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Govt warns of military operation in North Waziristan


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: Military action would take its course immediately after the expiry of the deadline given by the government to the tribesmen in North Waziristan Agency (NWA) if adequate steps are not taken to ensure peace in the area, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said on Saturday.
“The ball is now in the court of the Taliban and tribesmen,” Asif said in a conversation with Daily Times on Saturday. He was referring to the deadline given by the ruling civilian leadership and the army command to the tribal elders of the NWA on Friday. “Our soldiers are getting martyred and blood of the innocent is being spilled. We can’t let the things go on like that. If the deadline gets past and there are no concrete measures for peace, there will be action,” the minister warned.
A 64-member tribal jirga (delegation) comprising of the elders from Wazir and Dawar tribes separately met Peshawar Corps Commander Lieutenant General Khalid Rabbani and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor Sardar Mehtab Abbasi in Peshawar on Friday. The tribesmen were told that they needed to play their role to bring peace in NWA by means of getting the foreign militants expelled from the NWA, asking them to return to the countries they came from.
“The tribal people are best accustomed to the tribal practices, norms and traditions. It’s now up to them how they manage to get the militants ousted from the NWA. We have tried our best to restore peace through dialogue. But the peace process has not been working which is making it necessary that the force has to be exercised against the terrorists for the restoration of peace.”
To a query, the defence minister said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has given the military complete authority to take decisions for the restoration of the writ of the state in FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas). “The PM is completely in the loop and fully aware of the situation. The military authorities brief him on a regular basis. What measures the security forces take to eliminate terrorism is something that completely rests with them. It’s part of the operational secrecy. The armed forces have the complete backing of the government.”
Sources in the FATA Secretariat said the security forces were not restricting the people from moving across the border from NWA in order to allow the miscreants to leave the tribal agency. “There have been reports that the troublemakers are moving across the border in the garb of civilians to avoid an imminent military action. This omens well for us. We want the terrorists to return where they came from,” said a senior official at the Secretariat.
NWA Political Agent Siraj Ahmad Khan, when approached, said that the displacements from NWA to the Afghan side of the border was underway mainly because hundreds of families in the tribal agency had their relatives across the border. “This is a closely knitted tribal society and people have family connections stretching across the border which is why people from the NWA are moving to the bordering area of Khost in Afghanistan. The displaced tribal people prefer living with their kith and kin and not in the camps, so they move to alternate areas wherein their relatives are based,” he said.
To a question, Khan said the security forces were keeping a strict check at the Pak-Afghan border to stop any movement from Afghanistan to Pakistan. “We are not stopping anyone to move across the border but certainly we have to keep a check on movement from Afghanistan into our area because we have credible information that militants are trying to sneak into Pakistani areas to unleash violence.
“The people who have left the NWA and went across the border moved out of their free will. But their return to Pakistan would not be without proper check and scrutiny.” Amid continuing militant violence by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), several Pakistan Army men, including two lieutenant colonels, have lost their lives in terror attacks in the recent days.

Govt warns of military operation in North Waziristan
Today 30 Pakistani died by These Rats. Still to wait more to die? Action should be taken now or it will be to late.
ISLAMABAD: Military action would take its course immediately after the expiry of the deadline given by the government to the tribesmen in North Waziristan Agency (NWA) if adequate steps are not taken to ensure peace in the area, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said on Saturday.

“The ball is now in the court of the Taliban and tribesmen,”

If ONLY you guys had listened to the US asking and asking and asking for this operation since 2002, you'd have saved thousands of Pakistani lives........not to mention that the cooperation you would be getting from the US as there was a lot of American military presence on the other side of the border. They would've helped sealed off one side while you guys cleaned up the mess in NW and around the border.

If these Talibastards knew humanity and anything of that kind they wouldn't be killing innocents (in this case, their own Muslim brethren in Pakistan). These are crazy, insane terrorists and they don't know, care or respect other humans. It's time that you guys cleaned up this mess in the Northern part of your country. This has become the biggest obstacle in the progress of the Pakistani society and you guys can't progress as a country if your country isn't safe enough......
Time to bring in the SSG:
If ONLY you guys had listened to the US asking and asking and asking for this operation since 2002, you'd have saved thousands of Pakistani lives........not to mention that the cooperation you would be getting from the US as there was a lot of American military presence on the other side of the border. They would've helped sealed off one side while you guys cleaned up the mess in NW and around the border.

If these Talibastards knew humanity and anything of that kind they wouldn't be killing innocents (in this case, their own Muslim brethren in Pakistan). These are crazy, insane terrorists and they don't know, care or respect other humans. It's time that you guys cleaned up this mess in the Northern part of your country. This has become the biggest obstacle in the progress of the Pakistani society and you guys can't progress as a country if your country isn't safe enough......

It's because of that b4stard US that we're in this shitfcuk. We'll deal with it on our terms the US n it's war can go f itself.

There was no terrorism in our neighbourhood until you showed up so quit going on the high horse.
Wherever you go death & destructions follows. Iraq?
It's because of that b4stard US that we're in this shitfcuk. We'll deal with it on our terms the US n it's war can go f itself. Wherever you go death & destructions follows. Iraq?

