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Gujaratis are the single most influential ethnicity in South Asian history

Mahatma Gandhi
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
Ahmed Deedat---greatest Muslim preacher in the English language
Azim Premji
Narendra Modi

They have shaped South Asia more than any other people over the last 120 years
gujrati are the most fucking conjuse bas trds on earth and only for themselves. they never join in community to help one another.
Although the families of both Jinnah and Gandhi had once lived just about 40 miles or so apart in Kathiawar (Gujarat), Jinnah (born in Karachi) wasn't an ethnic Gujarati. Jinnah's family traced its descent from Iran, or as per another account, Mr Jinnah (according to a Pakistani author) said that his male ancestor was a Rajput from Sahiwal in Punjab (now Pakistan) who had married into the Ismaili Khojas and settled in Kathiawar (Beg 1986: 888).

Jinnah's paternal grandfather was Premjibhai Meghji Thakkar. He was a Lohana Rajput from Paneli Moti village in Gondal state in Kathiawar in Gujarat, India.[4] He had made his fortune in the fish business, but he was ostracized from his vegetarian Hindu Lohana caste because of their strong religious beliefs. When he discontinued his fish business and tried to come back to his caste, he was not allowed to do so. Resultantly, his son, Punjalal Thakkar (the father of Jinnah), was so angry with the humiliation that he changed his and his four son's religion, and converted to Islam.[4] Jinnah’s father Poonjabhai Jinno was a first generation Muslim with Khoja Ismaili Firqa belief, however, the next generation switched their belief to Shia Islam.[4]
Jinnah's paternal grandfather was Premjibhai Meghji Thakkar. He was a Lohana Rajput from Paneli Moti village in Gondal state in Kathiawar in Gujarat, India.[4] He had made his fortune in the fish business, but he was ostracized from his vegetarian Hindu Lohana caste because of their strong religious beliefs. When he discontinued his fish business and tried to come back to his caste, he was not allowed to do so. Resultantly, his son, Punjalal Thakkar (the father of Jinnah), was so angry with the humiliation that he changed his and his four son's religion, and converted to Islam.[4] Jinnah’s father Poonjabhai Jinno was a first generation Muslim with Khoja Ismaili Firqa belief, however, the next generation switched their belief to Shia Islam.[4]

Correct, Jinnah (and all Khoja Shia) has Lohana ancestry.

Btw, do you realize the people you listed are all very genetically different?

Lohana (like Jinnah) have high Indo-Aryan and BMAC ancestry.

Patels have very high native adivasi ancestry along with small but significant Indus ancestry.

Gandhi and Modi have high native adivasi ancestry with tiny Indo-Aryan contribution (less than 5%).

Parsi genetic composition is 70-75% Iranian, the rest is Patel like.
Correct, Jinnah (and all Khoja Shia) has Lohana ancestry.

Btw, do you realize the people you listed are all very genetically different?

Lohana (like Jinnah) have high Indo-Aryan and BMAC ancestry.

Patels have very high native adivasi ancestry along with small but significant Indus ancestry.

Gandhi and Modi have high native adivasi ancestry with tiny Indo-Aryan contribution (less than 5%).

Parsi genetic composition is 70-75% Iranian, the rest is Patel like.

there is no Parsi language or Indo-Aryan language...people are grouped by their native tongue and ancestral region...and so by that account all of them are Gujarati...
there is no Parsi language or Indo-Aryan language...people are grouped by their native tongue and ancestral region...and so by that account all of them are Gujarati...

But they are all endogamous, strictly avoid intermarriage with each other and have different geographic origins (Parsis from Iran, Lohanas from Sindh, Patels are local, Gandhi and Modi types from Ganges). As I said only the language is in common, so they are a language community, no such thing as Gujarati ethnicity. Contrast this with Bengalis, we are all genetically same, no endogamous community and have same origin.
But they are all endogamous, strictly avoid intermarriage with each other and have different geographic origins (Parsis from Iran, Lohanas from Sindh, Patels are local, Gandhi and Modi types from Ganges). As I said only the language is in common, so they are a language community, no such thing as Gujarati ethnicity. Contrast this with Bengalis, we are all genetically same, no endogamous community and have same origin.

All of Subcontinent is endogamous...Hindus are endogamous in caste...and Muslims are endogamous among cousins....But we are still Bengalis, Tamilians,Malayalees,Sindhis,Gujaratis
Jinnah's paternal grandfather was Premjibhai Meghji Thakkar. He was a Lohana Rajput from Paneli Moti village in Gondal state in Kathiawar in Gujarat, India.[4] He had made his fortune in the fish business, but he was ostracized from his vegetarian Hindu Lohana caste because of their strong religious beliefs. When he discontinued his fish business and tried to come back to his caste, he was not allowed to do so. Resultantly, his son, Punjalal Thakkar (the father of Jinnah), was so angry with the humiliation that he changed his and his four son's religion, and converted to Islam.[4] Jinnah’s father Poonjabhai Jinno was a first generation Muslim with Khoja Ismaili Firqa belief, however, the next generation switched their belief to Shia Islam.[4]

Quoting wikipedia??

Here is what Stanley Wolpert's biography of Jinnah (arguably the best Jinnah biography) says:


Jinnah's ancestors fled Persia some time between 13th to 16th century

Correct, Jinnah (and all Khoja Shia) has Lohana ancestry.

Where did you get that from??? Khojas of South Asia are ethnic persians
Mahatma Gandhi
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
Ahmed Deedat---greatest Muslim preacher in the English language
Azim Premji
Narendra Modi

They have shaped South Asia more than any other people over the last 120 years
Thanks to the British
It's got nothing to do with gujjus being super humans
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