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Greece to put sanctions on Turkey over Hagia Sophia conversion

It was a museum and not place of worship of non Muslims


Hagia Sophia was the centerpiece of Orthodox Christianity for 1000 years. When the ottomans invaded, Hagia Sophia was converted (sinfully) by them into a Masjid and remained so for 500 years. It's only when ottomans were defeated, did the turks change it into a museum. And now, they want to do the same shameful, disgraceful act again.

A REAL MUSLIM, would not change a place of worship of another faith, into a Masjid. Hazrat Uman RadiAllah ta'aalah anho deliberately did not pray in the Church, despite it being on the invitation of the Christians, for reason of the Church being converted into a Masjid just because he prayed there. That's the difference between a Real Muslim and one that just used Islam for their own benefit.

Hagia Sophia was the centerpiece of Orthodox Christianity for 1000 years. When the ottomans invaded, Hagia Sophia was converted (sinfully) by them into a Masjid and remained so for 500 years. It's only when ottomans were defeated, did the turks change it into a museum. And now, they want to do the same shameful, disgraceful act again.

A REAL MUSLIM, would not change a place of worship of another faith, into a Masjid. Hazrat Uman RadiAllah ta'aalah anho deliberately did not pray in the Church, despite it being on the invitation of the Christians, for reason of the Church being converted into a Masjid just because he prayed there. That's the difference between a Real Muslim and one that just used Islam for their own benefit.


fake muslim....

Sophia was and looks like still the center of Christian world. By turning it to a Masjied it was a statement. But he fake muslims farting behind the monitor can talk only:-), and when it was turned in to a Masjied it was knowledge center wher muslims and non muslims could come and study.

And turning a churche to Masjied was never forbidden dumb commie...
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fake muslim....

Sophia was and looks like still the center of Christian world. By turning it to a Masjied it was a statement. But he fake muslims farting behind the monitor can talk only:-), and when it was turned in to a Masjied it was knowledge center wher muslims and non muslims could come and study.

And turning a churche to Masjied was never forbidden dumb commie...

Alright I have had enough with your insolent, Jahil attitude .... Prove to me, where in Islam are we allowed to convert a Christian Cathedral, into a Masjid? Show me where in the Holy Qur'an does it allow Muslims to convert Christian places of worship into Masajid? Where has Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam ever stated that Muslims are permitted to convert Christian Church to Masajid?

Give solid proof, with evidence, otherwise shut your damn Jahil mouth.

I ain't someone whom you can rant off at and I would back off or get intimidated. Either converse like a civilized person, and back your claims with actual evidence, else shut it!!
Hagia Sophia was the centerpiece of Orthodox Christianity for 1000 years. When the ottomans invaded, Hagia Sophia was converted (sinfully) by them into a Masjid and remained so for 500 years. It's only when ottomans were defeated, did the turks change it into a museum. And now, they want to do the same shameful, disgraceful act again.

A REAL MUSLIM, would not change a place of worship of another faith, into a Masjid. Hazrat Uman RadiAllah ta'aalah anho deliberately did not pray in the Church, despite it being on the invitation of the Christians, for reason of the Church being converted into a Masjid just because he prayed there. That's the difference between a Real Muslim and one that just used Islam for their own benefit.


Read and learn

Alright I have had enough with your insolent, Jahil attitude .... Prove to me, where in Islam are we allowed to convert a Christian Cathedral, into a Masjid? Show me where in the Holy Qur'an does it allow Muslims to convert Christian places of worship into Masajid? Where has Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam ever stated that Muslims are permitted to convert Christian Church to Masajid?

Give solid proof, with evidence, otherwise shut your damn Jahil mouth.

I ain't someone whom you can rant off at and I would back off or get intimidated. Either converse like a civilized person, and back your claims with actual evidence, else shut it!!

There are many churches in the US that were bought by Muslims, and converted into a mosque. Are you suggesting that this is not permissible?



As a Muslim, perhaps you have been ignorant to the fact that Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam would not ever have done so. The proof of this fact is enacted by Hazrat Umar RadiAllah ta'aalah anho, who refused the invitation of the Christians to pray in their Church, upon the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem. He refused to pray in the Church, on grounds that some where in the future, some Muslims would use this incident as a pretext to converting the Church into a Masjid.

