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Great beauty is often a curse

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The way she is wearing the make-up in her second pic it seems she always has wanted to cash on her beauty and she didn't learn anything.

It's not really about covering as much as it is about changing one's outlook on life.

you get what you seek in life, nothing is specifically bad as such.. some people (men too) want to be center of attraction.. like interaction.. hate to be left alone..
and some want privacy, solitude .. dont like mixing a lot..

both have their own way of finding peace in their life... if she wanted less attention she just should have mixed less..

btw some profession make it harder to be solitary... nothing can be done about it.
True that....... not one "reasonably" attractive girl ends up in Applied Maths, Nuclear Physics or Engineering. For some odd reason, they do comparatively well in other sciences (Architecture, Economics & Medicine).

But then again. Beauty is relative.

If given the choice between beauty and brains, girls would choose beauty any day of the week. Smart girls are usually buttt ugly.

P.S. Female PDF members are very pretty. :D
you get what you seek in life, nothing is specifically bad as such.. some people (men too) want to be center of attraction.. like interaction.. hate to be left alone..
and some want privacy, solitude .. dont like mixing a lot..

both have their own way of finding peace in their life... if she wanted less attention she just should have mixed less..

btw some profession make it harder to be solitary... nothing can be done about it.

Perhaps everyone looks for peace but they don't agree on the means to attain peace.
Great beauty is often a curse

Marianne Faithfull ’s confession this week that she had to dose herself up with drink and drugs to have sex will have come as a huge shock to the countless men who adored her.

After all, she was the poster girl for free love, the epitome of cool in her floppy hats and furs. If she wasn’t enjoying herself, then who on earth was?

The answer is simple: men.

The blokes, from Mick Jagger to Keith Richards and all the rest in between, who woke up one day in the Sixties to discover that a combination of the Pill and the new permissiveness had done away with the need for boring old-fashioned stuff such as respect, love and responsibility; that now young, naive girls like Faithfull had no excuse whatsoever for not jumping into bed with them.

Not, that is, unless they wanted to be branded as frigid or hopelessly uncool.

As Faithfull put it: ‘I had to pretend that everything was so wonderful, wild and sexual. But it really wasn’t.’

But she had another disadvantage, too: her beauty.

Great beauty, it is generally assumed, is a great blessing. In reality, it is almost always a terrible burden.

If a woman has beauty, especially at a very young age, it can come to define her.

However clever, kind and talented she may otherwise be, the fact that men desire her and women envy her will always throw a spanner in the works. Faithfull was truly stunning.

And in an era of free love, she would have attracted an almost intolerable level of male attention, some of it welcome, much of it not.

No surprise that the poor girl hated sex: she must have come to associate it with a sort of abuse.

Little wonder then that she threw her beauty away, ruining her looks through drug abuse and only finding peace in her 50s.

That she has come through it all is testament to the one thing that endures long after looks have faded: character.

Read more: SARAH VINE: Yes, I'm the meanest mother in the world | Mail Online
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Be careful, i love this woman... Or the younger version...

I saw her twice in concerts and just finished reading 3 books about her.. She took heroin for a whole year in Soho, London because Mick Jagger dumped her.. I even worked in a company next to where she sat stoned on a wall..

She said 'All addiction is a substitute for lack of Love in our lives' And i respect her for that..

About Beauty:

There's a saying: 'Without an Audience Beauty is Nothing'

Which translates as, someone beautiful will ALWAYS need an audience and someone to tell them they are beautiful... (ALL Women).That's a horrible trap and negative interrelationship to be locked into, that's why it's a curse..
Its not like she didnt have a choice,evry person decides for him/herself.
Its is a show of weakness,she just gave in/up.
Perhaps everyone looks for peace but they don't agree on the means to attain peace.
of course ..what is peaceful for you could be boring (and suicidal) for me... it depends on what you want from life and your personality, your likes and dislikes.
I for example like hectic city life than serene and calm countryside.. :lol:
Fortunately one case of a permiscuous woman does not make the rule. Beautiful women and goodlooking men do better in life and that's been researched. There was a brief influx of the guys you call "geeks" landing hot women in the late 90's. But the other thing researched was that "money trumps everything". So make sure if you are not rich, then concentrate on marrying correctly to give your baby a leg up in life
True that....... not one "reasonably" attractive girl ends up in Applied Maths, Nuclear Physics or Engineering. For some odd reason, they do comparatively well in other sciences (Architecture, Economics & [[Medicine]]).

But then again. Beauty is relative.

Lol this sounds kinda true...I know a super pretty girl who is studying medicine. :P
yes its a curse... that's why muslms used to invade india and carry away women. and that's why current day Pakistanis are slightly good looking.
yes its a curse... that's why muslms used to invade india and carry away women. and that's why current day Pakistanis are slightly good looking.

wtf ... muslims invaded india for girls? :hitwall:
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