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Guardian Uses WikiLeaks For Propaganda, Pakistani Media Can’t?

I have seen only 1 or 2 Indians comment on the something very important from the Guardian article (the third last paragraph). Why.
Guardian , NYT and few other medias have got the rights to publish the whole cables.

I think Pakistani media should contact wikileaks and get their copies and the permission ....and then start doing what they are doing.
hey has ny1 evr b4 heard of this newspaper 'the nation'??
well i havnt!!!

The Pakistani media is responsible enough to notice and acknowledge the mistake (the only problem was they did not take the pain to check before publishing as no one at a time bound publication shift has time to go through half a million leaks).

If this is how the press operates in Pakistan, I feel sorry for the poor reporters there. Are you seriously suggesting that several media outlets went ahead and published potentially incendiary news without any verification whatsoever, simply because "they did not have time to verify their sources before publishing"? Is this the kind of journalism that is taught in your universities? If, so all I can say is "pathetic".
The very basic lesson that a journalist is taught is that they should painstaking verify and double check all their sources, no matter how trivial the news may be. Credibility is the most important virtue any media outlet should have.

But if the unthinkable happens, and a news-piece is found to be based on fabricated evidence, then immediately all damage control measures should be taken. The article should be retracted and an apology should be immediately published. This is where the Pakistani media has made some fatal mistakes. For one thing, all the involved parties have not presented a united front and retracted the reports. Some have admirably published front page retractions, but other outlets have continued their folly and even attacked one of the world's most established media outlets for pointing out their mistake.

The credibility of the Pakistani media has been severely tarnished by this embarrassing episode. The western media has admonished them and the Indians have had a field day criticizing their neighbors. The smart journalistic approach would be to own up to the mistake, downplay the entire fiasco, try to put the episode behind and hope that the rest of the world forgets about it. On the other hand, if these pathetic attempts to justify a mistake with more absurd remarks and attacks on international media continues, the Pakistani press will become the laughing stock of the whole world. Whether you want to admit it or not, anti-Pakistan propaganda sells well in India and many western media outlets, and their Pakistani counterparts have just given them the best Christmas present they could imagine.
Guardian Uses WikiLeaks For Propaganda, Pakistani Media Can’t?

To give Qureshi the benift of the doubt, Guardian does choose stories from the cables and highlights few while not highlighting others.

For example, there were editorials describing the private saudi donors and gcc citizens funding extremist groups and AQ, but no highlight on how important the SAG has been in tackling terrorists groups and cracking down on finances as well as bringing various charitable organisations into proper oversight.

But the planted story by psyops team was just too obviously fake. I think a proper psyops team has to live in the real world and then tackle the stories related by angling a little, not create stories out of their fantasy world.

If Ahmed Qureshi was the head of their psyops team, its time ISI fire him and get a new one.
To give Qureshi the benift of the doubt, Guardian does choose stories from the cables and highlights few while not highlighting others.

For example, there were editorials describing the private saudi donors and gcc citizens funding extremist groups and AQ, but no highlight on how important the SAG has been in tackling terrorists groups and cracking down on finances as well as bringing various charitable organisations into proper oversight.

That does not justify what Qureshi is saying in any way. The Guardian is following the age old tradition of selectively reporting what their readers are interested in hearing. Qureshi and his pals tried to fabricate what their sponsors or readers want to hear.

The Guardian mentioned most of the main aspects of the wikileaks during the first few days, including both sides of the Saudis that you stated above. But then they started getting into detail on the leaks and focused mainly on news stories that would interest their readers more. On the other hand, the Pakistani media tried to do the same, but found that the leaks were mainly critical of Pakistan and did not mention India to any significant extent. So they created their own leaks which were critical of India and even praised the Pakistani establishment and thus fulfilled their reader's urge. These different versions of reporting the same story are two worlds apart.

Now the fallout of the debacle is that Pakistan news outlets will be subject to critical scrutiny in every other part of the world. They will be victim to the proverbial "cry wolf syndrome". Even if they publish true stories focusing on India's involvement in Pakistan, the world media will be very hesitant to propagate the news and Indian media will dismiss them as doctored stories. If Kargil was one of Pakistan's biggest military misadventures, this may very well become one of Pakistan's biggest journalistic misadventures.
If this is how the press operates in Pakistan, I feel sorry for the poor reporters there. Are you seriously suggesting that several media outlets went ahead and published potentially incendiary news without any verification whatsoever, simply because "they did not have time to verify their sources before publishing"? Is this the kind of journalism that is taught in your universities? If, so all I can say is "pathetic".

:no: adding words like and accusations from your own side in my post and then replying is funny.

