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Gullible Indians Buying into Fake Propaganda on LOC

Bullets don't differentiate between military vs. civilian or good vs bad.

If people are foolish they die.

I am happy that Indian Military is projecting that they are winning. I hope they are really winning too discounting the propaganda.

One is in a war to win it not lose it.

Even if the whole "muh jihadi infilttrator" argument was true, why on earth would they place a training camp in the middle of a village, in a single structure, at the bottom of an open valley, clearly in view of an Indian outpost?

You'd have to be braindead to accept this as anything other than intentional targeting of civillian population, there is clearly no military structure there.

Then they go broadcast a burning house as some great victory to their entire nation, pathetic is the only word to describe it.
You underestimate human stupidity and desperation.

Fear trumps everything else including claimed "Stupidity"

Even if the whole "muh jihadi infilttrator" argument was true, why on earth would they place a training camp in the middle of a village, in a single structure, at the bottom of an open valley, clearly in view of an Indian outpost?

You'd have to be braindead to accept this as anything other than intentional targeting of civillian population, there is clearly no military structure there.

Then they go broadcast a burning house as some great victory to their entire nation, pathetic is the only word to describe it.

Who knows who and how many are on the other side of the LOC?

If you have an opportunity to take it down then it is better to take it down.

It is better to be safe than to be sorry.
I said this , this morning

The Indians and bakhts especially are very prone to circle jerking

This is where they work themselves up into a frothy tizzy on nothing more then obscure tweets
Unknown sauces
My friend said this but can't say more
My family member said this but can't say more

My view is that Indian media and bakht social media is a tool to calm the tits of the bakht fanboys

I will give you an example,
A couple of days ago one of our team's got hold of a Indian soldier and went to work on him and I mean some truly medieval levels of brutality were inflicted on the poor fcuks, mangled him beyond words

The current hot LOC is a result of that and a number of recent sf action by us

Now for the Indians this loss is simply not enough to calm their crazy bakhts by saying the usual LOC mortars etc were fired at each others posts, even if was a intense firing episode
Because they know that both sides have the capability to match each other

Hence this is where tweets, unknown sauces come in

They tell the bakht fanboys that apart from the normal some great Bollywood victory was won
They destroyed some camp
They killed the lord supreme commander of let
The annihilated the SSG supreme hq

And this calms the bakhts and allows them to circle jerk, and the bakht fanboys place more trust in these tweets or sauces then verified media or report's

In a way it allows the Indian military space from the bakht fanboys pressure to do something after we hit them

Who knows who and how many are on the other side of the LOC?

If you have an opportunity to take it down then it is better to take it down.

It is better to be safe than to be sorry.

What are you blaberring on about? The indian outpost clearly has a view of the entire village and knows exactly what they are targeting.

Killing civillians because "its better to be safe than sorry" is a disgusting hitler-esque mentality, do you not have a single ounce of decency or shame?
What are you blaberring on about? The indian outpost clearly has a view of the entire village and knows exactly what they are targeting.

Killing civillians because "its better to be safe than sorry" is a disgusting hitler-esque mentality, do you not have a single ounce of decency or shame?

I pay my military to protect me. If this deters a suicide bomber blowing up some Indians then I fully support it.
I pay my military to protect me. If this deters a suicide bomber blowing up some Indians then I fully support it.
Seems like that money is being used to fool people like you rather than protect you. But hey oh, if you beat war drums, I hope you get some too :)
but those who fire those bullets are not as dumb, idiot and ignorant as the bullets can be .... so it mean its INTENTIONAL ....

Unlike Pakistani Military, Indian Military is ill equipped and ill trained. There is no way for the Indian soldiers to know who is on the other side of the LOC.
Unlike Pakistani Military, Indian Military is ill equipped and ill trained. There is no way for the Indian soldiers to know who is on the other side of the LOC.
But the same indian soldier will rape you indian mother and says she was a terrorist. You dumb f
Terror Camps right next to the LOC, guess only an Indian mind can comeup with that logic.

The mind also came up with the logic that the pilot of the F16 that was shot down was lynched by the local villagers because the villagers thought he was an Indian pilot. The mind forgot that the pilot would be wearing PAF's uniform while flying the F16's.
But the same indian soldier will rape you indian mother and says she was a terrorist. You dumb f

Even if I agree to your hypothesis above, it still does not change the fact that Indian soldiers do not know who is on the other side of the LOC.
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