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Govt set to convert Gilgit-Baltistan into fifth province

There you go - just as I said you guys would and you are.

Kashmiris are not stupid that they would buy Hindu's 'Pakistan killed Kashmir movement' BS! Keep at this propaganda, it'll fail.

We will integrate IoK in Pakistan as well when time comes. It's not like we said No on that front. The moral support will always be there.
Billi ke khwab main chichde....
Indians can't tolerate a prosperous Pakistan, irrespective of controlling IoK.

Even if India removes 370, Kashmiri freedom movement will carry on. Pakistan will still support them.

What the Indians are and will continue to do is to paint this as 'Pakistan dumped Kashmir' but Kashmiris will not buy that.

Kashmiri movement will be fueled further by formal integration of GB, as per the request of GB residents.

And Chinese veto in UN means that India can't really do anything there.

Tough times ahead for Hindu elite who were promoting Akhand Bharat.
If wishes were horses [emoji237].......
Separatists say Pakistan proposal to declare Gilgit-Baltistan as province unacceptable

SRINAGAR: In a rare case, separatist leaders in Kashmir have hit out at Pakistan and described any attempt by the country to declare Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) as its 5th province as “unacceptable” and asserted that it is part of Jammu and Kashmir.

“Any proposal to declare Giglit Baltistan as fifth state of Pakistan is unacceptable,” the three senior Kashmiri separatist leaders Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Mohammad Yasin Malik said in a joint statement issued here today.

Kashmir, Ladakh, Jammu, Pakistan administered Kashmir (Pak) and Giglit Baltistan is a single entity and part of Jammu and Kashmir, they said.

Declaring Pakistan as a prime party to the Kashmir issue, the three leaders said people in J&K have always regarded and accepted the role of Pakistan as a party to the issue, however, any step which may hamper the disputed status of Kashmir is unacceptable.

Any deviation in Pakistan’s stance about Kashmir and its geographical entity is improper and will prove detrimental for Kashmir cause, they said.

The leaders expressed their serious concern over proposal by Pakistan to declare Giglit Baltistan as fifth province of the country. “It will have damaging impact over the disputed status of state.”

“Unless and until people of J&K are provided an opportunity to decide the future course of state through referendum, no division, alteration and changes are acceptable,” they said.

Rejecting any idea of merging of its part or division of state, the leaders said both India and Pakistan have no authority or right to alter the geographical status of state.

They advised Pakistan to show wisdom and desist from such steps, which may hamper the political and geographical position of Jammu and Kashmir.

“We hope Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will fulfil commitment regarding the geographical entity of J&K and desist from the adventure of annexing Giglit Baltistan as fifth state of Pakistan,” the leader said.

Pakistan’s minister for inter-provincial coordination Riaz Hussain Pirzada had told Pakistan TV news channel (Geo TV) that that a committee headed by Advisor of Foreign Affairs to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Sartaj Aziz has proposed giving the status of a province to Gilgit-Baltistan.

Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh are four provinces of Pakistan.

The chief commander of dominant militant group Hizbul Mujahideen, Syed Salah-ud-Din has also opposed Pakistan move to declare Gilgit Baltistan as a province.

“Pakistan should not declare Gilgit-Baltistan as fifth province of the country as it would impact the Kashmir dispute at the United Nations and give India a legal and moral pretext to lay claim on Kashmir,” he said.

The Hizb chief said Instead of granting Gilgat Baltistan a province status, the problems of its people should be addressed on priority basis and corruption free administration provided to the people of the region.

New Delhi has also strongly reacted to the Pakistan move to declare Gilgit Baltistan as country’s 5th province.

External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Gopal Baglay had yesterday said any such step would not be able to hide the illegality of Pakistan's occupation of parts of Jammu and Kashmir which it must vacate, forthwith.
Separatists say Pakistan proposal to declare Gilgit-Baltistan as province unacceptable

SRINAGAR: In a rare case, separatist leaders in Kashmir have hit out at Pakistan and described any attempt by the country to declare Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) as its 5th province as “unacceptable” and asserted that it is part of Jammu and Kashmir.

“Any proposal to declare Giglit Baltistan as fifth state of Pakistan is unacceptable,” the three senior Kashmiri separatist leaders Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Mohammad Yasin Malik said in a joint statement issued here today.

Kashmir, Ladakh, Jammu, Pakistan administered Kashmir (Pak) and Giglit Baltistan is a single entity and part of Jammu and Kashmir, they said.

Declaring Pakistan as a prime party to the Kashmir issue, the three leaders said people in J&K have always regarded and accepted the role of Pakistan as a party to the issue, however, any step which may hamper the disputed status of Kashmir is unacceptable.

