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Gwadar and Vadinar Oil Ports (INDIA ): To China and Russia, With Love!

Bhai bura mat maanyo...

Please be civil - you can attack his argument, not his lineage. He is obviously impressed by:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stephen Frand Cohen (born November 25, 1938) is an American scholar and professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton University and New York University.[1][2][3] His academic work concentrates on modern Russian history since the Bolshevik Revolution and the country's relationship with the United States. Cohen is married to Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of the progressive magazine The Nation, where he is also a contributing editor.
Just one question, How the Indians are hoping to allow Russians access to the "warm waters" of Arabian Sea? By building some sort of space bridge which will bypass China and Pakistan? OR, they have got some sort of understanding with China for this purpose, the same China they used as a pretext for their nuke testing and selling themselves to west and America in particular as the bulwark against? Considering the hostility between West and Russia, and India being the darling of anglo-Saxons, lets see how far this figment of imagination last.

A lot of typical Indian verbal diarrhea I noticed in the article when the writer mentioned that Pakistan used the "Taliban" back in the days against the Soviet union. Those who are familiar with the chronological evolution of the Taliban movement will have a chuckle.

And also notice how they tried to snatch what we are saying and writing....I mean we were saying that USSR invaded Afghanistan for warm water port (for gwadar) ....Now Indians have also started saying this with changing gwadar with vadinar port.....What copy cats they are....it means that they don't want Russia to join Gwadar port and are showing/portraying Vadinar port as alternative to Gwadar port....
Wow... Stephan posted an article. It may happen based on this article he may not have every detail about the deal.
Then me being another Indian decoded the whole thing and scheme.
But now Stephan is barometer of Indian intelligentia.
Must say for ur selective reading that u are disgrace for the title of "Elite member".
ELITE among whom... A bunch of retards making fun for other religions when they have nothing much to same.

↑↑↑↑↑ Another proof of Indian intelligance!!
Elite means you have reached certain no of posts, an Elite member does not have to be smarter than other and his posts will be very intelligent posts. So me being Elite member doesn't prove my posts will be intelligent. Buy you did prove one thing, you are not as smart as me :)
Just leave Gawadar alone and mind your own business will you?
What are you india? A country or a jelous woman?
Eventually Russia will use CPEC.

What for ; Russia has direct LAND connection to China and Central Asian countries

Iran too is very close to Russia

The Indian port which we have sold to Russia will help Russian oil companies and other
industries investing in India
What for ; Russia has direct LAND connection to China and Central Asian countries

Iran too is very close to Russia

The Indian port which we have sold to Russia will help Russian oil companies and other
industries investing in India
Chinese infrastructure ..secured and developed. Has Chinese security. Iranian are hard bargainer.
Chinese infrastructure ..secured and developed. Has Chinese security. Iranian are hard bargainer.

Theoretically speaking
For Russia to use CPEC it will lead to enormous transport costs
which are simply unnecessary and meaningless

Given that Russia and China share a Land border and can easily trade through that
Theoretically speaking
For Russia to use CPEC it will lead to enormous transport costs
which are simply unnecessary and meaningless

Given that Russia and China share a Land border and can easily trade through that
Well, for gas transport initial cost will be too high , don t know how Iran Russia and India will divide the cost of building infrastructure.
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What for ; Russia has direct LAND connection to China and Central Asian countries

Iran too is very close to Russia

The Indian port which we have sold to Russia will help Russian oil companies and other
industries investing in India

Russia transports a number of its goods through Xinjiang which can easily be connected to Pakistan if they wish to export to the Middle East. Russian policy on Pakistan is changing the last time we received any investment was in the 1970s...now they will invest up to $5 billion...plus they are selling some of their equipment to us.
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