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Greece is in panic on impending acquisition of the F-35 by Turkey

hahahah russia will nuke turkey , hahaah deluded idiot , he sends info about custom union and trade things which has nothing to do with a political union , real idiot.

kes lan sesini lavuk

CSTO is a political union, idiot.

Do you really think that Russia will have any mercy if Turkey attempts to undermine its interests?
Armenia has the highest standard of life in South Caucasus.

Really? On which planet do you live? Armenia has the second worst economy in the WHOLE world.

Forbes: Armenia is the world

And Russia is biggest investor into Armenia, so clearly it cares. Not to mention the fact that the two countries have a defense contract until 2044, Russia also has military base in Gyumri. Soon it will also recognize NKR because they can then export more gas, and to undermine Azerbaijan. I think we can all agree that Russia is just waiting to attack Azerbaijan.

So what? What guarantees do you have to Russia will keep to the defense contract if it can get better economic projects with Turkey. Armenia is a desert and Russia will let it go for better relationship with Turks for joint projects that are going on. The rest what you are saying is wishful thinking based on nothing.
who is russia man , you keep saying russia , they are bowing down to USA pressure , this is not soviet union , we f.... russias interest , nabucco pipeline? baku , tbilisi , ceyhan pipeline is so important its taught in geography lessons , these all f... russian interests , what did they do? and recently with azerbiajan many things where russia will be bypassed and that is hurting them alot
Seriously are you playing risk or something ? Russia will attack there Russia will attack here Russia will nuke everywhere, I want to learn what you smoke.
Even before its completion, the BTC pipeline was having an effect on the world's oil politics. The South Caucasus, previously seen as Russia's backyard, is now a region of great strategic significance. The U.S. and other Western nations have become much more involved in the affairs of the three nations through which oil will flow. The countries have been trying to use the involvement as a counterbalance to Russian and Iranian economic and military dominance in the region.[16][22] Russian specialists claim that the pipeline will weaken the Russian influence in the Caucasus. The Russian Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Konstantin Kosachev stated that the United States and other Western countries are planning to station soldiers in the Caucasus on the pretext of instability in regions through which the pipeline passes.[23]
The project also constitutes an important leg of the East–West energy corridor, gaining Turkey greater geopolitical importance. The BTC pipeline also supports Georgia's independence from Russian influence. Former President Eduard Shevardnadze, one of the architects and initiators of the project, saw the construction of the pipeline through Georgian territory as a guarantee for the country's future economic and political security and stability. President Mikhail Saakashvili shares this view. "All strategic contracts in Georgia, especially the contract for the Caspian pipeline are a matter of survival for the Georgian state," he told reporters on 26 November 2003.[24]

Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has stated "speaking about the Nabucco pipeline without Iran's participation would amount to nothing but a pipeline void of gas". Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has made similar remarks.[84] The deputy chairman of the Russia's State Duma Energy Committee Ivan Grachev has questioned the viability of the Nabucco project and sees it as an attempt to put pressure on Russia.[85]

these projects really hit russia , what can they do ahhaha , please leave this thread your spoiling it
from that article:

Armenia second worst economy in the world:

At No. 2 is Armenia, whose economy shrank by 15% in 2009 as an expatriate-financed construction boom fizzled along with the world economy. With a mediocre growth forecast for the next few years, this landlocked former Soviet republic, dependent upon Russia and Iran for virtually all of its energy supplies, is struggling to keep up with the rest of the world. Per-capita GDP of $3,000 is less than a third of neighboring Turkey, and inflation is running at 7%. On top of that, Russia cut back on supplies of diamonds, hurting Armenia’s once-thriving diamond-processing industry.

Really? On which planet do you live? Armenia has the second worst economy in the WHOLE world.

Forbes: Armenia is the world

So what? What guarantees do you have to Russia will keep to the defense contract if it can get better economic projects with Turkey. Armenia is a desert and Russia will let it go for better relationship with Turks for joint projects that are going on. The rest what you are saying is wishful thinking based on nothing.

Your Wikipedia knowledge is very impressive. That study referred to economic growth, and not really surprising considering blockades and lack of resources. Azeris are the ones suffering. Economy size means nothing for standard of life: look at China.

What economic projects? What the hell are you talking about.

Russia will keep its promise and extend the contract even more because Armenia is Russia's last friend in the Caucasus.

Everything you are. Saying does not correlate with reality whatsoever?

who is russia man , you keep saying russia , they are bowing down to USA pressure , this is not soviet union , we f.... russias interest , nabucco pipeline? baku , tbilisi , ceyhan pipeline is so important its taught in geography lessons , these all f... russian interests , what did they do? and recently with azerbiajan many things where russia will be bypassed and that is hurting them alot

Yes, Russia will destroy the pipelines and Azerbaijan soon...