So your whole story about Ottoman Sultan purchasing the Hagia Sophia, and then converting it into a Masjid, has zero credibility whatsoever. I am sure that the Ottoman leader meant well and did it with the utmost care. However, his act, no matter how civil, does not conform to what Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam would do.

Also, your arrogance only blinds your ability to intellectually approach the subject. It has no effect on my capacity to respond to you. The "atypical" people of your nature, I come across on a daily basis, it ain't my first rodeo, friend.
Alright I have had enough with your insolent, Jahil attitude .... Prove to me, where in Islam are we allowed to convert a Christian Cathedral, into a Masjid? Show me where in the Holy Qur'an does it allow Muslims to convert Christian places of worship into Masajid? Where has Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam ever stated that Muslims are permitted to convert Christian Church to Masajid?

Give solid proof, with evidence, otherwise shut your damn Jahil mouth.

I ain't someone whom you can rant off at and I would back off or get intimidated. Either converse like a civilized person, and back your claims with actual evidence, else shut it!!

Don’t talk about bring jahil when you’re one yourself.

there is no prohibition in Islam for converting existing buildings be it a church or not into a mosque.

yes Islam stipulates not to encroach on another place of worship when in use. However in the case of Hagia Sophia it was purchased and the owner (sultan) decided to use it as a mosque. Period

It being a museum irrelevant

By your notion all those thousands of churches etc in Europe which have now been converted to mosques is not allowed in Islam. Go read up and then come back.

The area I live in most churches are masjids or Islamic community centres where Muslims & none Muslims are welcome.

The Greeks and anyone else getting their knickers in a twist can F off.

Mostly the Greeks & Russians, who I might add do not have a good record in giving their native Muslims their rights.

It's Turkish property, Turkish land they can do as they wish.

adios amigo
There are many churches in the US that were bought by Muslims, and converted into a mosque. Are you suggesting that this is not permissible?



Oh really? Tell me, are all those churches purchased by Muslims to convert to Masajid, the Head Quarters of Catholicism or Orthodox Christianity? No? Well guess what, Hagia Sophia is the centerpiece of Orthodox Christianity.

Hagia Sophia is to an Orthodox Christian, what the Holy Kaabah and Masjid-un-Nabavi is to a Muslim. What the Vatican is to a Catholic.

Catch my drift?
As a Muslim, perhaps you have been ignorant to the fact that Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam would not ever have done so. The proof of this fact is enacted by Hazrat Umar RadiAllah ta'aalah anho, who refused the invitation of the Christians to pray in their Church, upon the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem. He refused to pray in the Church, on grounds that some where in the future, some Muslims would use this incident as a pretext to converting the Church into a Masjid.

So your whole story about Ottoman Sultan purchasing the Hagia Sophia, and then converting it into a Masjid, has zero credibility whatsoever. I am sure that the Ottoman leader meant well and did it with the utmost care. However, his act, no matter how civil, does not conform to what Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam would do.

Also, your arrogance only blinds your ability to intellectually approach the subject. It has no effect on my capacity to respond to you. The "atypical" people of your nature, I come across on a daily basis, it ain't my first rodeo, friend.

You are just another stubborn self righteous Pakistani who simply can't understand the simple fact that church was bought by ottomans and they have every right to convert it into whatever they want to

Did Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) or hazrat umar (rz) bought a church snd then kept it that way?

How hard it is to understand this simple logic for you guys?

Catch my drift?


Because it is bullshit

It can be center of whatever. The fact is that church has a new owner who can convert it to whatever he wants to
Oh really? Tell me, are all those churches purchased by Muslims to convert to Masajid, the Head Quarters of Catholicism or Orthodox Christianity? No? Well guess what, Hagia Sophia is the centerpiece of Orthodox Christianity.

Hagia Sophia is to an Orthodox Christian, what the Holy Kaabah and Masjid-un-Nabavi is to a Muslim. What the Vatican is to a Catholic.

Catch my drift?

Orthodox Christianity has been split into several sub-segments. Some of these splits predated the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople.

No Orthodox Christian denomination considers Hagia Sophia its headquarters, and never has for centuries.

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