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'Gulf News' Disgusting Attack on Pakistan Has No Place in Dubai’s 2020 Vision


Oct 10, 2012
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By Dan Qayyum

I consider myself privileged to be able to live and work in one of the most dynamic and forward looking cities in the world. Dubai, if you’ve never visited, is a wonderful melting pot of different cultures, and a delightful example of how different nations can not only coexist in perfect harmony, but excel and contribute to achieve incredible feats. You could be stood on an elevator and find yourself sharing the space with ten different nationalities. Visit the food court of any of Dubai’s malls and you’ll find hundreds of nationalities consuming a variety of different cuisines representing all corners of the globe.

When Dubai won the rights to host the 2020 Expo last month, the news was received with jubilation across the nation – with Expats and locals hugging and congratulating each other as they watched the celebratory fireworks lighting up the Dubai skyline. Expatriates, including those hailing from Pakistan, took out massive rallies as a show of support to Dubai and to congratulate its efforts.

Imagine then, my dismay this morning when picking up Gulf News – the most widely read English daily newspaper in this region. The front page carries an editorial demanding explanation from Pakistan for its ‘betrayal’, as Gulf News calls it, for not voting for Dubai’s bid in the voting that took place last month to determine the winning bid.

Here’s why I think this is a disgusting piece of so called ‘journalism’ attempting to sow discord among the populace.

Firstly, Pakistan is an independent and sovereign nation, with its own foreign policy and interests. Voting is a democratic process, with each voter having the right to vote for whichever candidate it wishes, without having its motives questioned or explanations demanded. Gulf News obviously has zero intention to publish the full results of the voting and criticize others who haven’t voted for Dubai. Why target Pakistan? What is the motive?

Secondly, Pakistan committed its vote to another nation it has extremely friendly ties with – Turkey. Pakistan pledged its vote to Turkey months before Dubai made a late entry into the bidding process for Expo 2020 in late 2011. After fulfilling its pledge to vote for Izmir in the first voting round, Pakistan switched to Dubai and supported it in the next two voting rounds, leading to Dubai’s win.

Since its inception, UAE’s relations with Pakistan have been exemplary. Pakistanis constitute one of the largest and most diverse set of expat communities in the UAE, woven into the fabric of the local economy. Pakistanis own and run business, restaurants, retail outlets, educational institutions, and are the third highest investors in Dubai’s real-estate market. Pakistanis have also worked for decades as waiters, construction workers, delivery men, and taxi drivers. Pakistan’s government has been a key contributor to the UAE in setting up its vital national institutions since the late 70s, including Emirates Airlines which today stands proud as the World’s leading carrier.

Among the first aircraft flown by Emirates in mid 1980s were an Airbus A300 and Boeing 737, leased from Pakistan. Pakistani crew worked hand in hand with their Emirati counterparts in getting Emirates in the air. Even today Pakistani military and civilians contribute massively in training and assisting their Emirati counterparts in many technical fields.

The UAE has been appreciative of Pakistan’s contribution to the evolution of key institutions in the Emirates such as armed forces, police, health and education, and has reciprocated in the same friendly manner to the full satisfaction of Pakistan. It has been one of Pakistan’s key supporters diplomatically and is responsible for a number of development programmes in Pakistan. The UAE is among Pakistan’s most important economic and trade partners.

The above is a very tiny detail of the much broader exemplary relations enjoyed by thes two nations which have stood the test and trials of time. Which is why it is an absolutely shameful, if not criminal, attempt by Gulf News to create a rift between the two.

The reader’s comments section of Gulf News is filled with comments from outraged residents, not just Pakistanis, calling for action against those responsible for allowing such a bigoted, baseless, and despicable editorial to go to press. It goes against everything that Dubai’s ruler HH Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum has supported and promoted over the years – peaceful coexistence and inclusiveness leading to personal and social growth, which makes Dubai an example for the rest of the world.

The celebratory mood in the Emirate will continue, its Pakistani residents will participate wholeheartedly to continue to take Dubai to newer heights. Hosting the 2020 Expo brings a lot of attention from the entire world’s media and last thing Dubai needs is negative press. One only has to look across to Qatar to see how hosting a global event can backfire from a PR perspective. Thankfully Dubai has no such concerns that have bogged down the Doha World Cup campaign.

Which is why the shameful editorial by Gulf News has no place in the vision Dubai is working to achieve for 2020, and nothing short of a front page apology and the immediate resignation of those responsible will suffice.

Dan Qayyum - is an editor and analyst at PKKH.tv – writing on Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Dan also writes for the defense and security journal Fortress Magazine, published out of Karachi, Pakistan, and is a senior research fellow at the Pakistan Institute of Strategic Affairs.

