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Gwadar Port may be given to China


May 12, 2009
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Gwadar Port may be given to China

GWADAR: The news that Gwadar port is all set to be taken away from the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) and is likely to be given to the Chinese may have repercussions that go much beyond its white sand shores.

Official sources confirm that “an understanding to that effect has already developed at the highest levels but it will take a while before the legal and administrative constraints are removed.” The biggest constraint remains the agreement with the PSA, which was given the right to run the port for 40 years. However, official sources are confident that the PSA had given them sufficient grounds to revoke the agreement. Apart from its failure to bring a single commercial ship to the Gwadar docks, the PSA has not invested even a fraction of the $525 million it had committed to spend in five years.
“The port should have gone to the Chinese, who built it largely from their own investment, in the first place,” says Baloch nationalist Rauf Khan Sasoli, who accuses former President Pervez Musharraf of giving it to the PSA “to please his American masters.”

It may not be easy for Pakistan as the move has the potential to throw the regional geo-politics into a tailspin. Analyst Farman Kakar sees it as a paradigm shift in what he calls the new Eurasian great game over energy. It does add a new perspective to the pipeline warfare that was seen earlier as the battle between two competing pipelines - Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) and Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI). The geo-strategic rivalry was believed to be the real basis for much of the action that has taken place in and around Afghanistan in the last two decades.

The move to hand over Gwadar to China, among other things, may just be the first step to replace the erstwhile IPI into a new reality - Iran-Pakistan-China (IPC). The acronym already stood dissolved after India backed out of the Iran-Pakistan gas deal.

It will mean much more than the transfer of power at the Gwadar port. The Chinese will build Gwadar as tax-free industrial hub which may include oil and gas refineries and a network of roads and railways from Gwadar to China through the ancient silk route. An ambitious deal to build railways along the Khunjrab pass has already been signed between Pakistan and China.

The Chinese are more suited to develop the Gwadar port and the network of rail and roads in Balochistan as they have experience and the muscle to work in the troublesome part of Pakistan. “They are already in Saindak and have completed Gwadar despite repeated kidnappings and attacks on their employees,” said journalist Behram Baloch. “China may be the only country which can work under the difficult Balochistan conditions.”

The Chinese have the capacity to not only make Gwadar port viable but can complete the expansion plan, which includes increasing the existing three berths to 18 by 2014. The volume of the Chinese trade is so much that Gwadar can beat regional giants like Dubai hands down if China could divert only a fraction of its trade to pass to its burgeoning western regions through the mighty Karakorams.

This might herald Gwadar’s entry into the league of cities that it always deserved but was denied by the currents of history. It has all the ingredients that should make it an exotic 21st century city - a deepwater port equipped with a network of rail and roadways, industrial tax-free zones and oil and natural gas pipelines, extending north into China on one side and through a stabilised Afghanistan into Central Asia on the other. Gwadar offers to become a gateway to landlocked, hydrocarbon-rich Central Asia; the hub of a new Silk Road, both land and maritime; a regional centre of trans-shipping heralding Pakistan’s drift into Middle East rather than the traditional subcontinent polemics. What it lacks is the political stability - an essential requirement for any grand agenda to materialise.

This may be the weakest link that invites trouble from all the powers whose perceived interests get affected in Gwadar. So we have a theatre of proxy war where everybody, from CIA, Mossad, RAW, Khad to M15, may be involved in festering trouble in our backyard. For all its dreamy features, Gwadar trickles not just the local imagination but it ripples across the world over.

The project is bound to arch lots of eyebrows in India on our east and NATO forces, read the US, sitting on our right flank. China has capitalised on India’s loss. Beijing and Islamabad had set up an agreement whereby China would import most of this Iranian gas left by India. Islamabad hopes to make a billion dollar a year just from transit fee.

Gwadar is the ideal transit corridor for China to import oil and gas from Iran and the Persian Gulf. It represents a cheaper and safer alternative route than the Strait of Malacca, where Beijing faces problems of piracy and which is under US sphere of influence. Analyst say even the Russians may not have an issue with the advent of the IPC.

With Iranian gas diverted to south Asia, Russia’s Gazprom has one rival less for the European market. Brussels was relying on Nabucci pipeline, which bypasses Russia, to lessen its reliance on the Russian gas. But the Nabucco project is dependent on gas from either Iran or Turkmenistan. The Turkmenistan distribution is controlled by Russia. The IPC can deprive the Nabucco project of its second major source.

It’s a nightmare scenario for Washington. Even the TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India) pipeline, if things go well for the US in Afghanistan, may become TAPC (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-China).

