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“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East


Feb 22, 2019
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“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan". Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, March 26, 2019


The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. (article first published by Global Research on April 29, 2013).

President Donald Trump has confirmed in no uncertain terms, his support of Israel’s illegal settlements (including his opposition to UN Security Council Resolution 2334, pertaining to the illegality of the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank). In recent developments, the Trump administration has expressed its recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Bear in mind: this design is not strictly a Zionist Project for the Middle East, it is an integral part of US foreign policy, namely Washington’s intent to fracture and balkanize the Middle East. Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is intended to trigger political instability throughout the region.

According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”


When viewed in the current context, including the siege on Gaza, the Zionist Plan for the Middle East bears an intimate relationship to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria, Iraq and Yemen, not to mention the political crisis in Saudi Arabia.

The “Greater Israel” project consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of a US-Israeli expansionist project, with the support of NATO and Saudi Arabia. In this regard, the Saudi-Israeli rapprochement is from Netanyahu’s viewpoint a means to expanding Israel’s spheres of influence in the Middle East as well as confronting Iran. Needless to day, the “Greater Israel” project is consistent with America’s imperial design.

“Greater Israel” consists in an area extending from the Nile Valley to the Euphrates. According to Stephen Lendman, “A near-century ago, the World Zionist Organization’s plan for a Jewish state included:

• historic Palestine;

• South Lebanon up to Sidon and the Litani River;

• Syria’s Golan Heights, Hauran Plain and Deraa; and

• control of the Hijaz Railway from Deraa to Amman, Jordan as well as the Gulf of Aqaba.

Some Zionists wanted more – land from the Nile in the West to the Euphrates in the East, comprising Palestine, Lebanon, Western Syria and Southern Turkey.”

The Zionist project supports the Jewish settlement movement. More broadly it involves a policy of excluding Palestinians from Palestine leading to the eventual annexation of both the West Bank and Gaza to the State of Israel.

Greater Israel would create a number of proxy States. It would include parts of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the Sinai, as well as parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. (See map).

According to Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya in a 2011 Global Research article, The Yinon Plan was a continuation of Britain’s colonial design in the Middle East:

“[The Yinon plan] is an Israeli strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority. It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.

Israeli strategists viewed Iraq as their biggest strategic challenge from an Arab state. This is why Iraq was outlined as the centerpiece to the balkanization of the Middle East and the Arab World. In Iraq, on the basis of the concepts of the Yinon Plan, Israeli strategists have called for the division of Iraq into a Kurdish state and two Arab states, one for Shiite Muslims and the other for Sunni Muslims. The first step towards establishing this was a war between Iraq and Iran, which the Yinon Plan discusses.

The Atlantic, in 2008, and the U.S. military’s Armed Forces Journal, in 2006, both published widely circulated maps that closely followed the outline of the Yinon Plan. Aside from a divided Iraq, which the Biden Plan also calls for, the Yinon Plan calls for a divided Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria. The partitioning of Iran, Turkey, Somalia, and Pakistan also all fall into line with these views. The Yinon Plan also calls for dissolution in North Africa and forecasts it as starting from Egypt and then spilling over into Sudan, Libya, and the rest of the region.

"Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states.

“The plan operates on two essential premises. To survive, Israel must 1) become an imperial regional power, and 2) must effect the division of the whole area into small states by the dissolution of all existing Arab states. Small here will depend on the ethnic or sectarian composition of each state. Consequently, the Zionist hope is that sectarian-based states become Israel’s satellites and, ironically, its source of moral legitimation… This is not a new idea, nor does it surface for the first time in Zionist strategic thinking. Indeed, fragmenting all Arab states into smaller units has been a recurrent theme.” (Yinon Plan, see below)

Viewed in this context, the war on Syria and Iraq is part of the process of Israeli territorial expansion.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, September 06, 2015, updated March 26, 2019


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Operation "Euphrates Shield" is over, it's sword's time.
One thing that I loved about this operation "Euphrates Shield" by Turkey was they hit the terrorists inside Syria. And then created a buffer zone between Syria and Turkish border. We should have done the same thing inside Afghanistan. Then no RAW supported terrorists would have entered from Afghanistan to Pakistan in the first place.
Israel might achieve this.

Afterall Jews are gods chosen people according to the god of Abraham.
One thing that I loved about this operation "Euphrates Shield" by Turkey was they hit the terrorists inside Syria. And then created a buffer zone between Syria and Turkish border. We should have done the same thing inside Afghanistan. Then no RAW supported terrorists would have entered from Afghanistan to Pakistan in the first place.
I worry a lot about Pakistan's border to Iranian Balochistan and Afghanistan.
I am glad that we are also in Afghanistan :D
Israel might achieve this.

Afterall Jews are gods chosen people according to the god of Abraham.