Seriously are you playing risk or something ? Russia will attack there Russia will attack here Russia will nuke everywhere, I want to learn what you smoke.

That was in response to creation of Turkic Union.
Dude seriously you have problems.

Even if somehow a Turkic union formed, Russia can't do a sh.t to Turkey, Russia and USA can't dare to go head on, lets says as you suggesting somehow Turkey is kicked out of NATO and all the bounds cut with them, it will not change the value of that strategic point for US and NATO.
i gave him facts and now he extended the date of russian to nuke the world , its soon , why not now? it has nukes , it can nuke the pipelines ? haha deluded
Your Wikipedia knowledge is very impressive.
It is not wikipedia. Are you even reading the sources I gave you?

That study referred to economic growth, and not really surprising considering blockades and lack of resources.
Are you surprised about that? Armenia is occupying land of Azerbaijan. Until that is restored all borders stay closed. Armenia is in an economic prison for decades because of stupidity of Armenian leadership.

Yes, Russia will destroy the pipelines and Azerbaijan soon...
You lost all credibility after this comment. I don't know who will take you serious of such utopian dreams. You have a distorted image of Russian/Armenian relationship.
I think america made sure f-35 is not that stealth in purpose? cause they don't want a very good plane being given to all these other countries.
It would be foolish, they are planning to buy over 3000 and Turkey is ordering 100 for the first batch :) No i think F22's VLS is too complex for maintenance. We all know F22 is extremely expensive and even USA procured in a very limited number.

F35 will open a new era. It will replace numerous airframes currently used by NATO Air Forces so it has to be cost-effective.
Dude seriously you have problems.

Even if somehow a Turkic union formed, Russia can't do a sh.t to Turkey, Russia and USA can't dare to go head on, lets says as you suggesting somehow Turkey is kicked out of NATO and all the bounds cut with them, it will not change the value of that strategic point for US and NATO.

Well, Turkey will be kicked out of NATO if the attempt to form a different state, especially one with other non-NATO nations. I think we can at least agree on that.

US/NATO will not go to war over Turkey, especially if Turkey acts against their interest by joining Turkic Union. And I think it is a little silly to argue that Turkey can withstand Russia. As we have already confirmed, Turkey has no contemporary air defense whatsoever with the exception of that Chinese-made POS J600. Russia also has nuclear weapons and an army 3x the size of Turkeys.

i gave him facts and now he extended the date of russian to nuke the world , its soon , why not now? it has nukes , it can nuke the pipelines ? haha deluded

"Nuke the world"....wtf are you talking about?

Why Russia does not act against pipelines now is a different story. Please search the Wikileak "Azerbaijan Terrified of Potential Armenian Attack" and you will understand why Russia acts the way it does.

It is not wikipedia. Are you even reading the sources I gave you?

Are you surprised about that? Armenia is occupying land of Azerbaijan. Until that is restored all borders stay closed. Armenia is in an economic prison for decades because of stupidity of Armenian leadership.

You lost all credibility after this comment. I don't know who will take you serious of such utopian dreams. You have a distorted image of Russian/Armenian relationship.

Clearly, the Wikipedia founders did not go out and do research on the subject. I'm not an idiot. But you found that excerpt because it is quoted on the page of "Economy of Armenia".

Not surprised about blockade at all. It is the right decision though. Armenia will never withdraw. There will be tough economic times yes, but in the long run Artsakh will be ours forever. And don't count on Turkey having Azerbaijan's back either. Remember how close Turkey was to agreeing on protocols with Armenia? Azeris just barely managed to convince them not to.

Again, read the Wikileaks cable I mentioned above. I am perfectly aware of Russia/Armenian relationship.
It is hard to continue talking with somebody who accuses other people with using wikipedia when we posted respected sources while he himself is spewing incoherent utopian fairy tales backed up by no single source. Maybe you should stop masturbating to Russian prince on a white horse that you hope will save Armenian maiden that gets orally abused. It is nothing more than a fantasy.
It is hard to continue talking with somebody who accuses other people with using wikipedia when we posted respected sources while he himself is spewing incoherent utopian fairy tales backed up by no single source. Maybe you should stop masturbating to Russian prince on a white horse that will save Armenian maiden that gets orally abused.

I was not disagreeing with you about the source you posted. I just provided a source.

Armenia does not need to be "saved" from anyone. It can take care of Azerbaijan on its own, and Turkey has no reason to attack. Even if it did have a reason, Turkey cares about being NATO's dog too much to go against the charter.
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