Source: PKKH.tv
Gulf news must apologize to Pakistani community... this is such a shameful yellow journalism .... no journalism etiquette is ever taught to gulf news editors.. it seems.. no proper investigative reporting is ever shown in Gulf news.. plus the news against Pakistan had not mentioned any name of the reporter also..
Gulf news must apologize to Pakistani community... this is such a shameful yellow journalism .... no journalism etiquette is ever taught to gulf news editors.. it seems.. no proper investigative reporting is ever shown in Gulf news.. plus the news against Pakistan had not mentioned any name of the reporter also..

Its their editorial

Letters to editor: Pakistan’s official response
Damaging relations

The front page Op-Ed published in the Gulf News of December 15, 2013 together with a scathing editorial titled “UAE deserves answers from Pakistan and Afghanistan” is apparently an orchestrated attempt to damage and defame the historic fraternal relations between Pakistan and the UAE. Not only is the language offensive, the article is factually incorrect. The Editorial Board seems to be unaware of the facts regarding official interaction between the two countries, at the leadership level on the subject.

The leadership of Pakistan is fully cognisant of the importance of its relations with the UAE, where its citizen comprise the second largest community. The leadership is also aware of the overwhelming support that the Pakistani community in Dubai extended to Dubai’s bid to host the Expo 2020. However, the bonds of friendship between the two countries transcend beyond individual events and encompass many extremely important areas of cooperation.

With this backdrop, the purpose of such an article by a prestigious newspaper “Gulf News” is beyond comprehension. The voting for Expo 2020 was a secret ballot and, therefore, the authenticity of this report and its sources are at best dubious. Pakistan takes strong exception to the threatening language used in the news item and demands that the allegations of “betrayal” and “backing out’ of a commitment to vote at the last minute be substantiated by the newspaper.

The newspaper has not referred to any governmental source for the allegations and charges it has made against Pakistan. Can the newspaper state its source, which confirms that (a) Pakistan officially promised to vote for Dubai; and (b) that Pakistan in fact did not vote for Dubai.

It is also intriguing that while the newspaper has chosen to malign Pakistan, there is no mention of how the UAE’s largest trading partner voted in the secret ballot.

The newspaper is expected to realise the negative implications of such unsubstantiated reports, which has not only hurt the sentiments of the Pakistani community but has also cast a shadow of doubt on the credibility of the newspaper itself.

We, therefore, demand that the newspaper may revoke the allegations in an equally prominent manner.

From Mr Javed Jalil Khattak
Consulate General of Pakistan, Dubai

Referring to your [Gulf News] editorial “Pakistan and Afghanistan betrayed a friend” dated December 15, 2013; the Pakistan Association Dubai (PAD) would like to convey the feelings and sentiments of the 1.5 million expatriate Pakistani community in the UAE.

We feel disappointed and deeply hurt by the strong language used in the editorial and the claims [made] with no proof. The title is misleading and unprofessional. The facts are contrary to as portrayed in the editorial.

Pakistan feels proud to be the first country to recognise United Arab Emirates after it attained independence in 1971. Our friendship is from the days of deserts and we are like one family. Our brotherhood and friendship cannot be questioned and weakened on the basis of a single vote.

Pakistan Association Dubai was the first and only community organisation to register as an official supporter for the Expo 2020 bid.

PAD organised the month long ‘Solidarity Celebrations 2013’ to share the community’s solidarity with the UAE on the 42nd National Day. Solidarity walk on November 29 was organised to congratulate Dubai on wining the Expo 2020 bid.

The perception created by your [Gulf News] reputable newspaper has eroded the newspaper’s creditability in the minds and hearts of the Pakistani community.

We believe such matters should not be open to public debate and are best served at governmental and diplomatic levels.

The Pakistani community remains committed towards the prosperity of the UAE and Emiratis love Pakistanis, no matter what.

From Dr Faisel Ikram
General Secretary, Pakistan Association Dubai

and here is the reply from GN

Gulf News stands by editorial on Expo 2020 vote

Editor’s note:

Gulf News understands and appreciates the sentiments expressed by many readers and the passion with which they have reacted to the editorial, “UAE deserves answers from Pakistan and Afghanistan”, December 15.

Gulf News appreciates the feedback we have gotten over the past few days, in response to the opinion expressed in that editorial. We thank our readers for that.

