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Guess Which planes ( rear picture) in Northern India Ready for War

40 mins endurance and needs hours of maintenance after every sorties.. with hardly 8-9 in service.

Second Sqn raised now all 18 fighters have a helmet mounted display something that none of your budget thunders have yet bit will finally get in block 3 ..

But you guys were desperate to.induct anything even used obselete Jordanian f16 recently
Second Sqn raised now all 18 fighters have a helmet mounted display something that none of your budget thunders have yet bit will finally get in block 3 ..

But you guys were desperate to.induct anything even used obselete Jordanian f16 recently

Lol HMDs can be equipped any time.
While your pathetic samosa cant have even half the capabilities of JF, or even half the combat radius lol.

As for MLU, F-16s, were you claiming we used F16s & JFs to shoot down your jets and bomb your mil installations?

Laughing stock of the the world Tejas:-


The flying coffins of Indian airforce.

Indian army is not capable of using such sophisticated equipment , world witnessed what happened on 27th Feb. The humiliation still haunts ranks of Indian military, no more surgical strikes mantra from Delhi.
Yep, Indians will be scared to fly their planes, best they roll them around on the ground.
Second Sqn raised now all 18 fighters have a helmet mounted display something that none of your budget thunders have yet bit will finally get in block 3 ..

But you guys were desperate to.induct anything even used obselete Jordanian f16 recently
Also there arent 18 in service even if you count those testbeds/prototypes.
Also there arent 18 in service even if you count those testbeds/prototypes.

32 with test beds
Ie 15 loc
3 foc
4 trainers
10 prototypes

We did not use test bed planes to form.first sqn. This is Pakistan air force with thunders who had no helmet mounted display no in-flight refuelling no composite airframe only single axis fbw
And no bvr in block one
We did not use test bed planes to form.first sqn. This is Pakistan air force with thunders who had no helmet mounted display no in-flight refuelling no composite airframe only single axis fbw
And no bvr in block one
and we bring those testbed planes to block-1 level and for block-/2 we haven't HMD because we haven't HOBS AAMs on these birds, block-2 has in flight refueling system, both block-1/2 have 8% composite materials in it, you wrong again they have 2 axis FLBW system

and last thanks to the west/Israel to develop your Tej@$$
The flying samsoas are missing most vital component without that they are not effective at all, I cant believe IAF forgot about those. That is the only thing that makes this a world class fighter, ofcourse I am talking about Tata Trucks which carry them everywhere. Jeez Sangis.
Second Sqn raised now all 18 fighters have a helmet mounted display something that none of your budget thunders have yet bit will finally get in block 3 ..

But you guys were desperate to.induct anything even used obselete Jordaeven used obselete Jornian f16 recently
They are BVR AIM-120C5 capable and fit for air defense duties. How exactly are they obsolete?
False flagger Indian, I am not talking about what Thailand could offer China, China don't need any country, they have self sufficient defense industries unlike India who's relying on foreign military tech/help
They have sufficient military Industry that's why tgey begged to Russia for AL-41F3 engine which Russians refused ti sell & forced them to by SU-35 instead.
And FYI most of the Russian engines aren't very good at Heights, even Mighty IL-76 can barely lift from DSDBO with empty cabin.
It's the reason despite Having license of AL-31F & RD-33, India preferred an American & French Engine.
Because of this India bought American Transporters & ended partnership in Russian MTT program & decided to by atleast 50 Airbus C295.
Just wait For August When Pangong Tso will start getting flash floods.
They also have to save their airbase from rain of SCALP & Brahmos, because Dassault is going to upgrade the software for M2K so they could also carry SCALP with upcoming Rafales & They have already delivered the missiles to India.

That other matter if they attack by Indian Navy they will called help PLAAN tlo help

Two or three Type -55 will do the job, china doesn't need to send 35 or so ships to counter IN in bay of Bengal
Lol, Passing 6 degree Channel will be biggest achievement for Noisy Chinese Subs & Destroyers.
Indian Navys P-8i Neptunes & SU-30s of IAF will cook them in narrow channel from both India & Indonesia side.
They have sufficient military Industry that's why tgey begged to Russia for AL-41F3 engine which Russians refused ti sell & forced them to by SU-35 instead.
And FYI most of the Russian engines aren't very good at Heights, even Mighty IL-76 can barely lift from DSDBO with empty cabin.
It's the reason despite Having license of AL-31F & RD-33, India preferred an American & French Engine.
Because of this India bought American Transporters & ended partnership in Russian MTT program & decided to by atleast 50 Airbus C295.
Just wait For August When Pangong Tso will start getting flash floods.
They also have to save their airbase from rain of SCALP & Brahmos, because Dassault is going to upgrade the software for M2K so they could also carry SCALP with upcoming Rafales & They have already delivered the missiles to India.
And they bought only initial for J-10/J-11 series, especially J-11 series have been equipped with more powerful WS-10 series of engine so where are your KAVERI ENGINE for you mighty videc Tej@$$, and as for transport/cargo they are relying more on their new Y-20 than IL-76
and tell us how many Su-35 they have if you don't know i can tell you only 24 Su-35 they have
and they have no defense against your Brahmouse/scalp they have S-400/HQ-9/HQ-16 and what about Chinese supersonic/subsonic cruise missiles raining down Indian position in Laddakh
Kon mestine nganggo boso jowo opo Minang ae cah , thats Will be a fucking hillarious. Gile aja dikatain false flagger padahal sih sing liane koyo @Daniel808 yang false flagger
Yo baa lai, urang ko mang ndak ado utak nyo stek alah. Sadoalahnyo dikeceknyo india, LOL
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