This might be a vindication for all those ‘conspiracy theorists’ who have always claimed that the real reason for the American war on terror was this energy game. This makes Pakistan, actually Gwadar, the most important theatre of war in the coming days. It becomes even more important for Pakistan to handle the Balochistan issue, mend its fences with the estranged pawns in this grand game of global chess.

Robert Kaplan wrote about Gwadar that its development would either unlock the riches of Central Asia, or plunge Pakistan into a savage, and potentially terminal, civil war. The way things are going in Balochistan we seem headed towards the second option.

Gwadar Port may be given to China Special Report on Balochistan
The project is bound to arch lots of eyebrows in India on our east and NATO forces, read the US, sitting on our right flank.

I don't buy it. Hasn't this always been about China? Their investment, their manpower, their strategic vision, their everything. I saw this coming months ago even from my armchair. No eyebrows will be raised anywhere in the world.

The key question is - how to achieve this without hurting the sentiments of Pakistani populace. Of course, isn't that supposed to be 'THE jewel in their crown'?
I agree the strategic balance in the region which at the moment favours americans will shift towards chinese because chinese will most certainly need a naval base in Gawadar to secure shipping supplies and might also pave the way for her African ambitions.
I don't buy it. Hasn't this always been about China? Their investment, their manpower, their strategic vision, their everything. I saw this coming months ago even from my armchair. No eyebrows will be raised anywhere in the world.

The key question is - how to achieve this without hurting the sentiments of Pakistani populace. Of course, isn't that supposed to be 'THE jewel in their crown'?

The problem is the lack of initiative between the federal and Balochistan government. Federal government called in the Chinese to build the port.

Then they build the massively expensive but beautiful Makran Coastal Highway.

Balochistan wants the control, but Gwader being a strategic issue seems to be taking shape of Sui gas fields. The only different being that Sui was rapidly developed. Gwader must be given to China so it can start contributing to both the national and Balochistan economy.
It wont be easy at all for Pakistani Government... It vl only add fuel in the Balochistan unrest...
I agree the strategic balance in the region which at the moment favours americans will shift towards chinese because chinese will most certainly need a naval base in Gawadar to secure shipping supplies and might also pave the way for her African ambitions.
I doubt that will be a good move from GoP to allow China to have a naval base on its soil... but all will depend on how much money can be made out of this arrangement I guess... after all money matters.
I doubt that will be a good move from GoP to allow China to have a naval base on its soil... but all will depend on how much money can be made out of this arrangement I guess... after all money matters.

Why isn't it a good idea.

The article doesn't says about a military presence, rather it is emphasizing on the port control by the Chinese and its further development, which the current operator has not done. Once China gets the port, it will further invest in it, in the infrastructure and it will become a corridor for the Chinese to easily export and import products to China, compared to the lengthy distance of sea route.

It will benefit Pakistan a lot, infrastructure development would mean for us better opportunities, Foreign Investment will come, even Chinese may put up some factories in Pakistan to further reduce costs, similarly MNC can set up projects in Pakistan.

Export opportunities, as well as revenues from the port business.

Road to Central Asian countries can open, which can bring in further revenues.

It can become an energy corridor for China as well as for export.

Lot of opportunities.

But condition is we play our cards the right way.

This article is not talking about military presence.

But still if it becomes the place as said, it may attract quiet attention and China may house a small naval presence to protect its interests.
There should not be any ifs or buts regarding this issue. Military strategists should think in a broader way. We need China in Balochistan. HOWEVER, money should be spent on Balochis, not Punjabis, Sindhis or Pukhtoons.
gud if it happens.
its in china's self interest to connect itself with gwadar and therefore they ll be more willing to make all the necessary investment. secondly as the writer ritly pointed, only china is well placed to work successfully in balochistan.
and pakistan is not just gettin 1 bn dollar as a transit fee, rather much greater benefit will be via better connectivity of pakistani cities through improved rail road network and integration of pakistani economy with that of china and central asia. also we ll be gettin a new city.

how easy will it be to revoke our agreement with PSA is still to be seen. they can always go to international bodies and rightly argue that they were not given enough land as was promissed by GoP.
I doubt that will be a good move from GoP to allow China to have a naval base on its soil... but all will depend on how much money can be made out of this arrangement I guess... after all money matters.

For india it will be a nightmare because indians see China as a threat, while for Pakistan China is the most trusted ally, not only seen as the most trusted ally from the GoP but also from the PoP (People of Pakistan).

Chinese Naval bases in South Asian countries will make indians piss in their pajamas.

Whatever works against india's national interest, works best for Pakistan's national interest.

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