God of Abraham also said that I will bring them back from all around the world on this land to punish them once for all because they disown their promises and commitments which they made with God and they also kill the some of the prophets which were send to them to bring them on the right path.
These land grabbing Zionists will never be happy with what they have stolen already. The Great Satan (US) has already given them Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Yet they still want more through their proxies.

The anti Muslim Kurdish groups such as the PKK have been supported by the Zionists since the early 1990's to undermine Turkey. The Turks have been seen by the Israelis as an emerging Muslim power who in the long term could cause problems for the Zionists. It was a mistake for the Turks to even have diplomatic relations, never mind military cooperation with these pigs and apes. Now the Zionist Jews are openly plotting with the Greeks and their Cypriot lackeys to undermine Turkey in the Mediterranean.

Turkey should stand firm in this plot for a greater Israel by arming Lebanon, in particular Hezbollah, and having closer economic and military relations with Iran and Pakistan who are also at the cross hairs if evangelical Christians and the Zionist Jews.
One thing that I loved about this operation "Euphrates Shield" by Turkey was they hit the terrorists inside Syria. And then created a buffer zone between Syria and Turkish border. We should have done the same thing inside Afghanistan. Then no RAW supported terrorists would have entered from Afghanistan to Pakistan in the first place.
We didnt do that for a very specific and integral reason.
Israel saw in arab strongman Saddam Hussein a major obstacle to its expansionist designs and/or geopolitical clout in the Middle East, therefore, he had to go. With Iraq reduced to a mere shadow of its former-self, US and Israel have the space to do as they please and reshape the political landscape of the Middle East in accordance with their endgoals for this region.

Iraq = defanged and politically reformed
Syria = defanged and Golan Heights secured
Hamas = ?
Hezbollah = ?
Iran = ?
Turkey = ?

Alarming developments...
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Golan Heights occupation is not new it's as old as 1981 & Trump is burning all American cards in dealing with this regime first capital & now Golan Heights which had been used by all former American presidents for what in return? for what cost? by breaking the international law and the UNSCR?
The point is so far they've failed in many aspects of their plot and to be honest have achieved some of their goals ... & the sole main reason behind it is Islamic countries' stance and their heavy reliant on the Americans which I don't think neither of them are about to get changed.

What we know is these people are all for peace and prosper of people in this region:
Black gold under the Golan
a subsidiary of American-based Genie Energy, says his company thinks it has found an oil reservoir “with the potential of billions of barrels”.

Besides The Golan provides over a third of israel’s fresh water ....

The funny thing is Genie Energy's Ira Greenstein donated to the Trump campaign in 2015 ...

I think is more about money, in facts it's the money that talks.
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Kikes will start it
We will end it
And we will dominate the escalation ladder
We shall surprise you.
Israel saw in arab strongman Saddam Hussein a major obstacle to its expansionist designs and/or geopolitical clout in the Middle East, therefore, he had to go. With Iraq reduced to a mere shadow of its former-self, US and Israel have the space to do as they please and reshape the political landscape of the Middle East in accordance with their endgoals for this region.

Iraq = defanged and politically reformed
Syria = defanged and Golan Heights secured
Hamas = ?
Hezbollah = ?
Iran = ?
Turkey = ?

Alarming developments...
There is no threat to them from Arab countries anymore which they can't handle easily. There are only 2 countries left now which are still standing firm and pose a threat to their "Greater Israel" plan.
Pakistan & Turkey

In the coming days, US and Israel will support India more and more against Pakistan. In recent conflict with India, Israel supported India and gave them intelligence openly. They don't even try to hide it anymore. The recent USA bases in Oman is also specifically planned to encircle Pakistan and will be used by Israel and India.

While US and NATO will step up to hurt Turkey more economically and militarily. Even now USA is openly arming Kurd terrorists on the Turkish border.

@waz @Dubious @The Eagle
Please remove the Israeli troll from this thread.
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There is no threat to them from Arab countries anymore which they can't handle easily. There are only 2 countries left now which are still standing firm and pose a threat to their "Greater Israel" plan.
Pakistan & Turkey

In the coming days, US and Israel will support India more and more against Pakistan. In recent conflict with India, Israel supported India and gave them intelligence openly. They don't even try to hide it anymore. The recent USA bases in Oman is also specifically planned to encircle Pakistan and will be used by Israel and India.

While US and NATO will step up to hurt Turkey more economically and militarily. Even now USA is openly arming Kurd terrorists on the Turkish border.

@waz @Dubious @The Eagle
Please remove the Israeli troll from this thread.
1) globalreseach.ca is trash conspiracy site.


2) Silly map in question is populated by over 100 million Arabs. Only a completely retarded idiot can think that tiny Israel can control all these areas with all these people. Israel does not wish to control even tiny Gaza.

Next time think a little before posting stupid conspiracy trash. I did not think that I'll need to explain something that is obvious for anyone with IQ over 40.
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