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Gravely sick Pakistan Steel being set up for a grab!!!


Aug 23, 2009
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Auditor general’s report points to gloomy financial situation

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: Tales of corruption, mismanagement, loot and plunder in the Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) are far more serious than what is believed or has been reported in the media.

The gravely sick organisation has shown losses of Rs29 billion in the year July 08 to June 09 and another Rs11 billion during the first eight months of 2009-10 whereas its immediate debt liabilities have grown to Rs32 billion.

The commercial audit of the PSM for the same period has not yet been done but what the Auditor General of Pakistan has concluded in his audit report on the accounts of the PSM for the period July 2007-June 2008 and initial eight months of the last fiscal year (2008-09), is mind-boggling.

It shows losses, irregularities and non-recoveries of Rs39 billion during July 2007-Feb 2009. It is said that if the AGP is allowed to complete his work for the period till Feb 2010, it is feared that the last two years losses may touch Rs70 billion.

In May 2008, when the present regime appointed its choice management in the PSM it had Rs11 billion in cash and Rs10 billion worth inventories in the shape of material. At that time the liability of the PSM was Rs6 billion, or in the comfortable positive territory.

But in March 2010, there is no cash, hardly any saleable inventory available whereas the raw material for the production of PSM is at the minimum because of serious financial crisis allegedly caused by corruption.

Documentary evidence available with The News shows the PSM as a profit-earning organisation till the financial year 2007-08 despite massive corruption as reflected in the AGP report for 2007-08. These documents show the Mills earning profit of Rs2.3 billion despite the corruption and losses indicated by the Auditor General of Pakistan. The documents show that since July 2000 till June 2008, the PSM has been showing net profit during all these eight years.

The mismanagement in the PSM under the present set-up and with the alleged criminal silence of the ministry of industries and production, the PSM has today become one of the greatest burdens on the public kitty.

Sources believe that this serious damage to this national asset has been caused firstly to make some quick billions for some powerful people and secondly to turn it into a failed asset to pave the way for its privatisation to some selected parties.

Powerful business groups, having right connections in the present political dispensation, are reportedly bidding to bag the entire organisation, just as cronies of Musharraf tried in his regime, at throwaway price. These sources said that while the Pakistan Steel is drowning, all the related suppliers, contractors and dealers have multiplied their fortunes during this period.

These sources believe that the PSM is capable of making a positive U-turn if its management is appointed on merit, qualification and experience, and is saved from political interference.

According to the audited balance sheet of the PSM for the financial year ending June 30, 2009, “During the year the corporation has incurred a huge loss before tax of Rs28.960 billion and there have been various allegations of fraud in the electronic and print media including allegation of wrongdoings in the purchase of raw material and higher freight rates compared to the prevailing market prices. While such rates were based on rates provided in respective agreements, the management failed to re-negotiate the prices to bring them down considering the steep fall in the market prices despite direction of the board of directors to do so. Further, there have been allegations that the corporation had drastically reduced the prices of finished products, even lower than the prevailing market prices with a view to benefiting some customers.....”

The balance sheet admits that the Mills’ current liabilities as on 30 June 2009 were Rs23.37 billion, the figure that has reportedly now grown to Rs32 billion. The share value of the PSM has also reduced in 2008-09 by Rs15.42 and the equity of the Mills has been completely wiped out and gone into minus.

Interestingly in its books of accounts/balance sheet the management talks of losses but is silent about the corruption cases or recoveries to be made.

The balance sheet gives a reference of the corruptions tales as highlighted by the media but it did not mention the observations of the Auditor General of Pakistan.

The sources said that despite huge losses, not even a single contractor, dealer or supplier attached with PSM has been suspended, blacklisted or proceeded against for recovery.

Even the dealers, suppliers and contractors named in the recently lodged five FIRs by the FIA following Supreme Court’s intervention, involving alleged Rs10 billion of corrupted money, have neither been suspended nor blacklisted. Managing Director Rasool Buksh Palpoto, who is also named FIR No 39/2009, continues to be the MD of the Pakistan Steels.