Any deviation in Pakistan’s stance about Kashmir and its geographical entity is improper and will prove detrimental for Kashmir cause, they said.

The leaders expressed their serious concern over proposal by Pakistan to declare Giglit Baltistan as fifth province of the country. “It will have damaging impact over the disputed status of state.”

“Unless and until people of J&K are provided an opportunity to decide the future course of state through referendum, no division, alteration and changes are acceptable,” they said.

Rejecting any idea of merging of its part or division of state, the leaders said both India and Pakistan have no authority or right to alter the geographical status of state.

They advised Pakistan to show wisdom and desist from such steps, which may hamper the political and geographical position of Jammu and Kashmir.

“We hope Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will fulfil commitment regarding the geographical entity of J&K and desist from the adventure of annexing Giglit Baltistan as fifth state of Pakistan,” the leader said.

Pakistan’s minister for inter-provincial coordination Riaz Hussain Pirzada had told Pakistan TV news channel (Geo TV) that that a committee headed by Advisor of Foreign Affairs to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Sartaj Aziz has proposed giving the status of a province to Gilgit-Baltistan.

Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh are four provinces of Pakistan.

The chief commander of dominant militant group Hizbul Mujahideen, Syed Salah-ud-Din has also opposed Pakistan move to declare Gilgit Baltistan as a province.

“Pakistan should not declare Gilgit-Baltistan as fifth province of the country as it would impact the Kashmir dispute at the United Nations and give India a legal and moral pretext to lay claim on Kashmir,” he said.

The Hizb chief said Instead of granting Gilgat Baltistan a province status, the problems of its people should be addressed on priority basis and corruption free administration provided to the people of the region.

New Delhi has also strongly reacted to the Pakistan move to declare Gilgit Baltistan as country’s 5th province.

External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Gopal Baglay had yesterday said any such step would not be able to hide the illegality of Pakistan's occupation of parts of Jammu and Kashmir which it must vacate, forthwith.
So they are separatists not 'terrorists' now..
Sad that GB and AJK overwhelmingly want to formally join Pakistan but cant because of India's position.
Very complicated move indeed.
Except for one party: China, who made this decision.

Who knows, maybe this will bring peace, by deciding an international border.
Removing Article 370 will bring more development in Kashmir. It'll be weird looking at the new map, but if it means peace and progress...

I just hope that our dear neighbour doesn't compromise our (all of us) lovely historical land to the Chinese. It's very valuable. I don't think they fully understand.

Don't want another Tibet in fifty years.
I think the government should allow provincial flags. This old flag of Balawaristan/Baltistan looks pretty cool.

So they are separatists not 'terrorists' now..
Sad that GB and AJK overwhelmingly want to formally join Pakistan but cant because of India's position.
Geelanis , Maliks & company are always referred as separatists in india. Terrorists or people advocating terror are sent to jahannum at the first sight by indian forces they don't have luxury to hold public meeting or press conferences in India like they do have in our neighboring countries.
Geelanis , Maliks & company are always referred as separatists in india. Terrorists or people advocating terror are sent to jahannum at the first sight by indian forces they don't have luxury to hold public meeting or press conferences in India like they do have in our neighboring countries.

Instead, they get elected prime minister and chief ministers in bharat.
Instead, they get elected prime minister and chief ministers in bharat.
What's your problem?

No Indian PM or CM ever held rally for begging money to support violence against civilians or other nations territory.

India/Bharat is not a place run by hate mongering army and puppet govt who can't control retards loving violence against civilians and terrorism advocates.

Learn meaning of Democracy my friend. Our constitution gives no special right to PM or CM.
What's your problem?

No Indian PM or CM ever held rally for begging money to support violence against civilians or other nations territory.

India/Bharat is not a place run by hate mongering army and puppet govt who can't control retards loving violence against civilians and terrorism advocates.

Learn meaning of Democracy my friend. Our constitution gives no special right to PM or CM.

You said "they don't have luxury to hold public meeting or press conferences in India". But they do become your PM or CM in your country.
i completely support this decision.. GB people are desperate for this. We should intergrate them in such way that it become province of Pakistan and also not violate rights of Kashmiris.. We should take Kashmiri leadership in confidence about this decision..

But it means giving up your hope on kashmir... unlikely to get any support from intl. community..
What's your problem?

No Indian PM or CM ever held rally for begging money to support violence against civilians or other nations territory.

India/Bharat is not a place run by hate mongering army and puppet govt who can't control retards loving violence against civilians and terrorism advocates.

:rofl: :lol:

Do you live in this real world my friend? Have you ever read the biography of the CM of your largest province before writing this bull cr@p?

Or your PM?

Oh man you guys are really too much! :omghaha:
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