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Gwadar’s Crisis

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Gwadar’s Crisis
September 05, 2016/ 1 Comment


Despite over a decade of hearing that Gwadar will soon become the next “Dubai”, conditions on ground do not support the optimism of Gwadar becoming a bustling trade hub any time soon. The government has failed to resolve the water and electricity issues of the area. Residents are compelled to collect water from distant areas of the district and many people have left the port city because of the water crisis.

The major source of water in Gwadar is rainwater, collected and stored in the Ankara Daur dam. Completed in 1993, the dam was built at a time when Gwadar’s population was far smaller than it is today. The reservoir is not enough to serve the needs of the current population of the district. Due to long droughts, the reservoir often dries up and there is no other source of drinking water. While the PML-N has been busy making roads upon roads for buses and trains, building some dams should have been a more urgent priority.

The Federal Minister for Planning Development and Reforms, Ahsan Iqbal, while expressing his views about delay in projects in Balochistan in a Parliamentary Committee on Saturday, said that no project in the province could be completed unless the capacity of the local governments and provincial departments were enhanced. While the federal government and Ministry seem impotent to catalyse efficiency, we must look to China to pressure local departments to make sure facilities are present and working. It is unfortunate that we are unable to keep our house in order, and have to rely on an outside power to tell us what to do, whether is the US, China or IMF. Yet what must be remembered is that for China this project is to generate wealth, not generate development of the people of Pakistan. It is up to the government to make sure that the there is some opportunity for locals, whether through better facilities like roads, water and power, or through making sure that CPEC creates job for the people of the region rather than putting them out of work and trapping them further in a poverty cycle.

If this is how it’s going to be until China completes the CPEC, we will see unrest among the people of Gwadar, and Balochistan in general. Just like all other development projects in Balochistan, the CPEC may just turn out to be another way to take advantage of the region, fill the pockets of the businessmen and the elites, while the local population starves as usual waiting for the wealth accumulation to trickle down to them. The externality of this mega-project must not be to further widen the income gaps in Balochistan, and this water crisis is this externality unfolding in front of us.
"It is unfortunate that we are unable to keep our house in order, and have to rely on an outside power to tell us what to do, whether is the US, China or IMF. Yet what must be remembered is that for China this project is to generate wealth, not generate development of the people of Pakistan"

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/gwadar’s-crisis.447802/#ixzz4JNOA2R9H
"It is unfortunate that we are unable to keep our house in order, and have to rely on an outside power to tell us what to do, whether is the US, China or IMF. Yet what must be remembered is that for China this project is to generate wealth, not generate development of the people of Pakistan"

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/gwadar’s-crisis.447802/#ixzz4JNOA2R9H
The author is an idiot but Gwadar definitely has issues that have been ignored by Nawaz govt. Drinkable water, electricity , natural gas and a new harbor for the local fishermen are some of the much needed things.
Nothing is perfect in this world. Every project will be marred by problems. There is no magic wand. It is in Pakistan's best interest to cooperate with China to make CPEC a success. All the naysayers and critics can do is talk and criticize. They don't have any alternatives or solutions. Tell me one nation in the world today who would spend tens of billions of dollars (be it for their own benefit) in another country? I can assure you there are virtually none. Stop criticizing and be as helpful as you can. Otherwise, you can be rest assured that Balochistan/Gwadar will only remain a prospect on paper.
Its not even complete yet???????

This is pre-rona

Read the other articles on the site. Pessimism and criticizing for the sake of criticism seems to be the motto at nation.com.pk Who needs pessimists and enemies when you have such people among your own nation? Nothing seems good to these people.
Read the other articles on the site. Pessimism and criticizing for the sake of criticism seems to be the motto at nation.com.pk Who needs pessimists and enemies when you have such people among your own nation? Nothing seems good to these people.

Its vested interest that's the problem

At the moment PML N is in power so everyone else wants to pan anything they do, so you even have beghairats from PPP who were terrible in government pretending to know economics

These people have no shame or national interest
Its vested interest that's the problem

At the moment PML N is in power so everyone else wants to pan anything they do, so you even have beghairats from PPP who were terrible in government pretending to know economics

These people have no shame or national interest

It is that and many are also paid content writers. Pay them and tell them to write anything.

There is a reason why the Americans seem undeterred in their endeavors inside Pakistan. They have enough Shakil Afridi's to choose from, but that has been Pakistan's story all along, unfortunately.
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gwador is not in crisis but it's the enemies of gwador who are feeling the heat now
Author is an idiot and readers are ignorant, water desalination and a 300 MW power project at Gawadar are part of CPEC.

Oh bhai hello , they are part of CPEC so does that mean PMLN doesnt need to care shit and wait till Chinese come here and build the plant?

There was a desalination plant that started working back in 2006 but never met the complete requirements and went hard down. the work on it has only resumed last month, where were PMLN shers for last three years..?They had their coalition partners there for first half and right now in government. Were they sleeping for last 3 years?


NAB Chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, taking notice of the undue delay, ordered NAB Balochistan to conduct an inquiry. BDA officials and the contractors were investigated. Relevant records were collected, concerned people were examined and a ground check was conducted. Finally, the officials and contractors agreed to resume work.

Same thing for the 300MW plant. There is no network and medium for distribution..The Plants alone wouldnt give you anything . The reality so far for this inept govt. is that operating a plant there is more expensive for them so they would rather just buy it from Iran.

The priorities are saving buck for myself not giving relief to the people.
NAB Chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, taking notice of the undue delay, ordered NAB Balochistan to conduct an inquiry. BDA officials and the contractors were investigated. Relevant records were collected, concerned people were examined and a ground check was conducted. Finally, the officials and contractors agreed to resume work.

so you actually wanted PM to go there himself with a notebook, pencil and screw driver and fix it all?
dude read my post again and then come back and comment it.

I actually read your post twice after you asked me to, then I realized it not worth commenting it
only because you have very strong arguments and i am speechless...great post

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