In its report, the Auditor General of Pakistan on the basis of audit conducted for period July 2007 till February 2, 2009, showed losses, misappropriation, losses etc of Rs39 billion. The report contains 73 cases/observations, which were sent to the management of the Pakistan Steel. The PSM management filed its response but the replies were not found satisfactory. The following is the brief of these audit paras:

1- Loss of Rs158.672 million due to purchase of material by splitting the indented quantity and loss of Rs1.612 million by awarding extensions in delivery period;

2- Non-receipt of charging equipment valuing Rs49.603 million and deduction of liquidity damages thereon;

3- Loss of Rs46.860 million due to purchase of Ferro Manganese by splitting of indented quantity;

4- Purchase of Calcium Fluorite valuing Rs19.125 million and non-receipt of material;

5- Purchase of Calcium Fluorite valuing Rs18.838 million from a supplier;

6- Loss of Rs4.334 million due to delay in finalisation of purchase of Ferro Silicon;

7- Non-recovery of liquidity damages of Rs2,964,644 from a supplier and loss of Rs1.644 million as result of 2nd tendering;

8- Non-recovery/replacement of rejected materials valuing Rs4.101 million from the supplier and violation of PPRA Rules by splitting the indented quantity;

9- Irregular/unjustified procedure adopted in PSM regarding procurement of material/goods;

10- Procurement of materials/goods without advertisement on PPRA’s website by violating the authority’s rules;

11- Irregular/unjustified purchase of vehicles valuing Rs24.240 millions;

12- Irregular/unjustified purchase of new buses valuing Rs38.970 million;

13- Loss of Rs735972 due to expiry of performance bank guarantee;

14- Loss of Rs832.312 million due to sale of coke below cost;

15- Loss of Rs282.377 million due to sale of galvanized coil/sheet below cost;

16- Loss of Rs56.529 million due to sale of electricity at lower rate than its cost;

17- Non-payment of Rs825.646million of government;

18- Irregular payment of Rs63.437 million against WPPF and loss of interest Rs0.847 million paid thereon;

19- Non-recovery of Rs1026.190 million from trade debtors;

20- Non-recovery of Rs285.524 million from different parties;

21- Loss of Rs226.795 million due to shortage of raw material & finished stock;

22- Irregularities identified in stock maintenance valued Rs148.367 million (Net);

23- Non-receipt of store valuing Rs1831.223million shown under store in transit;

24- Irregular/unjustified payment of house rent allowance amounting to Rs2.886 million made to the ex-chairmen of Pakistan Steel;

25- Irregular/unjustified payment of house rent allowances involving Rs912.504 million to employees/officers residing in corporation’s residences;

26-Irregular/unjustified expenditure of Rs10.940 million on Hajj;

27- Non-recovery of Rs118.985 million from a contactor in a legal case;

28- Non-recovery Rs77.506 million from a construction company;

29- Loss of Rs32.336 million due to a case decided against Pakistan Steel Mills;

30- Non-finalization of a legal case involving Rs17.244 million and recurring legal expenses since long;

31- Non-recovery of Rs8.878 million from tenants in a legal case;

32- Irregular/unjustified appointment of an advocate at the professional fee of Rs600,000;

33- Inadequate disclosure of stocks valuing Rs13.101 million in financial statement;

34- Non-insurance of official vehicles of Pakistan Steel Mills;

35- Excess expenditure of about Rs14.861 million incurred due to non-use of CNG in corporation’s official vehicles;

36- Regularisation of donation amounting to Rs7.29 million to earthquake victims;

37- Irregular/unjustified payment of Rs893832 as Bonus/ honorarium to staff members/staff personnel of concerned ministry;

38- Non-utilisation of iron ore reserves available in the country;

39- Capacity enhancement needed for PSM survival in the steel market;

40- System weaknesses observed by government audit in different areas;

41- Different quantity shown in different documents regarding production of coke produced in PSM during 2007-2008;

42- Improper utilisation of fixed assets;

43- Non-production of record to government audit;

44- Loss of Rs221.214 million due to extra payment to shipper for two shipments;

45- Loss of Rs163.135 million due to rejection of lowest bid in the first tender;

46- Loss of Rs118.500 million due to award of half quantity to the 2nd lowest bidder by splitting the tendered quantity and thus committed violation of PPRA rules;

47- Loss of Rs88.480 million due to award of half of the quantity to the 2nd lowest bidder by splitting the tendered quantity and thus committed violation of PPRA rules;

