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Great beauty is often a curse

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and underarm hair too. :rofl:

Come on man, why are you degrading Desi girls?

You messed me up.
I was thinking the same thing :pop: .....

nope mate , smart girls are average !!!!

*Average girls (in terms of looks) are average (in terms of brains).
*Pretty girls are dumb.
*Ugly girls are smart.

Beauty=x, Brains=y
x ¦Á y^-1
Yes, Desi girls are ugly :P

ok your women are butt ugly. Apart from your actresses, I have yet to meet a beautiful indian woman. Your girls are nerdy and ugly. I really doubt its because of your women that we get our looks. I've seen ugly pakistanis, but I've also seen a fair share of really good looking one's. I have yet to see a beautiful indian girl irl. I guess you keep them all in india to rape them or something.

I disagree. The good looking girls are more into partying and boys then into studying. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What's good to you may be ugly to me.
Idhar konsi beautiful hain?

And they left all the butt ugly girls in India :omghaha:

Most Indian girls look like teenage boys with long hair... I mean seriously, shave the moustache and unibrow off, girl!

100% true. I just call them shemales and be done with it. I hear JayAtl is married to one.
True that....... not one "reasonably" attractive girl ends up in Applied Maths, Nuclear Physics or Engineering. For some odd reason, they do comparatively well in other sciences (Architecture, Economics & Medicine).

how about Amy Mainzer?

B.S. in Physics, Stanford University, with honors (1995)
M.S. in Astronomy, California Institute of Technology (2001)
Ph.D. in Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles (2003)


i'd be willing to overlook her non existant boobs, because she is so smart.
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