas, Gwadar is capable of changing global trade routes by attracting Russia too to actively participate in the great game. Unhindered access to warm waters Gwadar will give a whole new dimension for expansion to the Russian industry. What do you think why Russia is inclined to offer its latest military systems to Pakistan? Because India is turning to the West? Russians are willing to sell its latest weapon systems to any or every one willing to pay? No, not exactly! It's the opportunity for Russians to get strategic benefits of the great game through Gwadar without even dropping of an ounce of blood. No wonders, China, Russia, and Pakistan are emerging as a solid strategic nucleolus for regional and global alliances. Now compare the gigantic CPEC project with what Indians are trying to achieve through Chabahar. Compared to tens of billions of dollars being spent under the CPEC project, Indians want to counter it by spending tens of millions in Chabahar. Well, good for them. But a hound cannot compete with a cheetah no matter what you feed it.

China is fast developing infrastructure to link up Kazakhstan to Xinjiang province.
The pieces are being put together to make this project drive a lot of trade beyond just China and Pakistan.

Let us hope that we successfully manage our internal affairs to leverage this potential.
What is actually funny is that you are not even able to give sources to support one of your claims from The Googles for the 5% figure and expect me to respond to all the other similarly false claims you make. Let us agree to rest on our positions, please.
Not really, even if the 5% is inaccurate (it isn't, because this is public knowledge that you can google yourself. It's even on this very forum), you still have engaged in fallacies and have not addressed a single one of my points.

You're simply wrong, so I will not agree to disagree. If you want to end this conversation, just simply stop responding.
Not really, even if the 5% is inaccurate (it isn't, because this is public knowledge that you can google yourself. It's even on this very forum), you still have engaged in fallacies and have not addressed a single one of my points.

You're simply wrong, so I will not agree to disagree. If you want to end this conversation, just simply stop responding.
You are talking to a person whose SOLE purpose is to diss anything Pakistani without any factual backing. I have NEVER, Since his start as VCheng , his tantrums on never returning to his return under this new guise ever brought up a SINGLE link or fact to a conversation. He'll either resort to tangential distractions or pretend to know it all and walk away. While all of us engage in it from time to time, its just where we focus it; His is Pakistan, so you'll see it there.
Suggest you not waste time and respond to others.

Such personalities require an agree to disagree or usage of the ignore option. If the parroting continues, you can report it although there will be a whole snivelling tirade thrown up.

As for the port, it is a stalled project due to basic mismanagement. The basic idea of providing an alternative to Karachi in case of it being unable to function effectively (blockade, terrorism in city) along with providing the Chinese an alternative route for their fears of being blockaded on their traditional trade routes was good.
Yet, in the 18 odd years I have been hearing about it; from claims by ministers on putting A380's on Gwadar's tarmac because the idiots cant think beyond that, to military men claiming that the Chinese will put their entire fleet there to protect us from India; the port has done absolutely nothing.

It is not because its not a good idea or project but because it has been constantly plagued by the rampant corruption in our society. Not government or civilians or military.. but our entire society is corrupt or rather is used to acquiescence to corruption. It will improve with media exposure and general education ( the anti-VIP movement and the current Panama papers are slowly pushing through)..but its not going to be overnight.

So the question for Gwadar, CPEC, Kamra city or any project in Pakistan is NOT if its a good idea; but whether we will make it work in time
I thought i was the only one who felt like that he is such a negative person and can't see anything good happening in Pakistan. :/
There are plenty of such personalities both inside Pakistan and within the Expat community. However, most of these people are those who are either underachievers or never saw the acceptance by Pakistani society or their peers. It does not mean that these are bad people , just people with certain ideas and ironed conceptions that they are simply too old or too steeped in their own ego's to change.
It will improve with media exposure and general education ( the anti-VIP movement and the current Panama papers are slowly pushing through)..but its not going to be overnight.
No it wont. You'll see no improvement until proper educational reform are introduced. I don't see that happening anytime soon.
You are talking to a person whose SOLE purpose is to diss anything Pakistani without any factual backing. I have NEVER, Since his start as VCheng , his tantrums on never returning to his return under this new guise ever brought up a SINGLE link or fact to a conversation. He'll either resort to tangential distractions or pretend to know it all and walk away. While all of us engage in it from time to time, its just where we focus it; His is Pakistan, so you'll see it there.
Suggest you not waste time and respond to others.