48-Irregular/unjustified sharing of US$2.415 million (equivalent to Pak Rs181.142 million) in duty/taxes claimed by M/S Seasa Goa India;

49- Non-completion of repair work of coke oven batteries involving Rs1872.678 million;

50 -Loss of Rs20.541 million due to excess payment to a supplier of Met Coke;

51- Abnormal delay in finalisation of 6th generation iron ore selection/plan resulting in spot purchases;

52- Less supply of 163,763 MT iron ore (fine) by the supplier under 6th generation;

53- Non-observance of proper procedure for procurement of bulk material through bulk material department;

54- Violation of PPRA’s rules by awarding contract to the second lowest bidder as a result of negotiation;

55- Unjustified criteria for selection of supplier in generation plan/programme;

56- Abnormal increase in freight rate of coal as a result of revision;

57- Unrealistic strategy in fixation of sale price of PSM products during the year 2008 resulting in depriving of sales revenue of Rs9673 million;

58- Loss of Rs7,151 million due to sale of steel products below cost of sale during July-2008 to January-2009

59- Announcement of free credit policy resulting in favouritism to the select dealers amounting to Rs644.565 million;

60- Loss of Rs97.769 million due to sale of electricity to KESC below cost of production;

61- Irregular award of sale contract and undue favour to a dealer for credit sale of billet valuing Rs76.220 million;

62- Non-selling of finished goods stocks valuing Rs4,963,276;

63- Utilisation of Rs7,514 million from employees fund;

64- Piling up of finished goods, main & by-products resulting in blockade of Rs4,268.326 million as on 28-02-2009.

65- Sale of 6,917.520 (MTN) of billets to Abbas Group of Industries during February 2009;

66- Utilisation of funds of Rs16,080 million by PSM during first six months of 2008-09 from cash & bank balance & employees provident fund.

67- Undue favour to Abbas Group of Industries after reduction of sale price of billets from Rs53,500 PMT to Rs34,000 PMT

68- Unjustified variation in fixation of sales price of billet;

69- Posting of non-qualified officers against different designations in sales and marketing department;

70- Registration of Abbas Group as consumer and trader at the same time in violation of standing orders;

71- Registration of dealers for the sale of products in non-transparent manner;

72- Non-imposition of penalty on the defaulting dealers on expiry of NOR for the quantity of 389,943 MT of different products of PSM;

73 -Loss of Rs1.842 million due to non-lifting of material by the buyers within stipulated time.

(Note: The News will welcome a detailed rejoinder from Pakistan Steel on all these points raised by the AGP Report)
What the HELL is Choudry Nisar doing. These Morons are looting this nation day and night and this BULL$HIT opposition is silent not to "destabelize" this looting practice. I am desperately looking for some leadership and I do not see any person on the available list capable of doing half the job right. GOD Send us somebody!
What the HELL is Choudry Nisar doing. These Morons are looting this nation day and night and this BULL$HIT opposition is silent not to "destabelize" this looting practice. I am desperately looking for some leadership and I do not see any person on the available list capable of doing half the job right. GOD Send us somebody!

Relax friend: Dis-investing from a sick PSU is a global Phenomenon...its happens everywhere....it happened in US ...Europe and India.....saves government a lot of resources from being pured into a under-performing entity and brings in much needed money by way of sale of equity to an industrialist.....There is a huge possibility that the new owner would be able to turn this loss making Company into a profit making one...and Pakistan would benefit from it.

What say you.
I disagree some entities of Strategic Importance are better of in government hand even if they are making a loss.
Auditor general’s report points to gloomy financial situation

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: Tales of corruption, mismanagement, loot and plunder in the Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) are far more serious than what is believed or has been reported in the media.

The gravely sick organisation has shown losses of Rs29 billion in the year July 08 to June 09 and another Rs11 billion during the first eight months of 2009-10 whereas its immediate debt liabilities have grown to Rs32 billion.

The commercial audit of the PSM for the same period has not yet been done but what the Auditor General of Pakistan has concluded in his audit report on the accounts of the PSM for the period July 2007-June 2008 and initial eight months of the last fiscal year (2008-09), is mind-boggling.

