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Greece to put sanctions on Turkey over Hagia Sophia conversion

Amazing. Sometimes you wonder why people would ruin their akhira over such trivial issues.

He is getting paid, but he is not very good at it. A few brainwashed, immature people in the West follow him only.

Imran Hosein has got too much in your head -- He has completely lost his mind, his ego isn't letting him realize that he has gone astray ---- In his mind, he believes that the Rum mentioned in Quran is present day Russia (could be or could be not) ------ I have asked him so many times about the atrocities committed by Russians against Muslims, he never responds.

I consider myself as somewhat an authority on him because after knowing him personally and for quite some time, I followed him until his progression into madness.

Now I have given up all hope in him. He has totally left the Islamic way (tariqa.) He freely re-interprets the Quran to suit his agenda and rejects Sahih Ahadith (from Bukhari and Muslim) when they oppose his views.

He is not even a Mufti or Alim to do this.

Looks like a crackhead or a complete sellout

Now, he will probably make even more ferocious claims against Erdogan and Turkey. He will visit Serbia, Armenia, Greece, and Russia to appease his masters and promote anti-Turkish propaganda.

Vestagfirullah!! This heretic is a Murted and Munafik of the highest order...

I pray Allah swt guides him so that he can leave this path of enmity and hate towards fellow Muslims and love of Kuffar oppressors like Russia and India.
last time I checked Hagia Sophia was in Turkey. What's with Greece?

Janab, everything I said is the truth. I knew this charlatan Imran N Hosein personally for many years, when Dr. Israr Ahmad RA was still alive. He left Tanzeem due to his insistence that he need not study basics of Islam, as he specializes only in Qiyamat signs and Riba.

Recently Imran N Hosein sent curses on Pakistan and stated quite clearly that Kashmiris should give up their rights to their territory to appease Hindus and Modi. He made takfir on all Muslim conquerors and deemed Islamic presence in South Asia as illegal and oppressive.

The same thing he said for Turks, whom he calls kaffir as well and even personally made this announcement in Belgrade, Serbia to a crowd of fanatical Islamophobes. He regularly meets with Orthodox scholars in Russia.

It is good that he has been rejected by the vast majority of Muslims, but some misguided people still follow him.

That Jamaican guy? Oh yeah, he has many issues with many out there who don't agree with him. I will rather suggest to leave such people out of discussion.
this step by turkey will lead to biggest sign of ends of time as orthodox christans particularly in eastern europe and russia are very much hurt by this decision and will likely try to take Constantinople after Malhama(Great War),western neocon christans are not much affected by this decision as in u.s they are leaving true and original christanity and are converting churches to clubs due to lack of closeness to religion.In Hadees about prophecy of end of times Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) used the name of Madinah ,Jerusalem and Constantinople at the same time and if you draw Straight line on map it passes through all these Cities which shows that the events in these Cities are interlinked with each other
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May Allah Azzawajal guide us all.

After reading all comments, I am still confused.
Thanks for these statistics, it is quite surprising. Even Pakistan has numerous Churches, Hindu temples, Sikh temples, and I have even seen synagogues. Buildings are more numerous than the adherents of these faiths. Yet we are painted as anti-minority, although in Pakistan, we have special seats in the national assembly and many aid organizations to help minoritirs. Even I am part of some of them.

You have to study the mindset of those who come here to badmouth Turkey.

You have Euro-fascist gang, Hindu radicals, Iranian supporters (even Iraqis, a half Latin-Pakistani, and a Nigerian, lol,) and ofcourse Iranians themselves. Think about what they have in common to always put down Turkey.

You have some Pakistanis who want Pakistan to idolize Iran, Russia, or US, they hate to see Pakistan so close to Turkey. It upsets their frame of mind.

Here, as I said earlier is only the case of Imran N Hosein, a scholar who has abandoned Muslims and Islam to become a puppet of Russians and Indians.

These people see Turkey rising up and are very upset.

Check this quote from Imran N Hosein.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the martyrs (shuhada) in that battle of 1452 were not those misguided Muslims who died while conquering Constantinople. Rather, the martyrs (Shuhada) were those brave Orthodox Christians who died while defending Constantinople.


He also famously declared those Pakistani soldiers who died fighting against TTP as not Shuhadah, this is his view which he constantly airs in declaring Pakistan an illegitimate state which needs to be done away with, anytime Pakistan is mentioned by a questioner.

He’s such a munafik selling himself so short. Didn’t know he fell of this cliff this much. What really irks me in that article you posted him called Ottoman Empire Dajjal - Astagfar
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Turning a place worship of non-Muslims, to a Masjid, is NOT Islam ... Period!!
Christian population in Istanbul is 0.2 percent.

What you are doing is that you are telling the people who converted to Islam that they shouldn't convert their Church to mosque. You make no sense.

BTW, Muslims in the West have converted thousands of Churches to mosques. As there are not that many Church goers left.

The proof of this fact is enacted by Hazrat Umar RadiAllah ta'aalah anho, who refused the invitation of the Christians to pray in their Church, upon the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem.
It was surrendered by the Christians unlike Constantinople which was conquered by force.

Regardless, the people who lived there(Istanbol) , the majority converted to Islam and didnt need the Church anymore. And it was paid for....just like thousands of mosques built upon Churches in the West.

who invaded, bombed and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Somalia, over the last 30 years, not Russia.
Russia and Serbia did not shower Muslims with flowers.
Conquest of Istanbul did not give you ownership of every property in the city. Perhaps you should read a little bit more instead of just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Really? So you're saying that when some kingdom conquers a land, they have to purchase property to legitimize their claim over the land? Do you even read your post before publishing it?

You still evade the other part of the question. How do you propose to justify, using Islamic jurisprudence, to repurpose a Waqf property.

You will keep saying that x, y, z is evading until you read the response you want. That's not discussion, it's borderline ignorance.
Really? So you're saying that when some kingdom conquers a land, they have to purchase property to legitimize their claim over the land? Do you even read your post before publishing it?

You will keep saying that x, y, z is evading until you read the response you want. That's not discussion, it's borderline ignorance.

I wrote "every" property. Do you even read what I wrote?
Please do study, Sophia was one of the main church for them but never close to holy kabah status

It was in Vatican City now and old church in Palestine

My dear brother, I suggest that you study about Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity and the "Schism" that divides the two orders of Christianity. I would also recommend that you read about the fourth Crusade, where the Catholic Crusaders sacked the City of Constantinople, where the whole purpose of Crusades was to fight Muslims to liberate the Holy Land (Ardh-ul-Muqaddas). Finally, I would direct you to read about how Venice led war effort was entirely directed toward defeating, subduing and subjugating the Byzantine Empire in order reign Rome supreme.

Your interpretation of Hagia Sophia is incorrect in its entirety because Hagia Sophia is the Center of Orthodox Christianity, no Catholicism. The two have things differentiating them, than Sunnis and Shias. Hagia Sophia represents the identity of Orthodox Christians, in the heart of the Capital of the Byzantine Empire, which is Constantinople.



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