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Gwadar port to be operational by year end :Chinese official

In that difficult terrain ; through such High mountains ; snow fall ; rainfall ; landslides
Laying a railway line in very difficult

Similarly it remains to be seen whether an oil pipeline can pass through such mountainous terrain
and the cost of construction and operation

A road is OK because that is the least difficult to make

That discussion can come later Sir. The wording of the sections quoted above is very careful in what it really says.

Hello Sir ; China ITSELF has bought another Operating and Ready port in Greece which will
be the main distribution Hub for China's merchandise export in Europe


Gwadar will also be used ; But The Greek port fits in with the Road and Rail links that have been developed from China to Europe

The TERRAIN in the Kunjerab pass and the Karakoram mountains is very difficult
Add to it the road is closed for six months in a year due to rain ;snow fall ; landslides

The Tyranny of the terrain is the biggest limitation for the Quantity of goods
that can be transported via Gwadar

This is not true and i have heard this from many indians

Close for 6 months?People travel upto khunjerab pass on bikes
That's great, but a million tons of what exactly for 2017 to go through Gawadar?
Chinese exports and imports to regions such as the middle east for starters would be a large amount of cargo

Which products? Ball point pens?
You know very well China exports many products, from ball point pens to clothes, to machinery...
and there will be an influx of a lot of materials for most of the CPEC projects, especially energy projects
@Syed.Ali.Haider I asked you the question but will do again. A simple no or yes would do. Do you think that Gwadar is flawed at a conceptual level?

I thought I had already answered that question Sir. Gawadar is very important for Pakistan as an alternate to Karachi, and will serve an important role in this regard, undoubtedly.

Chinese exports and imports to regions such as the middle east for starters would be a large amount of cargo

You know very well China exports many products, from ball point pens to clothes, to machinery...
and there will be an influx of a lot of materials for most of the CPEC projects, especially energy projects

Sir, you are entitled to your opinions, but the official reports lay out the situation quite clearly by their assessments.
Well maybe I was not concise in my framing what I meant by "conceptual". I meant as port beyond serving as adjunct to Karachi ~ specifically as a node for the CPEC.

Sir, both the official reports provide the answers, quite clearly, as given above.
First of all the report is only on Gwadar as a port without considering the other investments in the form of CPEC.
The report has stated that there is potential but does not take into account the other investments and how they will change the dynamics of the economy. That report is thus redundant in itself.

The first issue is China and what it will bring into Pakistan in 2017. The first thing that will be bought to Gwadar port is material to develop Gwadar, the city. This itself will provide jobs to the locals as well as alleviate the stress on the other port city, Karachi as the jobs created will attract other workers. Development of a city is part of the CPEC program and feasibility studies are being funded in the form of a grant from the Chinese side which shows they are serious.
So the first thing that will be happen will be that jobs will be created.

There are currently projects around 10000MW plus which are waiting for vital machinery and material which is where the port of Gwadar will be used also. This will create jobs and also helps shore up the economy, reduce cost of production and stop the electricity crisis which is bleeding the country dry. Which is when Gwadar will be used to actually import things that Pakistan and its citizens need. The local industries will take advantage of the port with the local fishing industry and gem industry at the forefront of beneficiaries from this project.

The other part of CPEC envisions movement of fuel from Pakistan to China. The report in 2008 had no inkling about the CPEC or the level of infrastructure that is developing in this project or the rapid improvement of the security situation. The level of importance given by the army to clean up the area of any trouble makers and raise a force dedicated to protect the route speaks volumes.This movement of goods will create jobs also as well as create quite a lot of money for repair of roads and repayment of loans. As for security, we manage to do well with our Sui gas supply line, we shall manage other pipelines also in the same way.