It shows losses, irregularities and non-recoveries of Rs39 billion during July 2007-Feb 2009. It is said that if the AGP is allowed to complete his work for the period till Feb 2010, it is feared that the last two years losses may touch Rs70 billion.

In May 2008, when the present regime appointed its choice management in the PSM it had Rs11 billion in cash and Rs10 billion worth inventories in the shape of material. At that time the liability of the PSM was Rs6 billion, or in the comfortable positive territory.

But in March 2010, there is no cash, hardly any saleable inventory available whereas the raw material for the production of PSM is at the minimum because of serious financial crisis allegedly caused by corruption.

Documentary evidence available with The News shows the PSM as a profit-earning organisation till the financial year 2007-08 despite massive corruption as reflected in the AGP report for 2007-08. These documents show the Mills earning profit of Rs2.3 billion despite the corruption and losses indicated by the Auditor General of Pakistan. The documents show that since July 2000 till June 2008, the PSM has been showing net profit during all these eight years.

The mismanagement in the PSM under the present set-up and with the alleged criminal silence of the ministry of industries and production, the PSM has today become one of the greatest burdens on the public kitty.

Sources believe that this serious damage to this national asset has been caused firstly to make some quick billions for some powerful people and secondly to turn it into a failed asset to pave the way for its privatisation to some selected parties.

Powerful business groups, having right connections in the present political dispensation, are reportedly bidding to bag the entire organisation, just as cronies of Musharraf tried in his regime, at throwaway price. These sources said that while the Pakistan Steel is drowning, all the related suppliers, contractors and dealers have multiplied their fortunes during this period.

These sources believe that the PSM is capable of making a positive U-turn if its management is appointed on merit, qualification and experience, and is saved from political interference.

According to the audited balance sheet of the PSM for the financial year ending June 30, 2009, “During the year the corporation has incurred a huge loss before tax of Rs28.960 billion and there have been various allegations of fraud in the electronic and print media including allegation of wrongdoings in the purchase of raw material and higher freight rates compared to the prevailing market prices. While such rates were based on rates provided in respective agreements, the management failed to re-negotiate the prices to bring them down considering the steep fall in the market prices despite direction of the board of directors to do so. Further, there have been allegations that the corporation had drastically reduced the prices of finished products, even lower than the prevailing market prices with a view to benefiting some customers.....”

The balance sheet admits that the Mills’ current liabilities as on 30 June 2009 were Rs23.37 billion, the figure that has reportedly now grown to Rs32 billion. The share value of the PSM has also reduced in 2008-09 by Rs15.42 and the equity of the Mills has been completely wiped out and gone into minus.

Interestingly in its books of accounts/balance sheet the management talks of losses but is silent about the corruption cases or recoveries to be made.

The balance sheet gives a reference of the corruptions tales as highlighted by the media but it did not mention the observations of the Auditor General of Pakistan.

The sources said that despite huge losses, not even a single contractor, dealer or supplier attached with PSM has been suspended, blacklisted or proceeded against for recovery.

Even the dealers, suppliers and contractors named in the recently lodged five FIRs by the FIA following Supreme Court’s intervention, involving alleged Rs10 billion of corrupted money, have neither been suspended nor blacklisted. Managing Director Rasool Buksh Palpoto, who is also named FIR No 39/2009, continues to be the MD of the Pakistan Steels.

In its report, the Auditor General of Pakistan on the basis of audit conducted for period July 2007 till February 2, 2009, showed losses, misappropriation, losses etc of Rs39 billion. The report contains 73 cases/observations, which were sent to the management of the Pakistan Steel. The PSM management filed its response but the replies were not found satisfactory. The following is the brief of these audit paras:

1- Loss of Rs158.672 million due to purchase of material by splitting the indented quantity and loss of Rs1.612 million by awarding extensions in delivery period;

2- Non-receipt of charging equipment valuing Rs49.603 million and deduction of liquidity damages thereon;

3- Loss of Rs46.860 million due to purchase of Ferro Manganese by splitting of indented quantity;

4- Purchase of Calcium Fluorite valuing Rs19.125 million and non-receipt of material;

5- Purchase of Calcium Fluorite valuing Rs18.838 million from a supplier;

6- Loss of Rs4.334 million due to delay in finalisation of purchase of Ferro Silicon;