It is important to clarify, though it was clear in the editorial, that we have taken a stance on an official action taken by the government of Pakistan with regard to the Expo 2020 voting. On the other hand, the article has expressed appreciation of the Pakistani community which, as we said, was one of the strongest supporters of the Dubai Expo bid. One can never doubt the contribution of the esteemed Pakistani community, as well as other respected communities, to the development of this country.

The editorial only discussed and questioned the action, and the intent of a government that is considered to be a close ally of the UAE. And in this regard, we stand by what we reported, which is based on solid facts. Those facts have also been confirmed by some sections of the media in Pakistan.

The fact remains that the Pakistan government, despite its official pledge to the UAE, has voted for another city on the night of November 27. As an independent newspaper, we have the right to question such action and call for a justification, if there were any.
In the editorial published on Sunday and in all our reporting, we uphold the Best Practices outlined in our Code of Ethics which is published on our website, gulfnews.com.

Finally, we thank the hundreds of readers who took the effort to write to us to express their views and we assure them that we will always remain honest to their expectations, our editorial policy and Code of ethics.
it is just a cheap attempt by GN to gain some fame ... it was a propaganda news.. that's it... Pakistan has confirmed a zillion times that Pakistan had pledged its vote for Izmir even before Dubai entered the race... then on request of UAE.. Pakistan promised to to vote for Dubai if Izmir withdrew.. and pakistan stood by it as Dubai was able to get Pakistan's vote in second round..

i feel GN is notrolled by anti Pakistan lobby... hence this propaganda.. but GN should know that by doing so it lost its credibility..
‘Factually incorrect’ report hurt Pakistani community

Staff Reporter / 18 December 2013

Consul-General terms editorial on Pakistan's 'betrayal' on Expo voting factually incorrect.

The Pakistani government and members of the Pakistani community in the UAE have responded angrily to what they say are false claims their country ‘betrayed’ the UAE in the final stages of its successful World Expo 2020 bid.


A recent editorial which ran in English-language newspaper Gulf News claimed that despite assurances to the contrary, both Pakistan and Afghanistan failed to vote for the emirate during the voting round in which delegates from around the world backed one of the four final candidates.

Without citing any sources, the editorial said the newspaper was ‘stunned and disappointed’ to learn the UAE had been ‘betrayed’ in the vote and raised questions about whether the two countries, that it said had benefited from much financial aid from the UAE, would be able to justify their decision to their resident expatriate populations.

In a letter directed at the paper and also sent toKhaleej Times, Pakistani Consul-General Javed Jalil Khattak said the editorial was wrong and an “orchestrated attempt to damage and defame the historic fraternal relations between Pakistan and the UAE.”

“Not only is the language offensive, the article is factually incorrect,” he wrote. He said the purpose of the article was “beyond comprehension. The voting for Expo 2020 was a secret ballot and, therefore, the authenticity of this report and its sources are at best dubious.”

Khattak said he demanded the newspaper substantiate its claims or revoke them. “The newspaper is expected to realise (sic) the negative implications of such unsubstantiated reports which have not only hurt the sentiments of (the) Pakistani community but also cast a shadow of doubt on the credibility of the newspaper itself.”

In a separate statement on the Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website, the government explains the country committed itself to vote for the Turkish bid of Izmir in May 2011, before the UAE had even entered the race.

“This fact was explained to the UAE leadership. It was also conveyed that if Turkey were to withdraw its candidature, Pakistan would not only support the UAE but also lobby for it. Consequently, when Turkey withdrew its candidature, Pakistan voted in favour of the UAE.” It said Pakistan’s support had drawn appreciation at “the highest level” from the UAE government which was a friend Pakistan would continue to stand by.

It ended with a potshot aimed at Gulf News saying: “Responsible newspapers are expected to ensure greater accuracy in their reporting.”

The Pakistan Association Dubai (PAD) general secretary Faisel Ikram wrote an open letter to the newspaper denouncing the editorial, and highlighting the support given to the UAE’s bid by Pakistani expatriates - with PAD the only community organisation that was a registered Expo 2020 supporter. “We feel disappointed and deeply hurt by the strong language used in the editorial and claims with no proof.”

However, Gulf News editor-in-chief Abdul Hamid Ahmad has defended the newspaper’s position on Twitter, saying the article was about the government of Pakistan rather than the people. He said the government had made a mistake and “I hope it clarifies and say (sic) why it did not vote for Dubai though it promised to”.

I think their point is that only Arab countries can back stab Pakistan because Pakistani leaders and public are fools who are hanging on to muslim brotherhood slogan. But I am sure if there ever is a competition between Arab countries and Turkey then Pakistan will always side with Turkey, dont know why but thats how it is, maybe our a$$ is starting to hurt form being kicked too many times
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