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Gulf states deflecting from domestic ‘realities’: Iran


May 9, 2007
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Gulf Arab states accusing Iran of meddling in their internal affairs are trying to deflect attention from civil movements protesting for more rights, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman said on Tuesday.

“Repeating these claims will not change the realities in the region,” Ramin Mehmanparast said in a statement relayed by Iranian media.

“These kind of claims are old and have no use, and rather it is more about escaping responding to the social demands of the people than being based on realities,” he said.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which groups Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, on Sunday reiterated its allegation of Iranian “interference” in some of their internal issues.

The GCC also again voiced its backing of the UAE in a dispute with Iran over three Gulf islands claimed by both countries.

Mehmanparast dismissed the island issue, saying: “The islands of Abu Musa, and Greater and Lesser Tunbs are inseparable parts of the Islamic Republic of Iran and will remain forever Iranian.”

On Sunday, Gulf Arab foreign ministers had said a plan to integrate their six countries, proposed by Saudi Arabia last year as a response to Middle East turmoil, needed more discussion after they met in Jeddah on Sunday.

Saudi King Abdullah had urged the Gulf Cooperation Council to move “to the stage of unity in a single entity” at the end of a speech in December that focused on last year’s Arab uprisings and a perceived threat from Iran.

“Given the need for more time and discussion, the council decided to assign the general secretariat with finalizing the viewpoints of member countries and presenting them to the ministerial council in its next session to study and give a recommendation on it to the supreme council,” the GCC said in a statement after the meeting.

The statement did not disclose what form unity might take or the views of the different members.

Before a GCC summit in May, there had been widespread speculation in Gulf Arab countries that some form of closer union would be announced, but after discussing the idea, the leaders said they needed more time to study it.

Gulf sources said at the time that not all the countries supported the idea of moving towards a closer union.
coming soon the time when will be started to intervent to iranian internal affairs such as al-qaede,mujahids of people,embargos,jundullah,angry people because of high inflation;expensivity of live and uncountable much lots of internal affair that are able to make iran an atomic bomb ready to explode...after US's elections israel+us will do this at a incredible mastery level.those are last inflamatory statements by iranian side before destruction :undecided:
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