7- Non-recovery of liquidity damages of Rs2,964,644 from a supplier and loss of Rs1.644 million as result of 2nd tendering;

8- Non-recovery/replacement of rejected materials valuing Rs4.101 million from the supplier and violation of PPRA Rules by splitting the indented quantity;

9- Irregular/unjustified procedure adopted in PSM regarding procurement of material/goods;

10- Procurement of materials/goods without advertisement on PPRA’s website by violating the authority’s rules;

11- Irregular/unjustified purchase of vehicles valuing Rs24.240 millions;

12- Irregular/unjustified purchase of new buses valuing Rs38.970 million;

13- Loss of Rs735972 due to expiry of performance bank guarantee;

14- Loss of Rs832.312 million due to sale of coke below cost;

15- Loss of Rs282.377 million due to sale of galvanized coil/sheet below cost;

16- Loss of Rs56.529 million due to sale of electricity at lower rate than its cost;

17- Non-payment of Rs825.646million of government;

18- Irregular payment of Rs63.437 million against WPPF and loss of interest Rs0.847 million paid thereon;

19- Non-recovery of Rs1026.190 million from trade debtors;

20- Non-recovery of Rs285.524 million from different parties;

21- Loss of Rs226.795 million due to shortage of raw material & finished stock;

22- Irregularities identified in stock maintenance valued Rs148.367 million (Net);

23- Non-receipt of store valuing Rs1831.223million shown under store in transit;

24- Irregular/unjustified payment of house rent allowance amounting to Rs2.886 million made to the ex-chairmen of Pakistan Steel;

25- Irregular/unjustified payment of house rent allowances involving Rs912.504 million to employees/officers residing in corporation’s residences;

26-Irregular/unjustified expenditure of Rs10.940 million on Hajj;

27- Non-recovery of Rs118.985 million from a contactor in a legal case;

28- Non-recovery Rs77.506 million from a construction company;

29- Loss of Rs32.336 million due to a case decided against Pakistan Steel Mills;

30- Non-finalization of a legal case involving Rs17.244 million and recurring legal expenses since long;

31- Non-recovery of Rs8.878 million from tenants in a legal case;

32- Irregular/unjustified appointment of an advocate at the professional fee of Rs600,000;

33- Inadequate disclosure of stocks valuing Rs13.101 million in financial statement;

34- Non-insurance of official vehicles of Pakistan Steel Mills;

35- Excess expenditure of about Rs14.861 million incurred due to non-use of CNG in corporation’s official vehicles;

36- Regularisation of donation amounting to Rs7.29 million to earthquake victims;

37- Irregular/unjustified payment of Rs893832 as Bonus/ honorarium to staff members/staff personnel of concerned ministry;

38- Non-utilisation of iron ore reserves available in the country;

39- Capacity enhancement needed for PSM survival in the steel market;

40- System weaknesses observed by government audit in different areas;

41- Different quantity shown in different documents regarding production of coke produced in PSM during 2007-2008;

42- Improper utilisation of fixed assets;

43- Non-production of record to government audit;

44- Loss of Rs221.214 million due to extra payment to shipper for two shipments;

45- Loss of Rs163.135 million due to rejection of lowest bid in the first tender;

46- Loss of Rs118.500 million due to award of half quantity to the 2nd lowest bidder by splitting the tendered quantity and thus committed violation of PPRA rules;

47- Loss of Rs88.480 million due to award of half of the quantity to the 2nd lowest bidder by splitting the tendered quantity and thus committed violation of PPRA rules;

48-Irregular/unjustified sharing of US$2.415 million (equivalent to Pak Rs181.142 million) in duty/taxes claimed by M/S Seasa Goa India;

49- Non-completion of repair work of coke oven batteries involving Rs1872.678 million;

50 -Loss of Rs20.541 million due to excess payment to a supplier of Met Coke;

51- Abnormal delay in finalisation of 6th generation iron ore selection/plan resulting in spot purchases;

52- Less supply of 163,763 MT iron ore (fine) by the supplier under 6th generation;

53- Non-observance of proper procedure for procurement of bulk material through bulk material department;

54- Violation of PPRA’s rules by awarding contract to the second lowest bidder as a result of negotiation;