As for what China will move or export, the port is no longer under the Singapore port authority but under Chinese now. This shows that there is a genuine need for the port from their side. The issue at hand is understanding that the majority of movement occurs from two cities in China, and they are both not as feasible for China as Gwadar is. Also China has been working on Industrial zones in Xinjiang province and other areas which would boost domestic industry in those areas and help keep the economy growing. Chinese analysts have been very optimistic that the development of Gwadar will bring stability and growth to the Xinjiang province and beyond. This is because the labour costs and special privileges given to businesses in this province will make a lot of labour extensive businesses or energy extensive companies move to this region. Also petrochemicals will be on the list of items which will come through this port.

Also there are the land locked countries and the security implications. The issue at hand is whether other countries will use Pakistan instead of other ports, and this is a valid question. But as China is running the port it will want it to be a success and will help us convince other nations to use this route. Also the route through Iran runs through Afghanistan while our route will run through China. I think you have an idea which one would be safer.
@Armstrong read and do your smart economic mumbo jumbo on this and make it sound technical
@Oscar I thought you would be interested
Also editted to include the Saudi interest in CPEC
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@Oscar @Gufi @All-Green @Kaptaan

I think I've got it. A comprehensive study I think.

This port is expected to earn around $60 billion per year for Pakistan from transit trade alone provided it is fully functional meeting all the requirements.

The above has been quoted from the 434 page report's conclusion. See if you can find the facts on which the claim is based on. But somehow I doubt you'll find them.


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@Syed.Ali.Haider I am not for one who falls for hype. At my age I am rather cynical and that even applies to Islam. However I do see at conceptual level this CPEC going places. Note I used CPEC. Gwadar based on domestic Pakistani market or even Central Asia is without doubt "No No".

However within the context of CPEC it is altogather on another plane. For me the billion dollar question is not the potential of this project but whether Pakistan can rise to the challange. Gwadar keeps coming up again and again so I am doing some reading and will open a thread laying down the rationale behind CPEC.

And those reports you cite are not the "be end of all". Reports by their very nature are subjective and will sing to the tune set by whoever commisioned them. I used to think medical reports are objective. After some experiance I now see even they can fluctuate from one report to another.
And those reports you cite are not the "be end of all". Reports by their very nature are subjective and will sing to the tune set by whoever commisioned them.

What an interesting comment. The two reports above were commissioned by the Government.
Thats how we will take your beef away, its got nothing to do with confidence.

Who told you that? That wasnt true even 10 years back when KKH wasnt extended enough in width .Right now it offers minimal blockade in case of mud slides., which gets cleared within hours - to a day or two depending upon how intensive it is.

In the house of Karma the Law of Intention of an individual and nation as a whole is date stamped and higher divine powers will decide the outcome. How many attempts has your country made in the past by trying to create and exploit the unrest in neighbouring countries? Whether it is economically viable for both countries and question on security of the transport routs has not been discussed in view of the Independence movement underway in Balochistan.

By the way my country is in North America and you cannot do anything to change. I can send you some beef from here but will be cruel to the calves . I believe in non violence and peace.

How far is the highway from the Hindu Kush earth quake prone area? I tried to read on internet but am unable to find relevant information to my question. If you find any link please post it.
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In that difficult terrain ; through such High mountains ; snow fall ; rainfall ; landslides
Laying a railway line in very difficult

Similarly it remains to be seen whether an oil pipeline can pass through such mountainous terrain
and the cost of construction and operation

A road is OK because that is the least difficult to make
In that difficult terrain ; through such High mountains ; snow fall ; rainfall ; landslides
Laying a railway line in very difficult

Similarly it remains to be seen whether an oil pipeline can pass through such mountainous terrain
and the cost of construction and operation

A road is OK because that is the least difficult to make

The KKH is being modernaized, improved and expanded to operate throughout the year in all kinds of weather. With the technology that exisit today, nothing is impossible.
Oil and gasfields in northern Alaska, which has a comparable landscape and climate as the Karakorum area, is pumped all the way south to the US. Why can't it be done in Pakistan? Chinese have the money and the technology. above all, they have the will power to make it happen.
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