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Gujarat riots not an issue that should keep Modi from becoming PM: Narayana Murthy

Thanks. Were these fasts or mere political rallies? If they were fasts, were they undertaken in 2002? Were these fasts-on-to-death to calm the raging riots? If not, I shall still take it that the man has begun to show some repentance at least.:victory:

If you are really interested in the truth, why not dig and find out more ?
Gurajat riots may not be an issue for modi becoming a PM.... But Getting 272 MPs is an issue.....Regional parties will spoil the party....... And with support of regional parties Modi can not do anything significant....
i personally see a mere resignation as utter BS and a cop-out. You made a mistake, now you must work to rectify it.
Could Modi have done better, absolutely yes. But in the same vein, I believe in the combined wisdom of the gujarati people. If they have been satisfied with what he has delivered since, who am I to complain.

One can also see that as acceptance of incompetence and making way for someone else to handle the issue with a fresh/different approach. I too didn't care when he became the CM of Gujarat as I'm not Gujarati. But now, what he aspires to become concerns me, and you. We both have a right & say in this and if you don't speak out now, you won't get another chance for 5 more years.
As things stand at the moment Modi had not been proven guilty of aiding or abetting the Gujarat riots ergo the accusations which have been leveled against him (true or false) cannot be held to be a feasible or acceptable reason to disqualify him from being a candidate for the Prime-ministerial office. Now if only people would realize that Modi can only bring about relatively better results (a boon in itself under the prevailing circumstances) but he is no panacea, there is not miracle man who can save the pusillanimous and the weak.

We all know that if Modi is become PM ,he cant change India in to developed state.After all India is not Gujarat.But all Indians will sure about on one thing.No one dare to cut the throat of our soldiers.
If Modi became a PM ,enemies of India will stand down and keep a distance away from India.period
One can also see that as acceptance of incompetence and making way for someone else to handle the issue with a fresh/different approach.
That is surely one of the options. Apparently Namo chose to work double-time and serve the people instead. i don't see anything particularly wrong with that approach. Especially if that approach has made gujaratis a happier lot.
But now, what he aspires to become concerns me, and you. We both have a right & say in this and if you don't speak out now, you won't get another chance for 5 more years.
i've spoken plenty on this matter. In the current scenario, my vote will go for Namo.
Let's see what the collective wisdom of India decides.

Side note: As Delhiites, my family financially supported and voted for the AAP. I mention this just to point out that I'm not BJP/Namo loyalist.
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If you are really interested in the truth, why not dig and find out more ?

Because I already have bothered to dig around and see what he's done & what he hasn't. Wasn't it the same Modi who also undertook a Gujarat 'Gaurav' Yatra in 2002 ? What 'gaurav'? The death of more than 1200 Gujaratis is a matter of 'gaurav'? It's so easy to see through such political gimmicks that it starts to feel like a bollywood pot-boiler sometimes.

i've spoken plenty of times on this matter. In the current scenario, my vote will go for Namo.
Let's see what the collective wisdom of India decides.

What India decides may/need not turn out to be in her best interests(though I pray this is not the case). I guess you understand my concerns when I cited the example of how the Nazis too were democratically elected.
What India decides may/need not turn out to be in her best interests(though I pray this is not the case). I guess you understand my concerns when I cited the example of how the Nazis too were democratically elected.
I do of course, keep your faith in our collective wisdom. :tup:
If he is really responsible for the death of a 1000 people why should a mere apology be enough ? He should be hanged :lol:

So why not seek the death penalty for him ? :disagree:

Precisely because although it cannot(not yet atleast) be traced back to any explicit directive from him to suggest his participation, the fact remains that more than 1200 lie dead and he was the CM throughout that week of rioting.
We all know that if Modi is become PM ,he cant change India in to developed state.After all India is not Gujarat.But all Indians will sure about on one thing.No one dare to cut the throat of our soldiers.
If Modi became a PM ,enemies of India will stand down and keep a distance away from India.period

As @Aeronaut would rightly say Pakistani mandarins would fear the congressi's off beat foreign policies than a BJP's direct confrontation or peace talks. Vile scores more than shaking hands or confrontation.
Because I already have bothered to dig around and see what he's done & what he hasn't. Wasn't it the same Modi who also undertook a Gujarat 'Gaurav' Yatra in 2002 ? What 'gaurav'? The death of more than 1200 Gujaratis is a matter of 'gaurav'? It's so easy to see through such political gimmicks that it starts to feel like a bollywood pot-boiler sometimes.