Pakistani media does verify their sources. I was only talking about half a millions leaks i dont think so they had the time to go and read those half a million leaks (which btw is also not a proof of any kind just statements)

As far as what kind of journalism is taught well if your flags are not false then let me tell you the journalism books which are taught to us here in universities are having the professional stuff but the kind of journalism trainings we time to attend arranged by mostly US ;) are pathetic enough to mold us in kind of journalists which are near to American journalists' attributes.

And please save us from your news stories which are more like an opinion of US policy makers than the real news.

The books we were taught said "A true real and unbiased news is where the reporter does not include his own analysis" but unfortunately take up any western, US, UK news source you will the pathetic propaganda self-opinion which is unethical and against the rules of journalism.

And oh btw we have seen even such BS lies where your sources had included one area of KP into a far flung area of FATA and made false news.

We have also seen how Indian news sources included Hazara region of KP province of Pakistan into South Punjab for spreading a false news.

We have also seen how Indian papers have made a fake news of Pakistani students arrested by China in Olympics which was denied by China.

In None of these incidents we have seen any moral courage from your side to come up with acceptance of mistake or lie.
Pakistani media does verify their sources. I was only talking about half a millions leaks i dont think so they had the time to go and read those half a million leaks

Are you seriously suggesting that Pakistani journalists don't even know how to search for certain keywords from half a million letters available online . I could give the text files to a 5th grade student and he would be able to find all the places where the word "India" appears in less than 5 seconds. The whole world is reporting on the wikileaks and only Pakistani journalists get fooled into reporting wrong information?? How did the Guardian go through the entire leaks file and report that your stories were wrong so quickly. Save these silly excuses for the tribals who have never seen computers. Maybe Americans should also send someone there to teach you how to use <CTRl+F>.

half a million leaks (which btw is also not a proof of any kind just statements)

Then why did I see Pakistani media saying that the leaks "prove" India's involvement in some Pakistani conflicts?

The books we were taught said "A true real and unbiased news is where the reporter does not include his own analysis" but unfortunately take up any western, US, UK news source you will the pathetic propaganda self-opinion which is unethical and against the rules of journalism.

Why should your reporter include his own analysis when he himself made up the so called wikileak that the report is based on?

Western media provided analysis when they reported the leaks because they could simply not print half a millions leaks like you said. They made the material concise and gave links throughout their articles to the full material, so that people could also check them and come to their own conclusions. Now, that is what is called responsible journalism.
Are you seriously suggesting that Pakistani journalists don't even know how to search for certain keywords from half a million letters available online . I could give the text files to a 5th grade student and he would be able to find all the places where the word "India" appears in less than 5 seconds. The whole world is reporting on the wikileaks and only Pakistani journalists get fooled into reporting wrong information?? How did the Guardian go through the entire leaks file and report that your stories were wrong so quickly. Save these silly excuses for the tribals who have never seen computers. Maybe Americans should also send someone there to teach you how to use <CTRl+F>.

:lol: oh really please check our tribals are giving the run of their life to your yankee so-called educated invaders.

The Americans should focus on your own students who are more into killing own fellows at educational institutes.

Oh BTW why Guardian would have gone through the half a million leaks when it is part of this propaganda item itself.

one wo

Then why did I see Pakistani media saying that the leaks "prove" India's involvement in some Pakistani conflicts?

Because the Indians consider wikileaks the only proof ;)

on the other hand we dont need wikileaks to prove Indian terrorism in Balochistan and Indian terror camps in Afghanistan.

Why should your reporter include his own analysis when he himself made up the so called wikileak that the report is based on?

Ahhh twisting again when the own analysis part was about your so-called american, western and bhartis media persons not about our reporters.

Western media provided analysis when they reported the leaks because they could simply not print half a millions leaks like you said. They made the material concise and gave links throughout their articles to the full material, so that people could also check them and come to their own conclusions. Now, that is what is called responsible journalism.

Either you are naive enough not to understand what i am saying or you dont want to discuss what i said.

The western, yankee, brit media's analysis in news stories i am talking NOT wikileaks which is NOT news neither it can be.

These wikileaks are itself unconfirmed BS and above all unethical move by yankees to divert attention of the world from your false failed wars.

These leaks are there with full collaboration with your govt officials who have facilitated julian. i am sure you dont believe in ghosts who have transferred the official notes.

why this is unethical because your officials have shared with public even personal exchanges by foreign officials.

Next time any head of the state or any official will keep in mind such american unethical blackmailing before talking to them.

But oh well next time now other countries will also keep such notes of what american officials say to them in their private conversations too.

Either you are naive enough not to understand what i am saying or you dont want to discuss what i said.

The western, yankee, brit media's analysis in news stories i am talking NOT wikileaks which is NOT news neither it can be.