Such personalities require an agree to disagree or usage of the ignore option. If the parroting continues, you can report it although there will be a whole snivelling tirade thrown up.

As for the port, it is a stalled project due to basic mismanagement. The basic idea of providing an alternative to Karachi in case of it being unable to function effectively (blockade, terrorism in city) along with providing the Chinese an alternative route for their fears of being blockaded on their traditional trade routes was good.
Yet, in the 18 odd years I have been hearing about it; from claims by ministers on putting A380's on Gwadar's tarmac because the idiots cant think beyond that, to military men claiming that the Chinese will put their entire fleet there to protect us from India; the port has done absolutely nothing.

It is not because its not a good idea or project but because it has been constantly plagued by the rampant corruption in our society. Not government or civilians or military.. but our entire society is corrupt or rather is used to acquiescence to corruption. It will improve with media exposure and general education ( the anti-VIP movement and the current Panama papers are slowly pushing through)..but its not going to be overnight.

So the question for Gwadar, CPEC, Kamra city or any project in Pakistan is NOT if its a good idea; but whether we will make it work in time
With China heavily involved, and now the military demanding a seat on the table, I think there is a renewed seriousness on just how important CPEC is for Pakistan. Mismanagement and corruption will always be there, the important thing is to contain that corruption, and make sure that it doesn't cause too much damage (which seems to be the reason why the military wants to get heavily involve in CPEC decision making body).

Still, you're correct, we'll see what happens. One of the first things I was taught when going into IT was "the bigger a project gets, the higher the chance of failure".

No it wont. You'll see no improvement until proper educational reform are introduced. I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Nothing happens overnight, unless you have a revolution. Pakistan is already beyond revolutions now, so (and I know this is going to be hard to hear) patience is needed. Pakistanis and sick and tired, but time is needed to fix Pakistan's problems...unless you want to turn into what Egypt has turned into, and I don't think anyone wants that to happen.
Nothing happens overnight, unless you have a revolution. Pakistan is already beyond revolutions now, so (and I know this is going to be hard to hear) patience is needed. Pakistanis and sick and tired, but time is needed to fix Pakistan's problems...unless you want to turn into what Egypt has turned into, and I don't think anyone wants that to happen.
I live in Pakistan so no, What you're saying is neither hard to hear nor a surprise. Education budget needs to be increased to 4% of GDP and every paisa of that budget must be accounted for. The state must provide 12 years of quality education to all students. A revolution through education is what we need. But as I said, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
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Most of the times, the CPEC project is viewed only in the background of Pak-China relationship. The reality is that this project has much wider bearing on the global geostrategic map. Even in the context of Pak-China relations, CPEP project is tremendously beneficial for both countries. If the two nations could succeed in utilizing the CPEC project for even 10% of total Chinese annual exports/imports, that will make Gwadar super shine and turn Dubai to pale. That will also usher a new era for downstream industries (transportation, packaging, hoteling, communications, JVs for manufacturing, services, and what not) in Pakistan. But on a wider canvas, Gwadar is capable of changing global trade routes by attracting Russia too to actively participate in the great game. Unhindered access to warm waters Gwadar will give a whole new dimension for expansion to the Russian industry. What do you think why Russia is inclined to offer its latest military systems to Pakistan? Because India is turning to the West? Russians are willing to sell its latest weapon systems to any or every one willing to pay? No, not exactly! It's the opportunity for Russians to get strategic benefits of the great game through Gwadar without even dropping of an ounce of blood. No wonders, China, Russia, and Pakistan are emerging as a solid strategic nucleolus for regional and global alliances. Now compare the gigantic CPEC project with what Indians are trying to achieve through Chabahar. Compared to tens of billions of dollars being spent under the CPEC project, Indians want to counter it by spending tens of millions in Chabahar. Well, good for them. But a hound cannot compete with a cheetah no matter what you feed it.

Time will tell if it is going to be super success as you have said or turn into something else as the interest of UAE ports are at stake as well and do not forget the new port of Iran underdevelopment. India will succeed no matter what game your nation plays. If Pakistan is confident about its success than why are they proposing rail link between Gwadar and Chabahar.
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