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(Gwadar Development Overview) Escrow account to control developers

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Sep 1, 2016
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Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) had issued NOCs to about 100 developers out of which 75 were for private Housing Schemes. These NOCs were issued more or less 10 years ago. But no one has come up with any kind of development on their part as per commitment according to NOCs but on the other hand these developers have usurped the plot buyers’ money and are not any more in contact with the buyers about their further programme and schedule for payment and development. GDA must take action against them to safe guard the buyers’ money.

Buyers of property in UAE had to face a similar situation and then the Emirati government had to introduce escrow account to safe guard buyers’ money.

Escrow is an account usually managed by the government on behalf of parties e.g. the developer and the buyer. The payment to the developer is released at different stages of construction. Thus the interest of the client is safe guarded. The same scenario of UAE real estate could be repeated here, when such crisis occurred in UAE and developers who had sold, “off-plan properties” fled along with public money deposited by the clients as advance payments and installments.

Water shortage

Here it is commented that although GDA is putting in a lot of hard work to implement its master plan and to execute the envisaged projects, there is no ground water in the Gwadar region as the strata underneath is impervious clay and marine soil laid down by the ocean which existed on most of Baluchistan in ancient times. This ocean receded and thus Baluchistan’s land mass emerged, that is why most of the mountains in Gwadar are clayey and calcareous. But until the water supply is ensured by production from desalination plants or from Akra and new Swad dams, or from Mirani Dam to cater for Gwadar area, the private housing schemes and other projects cannot properly take off.

Trunk infrastructure

Trunk infrastructure like trunk sewerage along with treatment and disposal plants as well as water supply main pipe lines should be installed before taking up any road work. This will also be required for giving connections to the private housing schemes, without which no housing scheme can start.

Drip course irrigation from treated sewage

Waste water can also be effectively used after treatment by drip course system of irrigation for horticulture and silvi culture purposes, in which water is circulated through small tubes throwing water drop by drop into the roots of the plants. Treated water can also be used through sprinklers for irrigation. UAE has also adopted this system very effectively.

Water conservation

Due to shortage of water a policy of conservation of water will have to be made effective in all the housing schemes where a metered water supply should be adhered to and two stage flush water cisterns with lesser water volumes should be allowed to be installed in the wash rooms.

New Town Gwadar

New Town, opposite old town, is also coming up under the supervision of the district administration. Many beautiful houses have been constructed but without proper sewerage infrastructure. The disposal of sullage water and storm water can create the problem of water logging in this housing scheme.

Structural design of building in view of seismic effect

This region of Gwadar has a history of seismic activity, where a small scale earth quake has recently struck the area of Awaran which is in the north of Gwadar. An earth quake factor will also have to be taken into account while designing the building structure in this region.

Widening and inprovement of KK highway

I have travelled by land from Urmaqi to Kashghar a few years ago. Kashghar is no longer the same old under-developed town. China has transformed it into a big and beautiful city, where very big markets have emerged; developed for the neighboring countries which are Kirgystan, Tadjikstan, Uzbekiston, Kazkhistan and even Pakistan. Traders from Gilgit can travel to this area without passport only on a permit issued by the district administration of Gilgit.

Then I travelled from Kashghar to Tashkargan by bus which is about eight hours’ distance. Tashkargan to Khunjrab is another eight hours drive which is extremely scenic and has no parallel in the world. Tashkargan by itself is a very beautiful and methodically developed town surrounded by snow clad mountains. Infrastructure development and city planning has been done in a proper Chinese style with organised markets and community center of the town, etc.

This town adjoins Tadjikstan and carries the same culture which is Russian dominated. This used to be part of Pakistan and President Ayyb Khan gifted this stretch from Khunjrab to Tashkargan to China in order to avoid the nieghbourhood of former USSR.

Economic development along corridor

For the economic development of the areas along western corridor industrialisation connected with minerals development should be encouraged and financed. The end products can be shipped back to China and to Gwadar port for export. These industries may comprise products from gypsem, marble, lime stone, silica, and a number of precious metals. Other industries to process local fruits products from dates, apples, cherries and pomegranates are needed to be established here. Sea food farming as well as pearl farming set up is also needed to be established in Gwadar.

Makran coastal highway

The road condition of coastal highway is very good except at two places which were under reconditioning and repair. Otherwise salute to NHA and its contractor” Frontier Works Organisation”(FWO) that constructed such a good road which was commenced in year 2001 and completed in five years and is giving good service from last 10 years.

Source: Pakistantoday website
Author: CM Mukhtar

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