You are either dumb as f*ck or you just don't want to except the reality. Allow me to break it down for you:
1) If the 911 hadn't happened resulting in the US involvement in Afghanistan.....these Talibastards would've hit your country probably 100 times harder than what it is now. You had a huge semi-military of terrorists that the US killed and it directly helped you.
Imagine having 50 of these incidents going on in 50 different places across Pakistan as these guys had a huge number. These guys aren't listening to you guys, who trained these people against the Russians. This is jihad gone wild if you will. If 911 hadn't happened, who do you think was next on their list to impose Sharia law, your mosques were crawling with these guys across the country. Every corner even kids know where local Taliban guys may be. These barberic people who don't care to blow themselves up, you think they wouldn't have tried to control Pakistan or attack its nuke facilities??? Today, they attacked a Civilian airport. How could you possibly tell me they wouldn't have or won't ever attack your nuke facilities to get more power??? You can NEVER predict an insane manianc's behavior. These guys are just that.

You should be somewhat thankful to the US that we've tried to advise you since 2002 to take care of this terrorism issue or it'll come bite your as* hard. Here, for the 100th time, it is biting you hard. But you are too thick minded to realize that, while you go write me these "you hate America" posts, your own countrymen are getting killed (nothing new on here as I've seen a lot of "we hate America" crap all the time). Frankly speaking, who'll be helping clean up the mess with weapons, intelligence and other supporting measures? The Great United States of America. So may want to think about a flag with stars and stripes when you need help in getting advance weapons, intelligence support, etc, etc to safeguard your country from these barbaric terrorists.

Wherever we go...destruction follows.Right.The SAME Iraq today is much better than it was with Saddam. War has a cost, you should minus that. Iraq is creating advance infrastructure in science, military, oil and gas that it never created before as Saddam didn't allow the people of Iraq to prosper as he was a dictator and wanted all the powers.
The same Afghanistan is in much better condition today than in 2001 (or many parts of it are). The Afghans want a stable system and want to trade with India.....why is that? And how much progress have you made since 2001 and you were indirectly involved with wars (unlike Iraq and Afghanistan which were directly involved).
The answer may be hard truth you don't want to swallow. You didn't think these terrorists were a problem despite how much we told you. Today, you are paying a huge price for your own miscalculation and blaming the America because of the war (by the way, your President back then wanted the Major Non Nato Ally status). So get your facts straight before just bashing America for no reason. This is your internal mess and a result of years of miscalculations by your lazy officials who didn't want your country to go forward.
Last but not least, taking care of this incident in 5 hours...ALSO has a LOT of American input. The training, tactics, etc, etc. Sorry if you don't want to accept failure on your part. Its easy to blame and hard to accept the reality.
If ONLY you guys had listened to the US asking and asking and asking for this operation since 2002, you'd have saved thousands of Pakistani lives........not to mention that the cooperation you would be getting from the US as there was a lot of American military presence on the other side of the border. They would've helped sealed off one side while you guys cleaned up the mess in NW and around the border.

If these Talibastards knew humanity and anything of that kind they wouldn't be killing innocents (in this case, their own Muslim brethren in Pakistan). These are crazy, insane terrorists and they don't know, care or respect other humans. It's time that you guys cleaned up this mess in the Northern part of your country. This has become the biggest obstacle in the progress of the Pakistani society and you guys can't progress as a country if your country isn't safe enough......
Yeah, that's a load of crap. Pakistan has conducted multiple operations as per US request. Even SWA was cleared because of US asking Pakistan.

You cannot conduct a large scale operation, especially on a border area, with words only. You need time to prepare, you need to make sure you have public backing, and you need the political will. Pakistan Army didn't have all of these, especially since Musharraf fucked up the army's image in Pakistan.

The NWA is going to happen, but preparations needed to be made, and it will happen on Pakistan's own timeline, not the US's.

You're looking at this through US lenses, not Pakistan's. That is your biggest mistake.
Yep, civilian one day, terrorist the next.

North Waziristan and Karachi needs a full sweep.

Deploy 50,000 troops in Karachi and 100,000 in N Waziristan. Time to end this.
You cannot conduct a large scale operation, especially on a border area, with words only. You need time to prepare, you need to make sure you have public backing, and you need the political will. Pakistan Army didn't have all of these, especially since Musharraf fucked up the army's image in Pakistan.
The NWA is going to happen, but preparations needed to be made, and it will happen on Pakistan's own timeline, not the US's.
You're looking at this through US lenses, not Pakistan's. That is your biggest mistake.

I actually want this operation to happen and on Pakistan's time. From the above post, I agree with everything. The problem was that you had a military dictator not a democratically elected government who could support the military. A dictator won't even know the meaning of "public support and political will" as its not in their dictionary. If a dictator knew these terms.....he wouldn't be a dictator. But the US is always ready to support Pakistan when Pakistan is ready to start this operation and others. These guys have proven out to be more dangerous for Pakistan right now than for anyone else. See the unfortunate attack on Karachi AP that result in loss of human lives of brave soldiers.......elimination of terrorism has become the most important deciding factor in Pakistan's survival and its growth economically.
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