55- Unjustified criteria for selection of supplier in generation plan/programme;

56- Abnormal increase in freight rate of coal as a result of revision;

57- Unrealistic strategy in fixation of sale price of PSM products during the year 2008 resulting in depriving of sales revenue of Rs9673 million;

58- Loss of Rs7,151 million due to sale of steel products below cost of sale during July-2008 to January-2009

59- Announcement of free credit policy resulting in favouritism to the select dealers amounting to Rs644.565 million;

60- Loss of Rs97.769 million due to sale of electricity to KESC below cost of production;

61- Irregular award of sale contract and undue favour to a dealer for credit sale of billet valuing Rs76.220 million;

62- Non-selling of finished goods stocks valuing Rs4,963,276;

63- Utilisation of Rs7,514 million from employees fund;

64- Piling up of finished goods, main & by-products resulting in blockade of Rs4,268.326 million as on 28-02-2009.

65- Sale of 6,917.520 (MTN) of billets to Abbas Group of Industries during February 2009;

66- Utilisation of funds of Rs16,080 million by PSM during first six months of 2008-09 from cash & bank balance & employees provident fund.

67- Undue favour to Abbas Group of Industries after reduction of sale price of billets from Rs53,500 PMT to Rs34,000 PMT

68- Unjustified variation in fixation of sales price of billet;

69- Posting of non-qualified officers against different designations in sales and marketing department;

70- Registration of Abbas Group as consumer and trader at the same time in violation of standing orders;

71- Registration of dealers for the sale of products in non-transparent manner;

72- Non-imposition of penalty on the defaulting dealers on expiry of NOR for the quantity of 389,943 MT of different products of PSM;

73 -Loss of Rs1.842 million due to non-lifting of material by the buyers within stipulated time.

(Note: The News will welcome a detailed rejoinder from Pakistan Steel on all these points raised by the AGP Report)

Let the auditors do their job
I disagree some entities of Strategic Importance are better of in government hand even if they are making a loss.

No strategic important entity is bigger than the nation ... think...the entity is making loss...but the managers are being paid from Tax payers money...so its double loss...for the country.
yar i dont know what to say i am no economist but i am afraid of letting such gigantic industries of fall into Private Hands.
yar i dont know what to say i am no economist but i am afraid of letting such gigantic industries of fall into Private Hands.

its not about emotions...countries are never run with emotions....some strong decisions need to be made..in order to avoid major problems...and disinvestment is one of them.
Just like coal and gas we have alot of steel in Pakistan, I wonder.............
like I said let the auditors do the job , once the audit report is done , punish the poeple who casued the deficits and broken deals

People who did not pay the bills , put them in jail seize their assets

And impose a auditor to do monthly checks on steeles mills operation

That should allow it to become profitable -
India investor /steel giant Mittel is working hard to takeover steel mill. If someone has ever read his report about this steel mill. In short, he is surprised this ideally located steel mill running in constant loss.
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Just like coal and gas we have alot of steel in Pakistan, I wonder.............
Steel is an alloy consisting mostly of iron, with a carbon content between 0.2% and 2.1% by weight, depending on the grade. The major iron ore reserves found in Pakistan amount to 947.5 million ton. The deposits are present in Punjab (Sargodha and Kalabagh), NWFP (Nizampur and Hazara), and Balochistan (Kalat and Chaghi). The ore from these deposits contains 20 to 60 per cent iron.

So we do not have any steel deposits, but we do have ample average quality Iron ore deposits which can be converted into high grade steel in a steel mill.
Just hand it over to Laxmi Narayan Mittal or Tata and save the company.

Govt. of pakistan will get money and tax.

People of pakistan will get jobs.

or it will go doom.
India investor /steel giant Mittel is working hard to takeover steel mill. If someone has ever read his report about this steel mill. In short, he is surprised this ideally located steel mill running in constant loss.
I wonder why POF does not take the Pakistan Steel under its auspicious?
Just hand it over to Laxmi Narayan Mittal or Tata and save the company.

Govt. of pakistan will get money and tax.

People of pakistan will get jobs.

or it will go doom.
Pakistan mein naooz-o-billah Allah ka zor nahin chalta, Mittal gharib kya bhaar jhonk ley ga? Finally he has to deal with the same corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.
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