So you wan the entire Gujarti community to hang their heads in shame so that you can feel vidicated and give yourself a secular character certificate :lol:

Sorry. You are then destined to wander pdf forever seeking that elusive apology that will restore balance in your life.

Gujarat Gaurav Yatra was a political rally that traveled 3,500 km, touching 165 of the 182 assembly constituencies in Gujarat and help Gujrati's restore pride in being a Gujarati and fight back against 'secular' bullying.

And Gujarat THANKED Modi by giving him a overwhelming majority that made him a legend.

You can continue to see bollywood gimmicks and pot boilers while rest of us continue to live in the real world.

Precisely because although it cannot(not yet atleast) be traced back to any explicit directive from him to suggest his participation, the fact remains that more than 1200 lie dead and he was the CM throughout that week of rioting.

LOL. So his real crime was being the CM of Gujarat when blood thirsty muslim mob decided to burn alive Hindu women and children pilgrims in Godhra :lol:

I don't think there is anything more to be said on the topic.
So you wan the entire Gujarti community to hang their heads in shame so that you can feel vidicated and give yourself a secular character certificate :lol:

Sorry. You are then destined to wander pdf forever seeking that elusive apology that will restore balance in your life.

Gujarat Gaurav Yatra was a political rally that traveled 3,500 km, touching 165 of the 182 assembly constituencies in Gujarat and help Gujrati's restore pride in being a Gujarati and fight back against 'secular' bullying.

And Gujarat THANKED Modi by giving him a overwhelming majority that made him a legend.

You can continue to see bollywood gimmicks and pot boilers while rest of us continue to live in the real world.

LOL. So his real crime was being the CM of Gujarat when blood thirsty muslim mob decided to burn alive Hindu women and children pilgrims in Godhra :lol:

I don't think there is anything more to be said on the topic.

Hahaha....at least 1200 dead and he needed to get away from 'secular' bullying? Who absolved him of the train-burning incident? The perpetrators of that incident too had to be brought to justice. Instead, his answer seems to have been a riot in exchange for arson. Neither the arsonists nor the rioters are brought to justice till date!

It's exactly because he already once communally charged up the electorate to win an election that he's so dangerous. If allowed to repeat such things on a national scale, we'll be the dumbest bunch of guys on this planet.
Precisely because although it cannot(not yet atleast) be traced back to any explicit directive from him to suggest his participation, the fact remains that more than 1200 lie dead and he was the CM throughout that week of rioting.
Do you know who was the CM of maharashtra at riota of 1993? Or CM of UP while babri masjid was demolized?
Too much of double standards here.
RSS is responsible for babri incident, but muslims are not responsible for 2002.
Hahaha....at least 1200 dead and he needed to get away from 'secular' bullying? Who absolved him of the train-burning incident? The perpetrators of that incident too had to be brought to justice. Instead, his answer seems to have been a riot in exchange for arson. Neither the arsonists nor the rioters are brought to justice till date!

Death for 11, life sentence for 20 in Godhra train burning case - Times Of India :lol:

It's exactly because he already once communally charged up the electorate to win an election that he's so dangerous. If allowed to repeat such things on a national scale, we'll be the dumbest bunch of guys on this planet.

Modi did not 'communally charged' up the electorate.

It was a communally charged up Muslim mob who first burned Hindu women and children pilgrims. THAT INCIDENT then communally charged up the Hindus to take revenge and restore balance in society.

If you think Muslims in other part of India will try to again burn Hindu women and children pilgrims, then Modi is most certainly required.

Otherwise Modi is still the best choice for PM. LOL.
Do you know who was the CM of maharashtra at riota of 1993? Or CM of UP while babri masjid was demolized?
Too much of double standards here.
RSS is responsible for babri incident, but muslims are not responsible for 2002.
not just that in 2002 they even attacked akshardham in gujrat and killed 30 innocent people , all that is nothing ! its like secularism is only a hindu man's burden.
so much of hypocrisy
Do you know who was the CM of maharashtra at riota of 1993? Or CM of UP while babri masjid was demolized?
Too much of double standards here.
RSS is responsible for babri incident, but muslims are not responsible for 2002.

Is any of them trying to become our PM?? Anyways, Kalyan Singh from the BJP was the CM of UP during Babri Masjid demolition. I don't know any one who has honoured him for allowing this.

I repeat, the guilty must be brought to justice, whoever they are. Why this jungle-raj where the answer to one riot is another, bloodier riot?? Do you go about causing road accidents just because you met with one accident or do you insist on punishment to the one who caused the accident?

The Muslims who burnt the train must be brought to justice as must the Hindus who started the subsequent riots. Modiji has done neither so far. We can do with men better than him to be our PM.
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