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Gujarat LeT encounter was faked, court told.

Here you go-
Param Vir Chakra recipient Indian soldier surfaces as another falsely cited Kargil Hero
Feast on it-

Gen. M the Kargil Encounter specialist- :rofl:- Thats some thing new and creative- apart from you who else calls him an encounter specialist?- Stop with this nonsense brain farting of yours-

I must say you need urgent medication. We are talking about the encounter in Gujarat and you are brain farting about Kargil Encounters where more than 1000 of your soldiers mysteriously died and Navaz was humiliated by Clinton in front of the world.
I got to give it to Gujarat police, there are gutsy. They took care of a problem before it became an issue. Pakistanis here should understand that court is not alleging that Israr was innocent but that her killing was extra judicial. There are enough evidence on her intending to harm our country. Although the execution is not proper, this is much better than how Kasab is treated in this country.
More verbal diarrhea and less substance is a sign of one out of argument points and trolling around-

Like i said before in the same post you quoted- try to comprehend-
Musharraf became all supreme after his unconstitutional military take over- He was the bloody Cheif Executive of the country-
Under his administrative military government he can become a PM millionth time-

Stop this nonsense of yours-

Crap his party won a free and fair election. You need to read history properly after you get some medication. Allvoices is your source of confirmation than I pity you.

---------- Post added at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 PM ----------

I got to give it to Gujarat police, there are gutsy. They took care of a problem before it became an issue. Pakistanis here should understand that court is not alleging that Israr was innocent but that her killing was extra judicial. There are enough evidence on her intending to harm our country. Although the execution is not proper, this is much better than how Kasab is treated in this country.

Its time you changed your passport to Republic of Taliban India.

Whether it's for money, medals, awards or to put pressure on another State or simply to get attention, fake encounters and staged managed actions seem to be in the psyche of the Indian society.

fake encounter « Indian Military News

India exposed - Latest sensational wikileaks cables about fake encounters in Kashmir and India ~ FRONTLINE KASHMIR

Senior IPS officer held in ‘fake’ encounter case - Indian Express

Why leave Pakistan out? How about those Uzbek women happliy shot and than labelled suicide bombers?
I must say you need urgent medication. We are talking about the encounter in Gujarat and you are brain farting about Kargil Encounters where more than 1000 of your soldiers mysteriously died and Navaz was humiliated by Clinton in front of the world.

How much silly a person can get-

Let me break it to you so your fuzzy mind can understand- Damn these boozers-

He said this below-

Fake Kargil Encounters ? :lol: you Guys still Sticking to That

If the Encounter was Fake , The Policeman Should be Punished ! But the Girl Definately has Proven Links with LeT , And if intel reports are to be Believed she was in Gujurat for Assasination of Modi

He talking about Kargil- right?-

I replied him in context with the Kargil and now the irony part Modi as below-

Isn't that the irony? An innocent women "an alleged terrorist" was killed in a fake encounter-
While The Army officers got Medals and Modi is a strong candidate for PM?-

^^ The army officers should refer to The Kargil part- it should not be that hard isn't it?- it should be obvious to a sane person-

You jumped in like a drunken cocoon asking me this- below

Which Army Officer? Time to take your medication, I see.

and i provided you with the link- and then you replied me with this- below

I must say you need urgent medication. We are talking about the encounter in Gujarat and you are brain farting about Kargil Encounters where more than 1000 of your soldiers mysteriously died and Navaz was humiliated by Clinton in front of the world.

How much humiliating it can get?- Trying hard to act smart?-
You are just a hopeless case- i dont think you need medication- you need counselling-

---------- Post added at 01:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 PM ----------

The source is fake, it cites a broken url of daily mail.

He needed a link urgently- so i gave him one-

Be my guest to verify it- The author and source is there- its not on me to verify- its on him or now you- Good Luck-
He needed a link urgently- so i gave him one-

Be my guest to verify it- The author and source is there- its not on me to verify- its on him or now you- Good Luck-

In other word you provided fake news.
You are just a hopeless case- i dont think you need medication- you need counselling-

Says the person who provides an ALLvoice link as his credible source? Did the 1000 NA soldiers die of boredom or in action in Kargil. There is no evidence to show that the medal was fake other than your lack of medication.
How much silly a person can get-

Let me break it to you so your fuzzy mind can understand- Damn these boozers-

He said this below-

If the Encounter was Fake , The Policeman Should be Punished ! But the Girl Definately has Proven Links with LeT , And if intel reports are to be Believed she was in Gujurat for Assasination of Modi

He talking about Kargil- right?-

My Reply Was not About Kargil ! But Ishrat Jahan Encounter , Dont you even Understand That
Crap his party won a free and fair election. You need to read history properly after you get some medication. Allvoices is your source of confirmation than I pity you.

Its time you changed your passport to Republic of Taliban India.

Thats like innocent thoughts of a kid bouncing in his head- not letting any sense reaching it-

A free and fair elections under a dictatorship- :rofl:-
Joke of the century-
Thats like innocent thoughts of a kid bouncing in his head- not letting any sense reaching it-

A free and fair elections under a dictatorship- :rofl:-
Joke of the century-

Sorry you have become the joke of the century. Please google, he oversaw one of the fairest elections in Pakistan.
My Reply Was not About Kargil ! But Ishrat Jahan Encounter , Dont you even Understand That

Hi if you read your post again- the first line was about Kargil?- Isn't it?-

Do you want me to break it down for you aswell?-

---------- Post added at 01:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 PM ----------

Sorry you have become the joke of the century. Please google, he oversaw one of the fairest elections in Pakistan.

Why should i use google- When
I was there to experience it first hand-
If you still insists- be my guest and bring out some links from google which made your perception?-

Do You know? You are becoming the mistake of the century :rofl:-

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