These wikileaks are itself unconfirmed BS and above all unethical move by yankees to divert attention of the world from your false failed wars.

These leaks are there with full collaboration with your govt officials who have facilitated julian. i am sure you dont believe in ghosts who have transferred the official notes.

why this is unethical because your officials have shared with public even personal exchanges by foreign officials.

Next time any head of the state or any official will keep in mind such american unethical blackmailing before talking to them.

But oh well next time now other countries will also keep such notes of what american officials say to them in their private conversations too.

Now the first thing taught in journalism in Pakistan is

The books we were taught said "A true real and unbiased news is where the reporter does not include his own analysis"

I m just quoting wat people are saying from first para itself everybody can deduce wheather opinion is expressed or plain and simple fact presented with no bias of morality

but in para 3 same people take oath of reporting without any prejudices ........
Rather condeming these fake articles people here are going to unprcedented lenght to give justification of a Hoax & Bogus news
Are you seriously suggesting that Pakistani journalists don't even know how to search for certain keywords from half a million letters available online . I could give the text files to a 5th grade student and he would be able to find all the places where the word "India" appears in less than 5 seconds. The whole world is reporting on the wikileaks and only Pakistani journalists get fooled into reporting wrong information?? How did the Guardian go through the entire leaks file and report that your stories were wrong so quickly. Save these silly excuses for the tribals who have never seen computers. Maybe Americans should also send someone there to teach you how to use <CTRl+F>.
The papers often run stories sourced from various news wires or papers they have agreements with - Reuters, AFP, APP, NYT etc. and I doubt either the Western or Pakistani papers double check every fact in the story, though the editorial staff probably does make a decision on whether or not to run a particular story sourced from the News Wires.

In this particular case, for Pakistani editors at least, the claims made in the story from the original source were pretty credible, since Pakistan has suspected and alleged Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan for a long time, given past experiences with India supporting terrorists in East Pakistan and Baluchistan.

Some of the released cables (real ones) also have Karzai openly admitting to sheltering the most wanted Baluch terrorist leaders, to both US and UN officials, along with, as the Guardian pointed out, claims of continued Indian support for terrorists in Baluchistan sourced to British Intel (the UAE intelligence has also accused India of supporting the TTP).

Given the above, some of the Pakistani editors likely thought the report was credible, and ran it without verification, much like they and others do with reports sourced from the news wires and other Western papers.
Then why did I see Pakistani media saying that the leaks "prove" India's involvement in some Pakistani conflicts?
There are other leaks that do imply that, and as far as 'alleging involvement in other nations' is concerned, the Western press hasn't exactly set a high bar in terms of providing credible evidence when vilifying Pakistan for 'supporting the Taliban and AQ'.

:lol: oh really please check our tribals are giving the run of their life to your yankee so-called educated invaders.

Why do you take everything so personally? I mentioned "tribals" to give an example of people who have never even used computers and wouldn't know how to search for text in a document. The same applies for tribals in America, India, Pakistan or anywhere else.

The Americans should focus on your own students who are more into killing own fellows at educational institutes.

Trust me, you wouldn't want me to start discussing Pakistani taliban and people killing their own fellow citizens. I could come up with some very nasty replies but I shall not as that would divert this topic.
Because the Indians consider wikileaks the only proof ;)

on the other hand we dont need wikileaks to prove Indian terrorism in Balochistan and Indian terror camps in Afghanistan.
Oh I am sure that a lot of Indians read Pakistani Urdu newspapers daily.
And if you don't need wikileaks to prove terrorism, then why go through this whole fake wilkileaks drama in the first place?

Ahhh twisting again when the own analysis part was about your so-called american, western and bhartis media persons not about our reporters.

So "American, western and bhartis media persons " should start creating fake leaks and publish them without any analysis like your "reporters'? Sorry, but we prefer our style of doing things

Either you are naive enough not to understand what i am saying or you dont want to discuss what i said.

I think you are actually the naive person here and you want to keep on justifying the blatant mistake that your media people have committed. You don't want to admit the reality and instead are trying to deflect attention from your mistakes by talking about wild conspiracy theories regarding the wikileaks.

If you had theories about the wikileaks, you should have published them and discussed that. Instead your media tried to capitalize on the leaks in the silliest manner possible and tried to use it to bash India. Frankly I am surprised that your media didn't try to come up with American embassy leaks bashing America itself. :D

The more you try to justify this abuse of basic journalistic privilages, the more damage it will do to the credibilty of your media establishment. All journalists make mistakes and fall into their own holes once in a while. The smart ones own up, apologise and move on and the stupid ones keep on trying to justify themselves and dig even deeper holes.
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