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Govt set to convert Gilgit-Baltistan into fifth province

The only problem is that giving up its claim on Kashmir destroys the very foundations of Pakistan's national identity, carefully crafted and nurtured over decades, and therefore not possible. A similar problem exists on the other side, although not as comprehensive.
Yes I agree to this but sadly there is no other solution for kashmir issue.
Good move by the Pakistani government. Its about time that Gilgit-Baltistan becomes a province of Pakistan.

Its overdue.
It doesn't matter what you or i believe. UN and international federation accepts Paper of Accession by Raja Harisingh.

No they don't accept that is why Kashmir is a disputed territory and your government has to whine in every few days about everyone from UN to Google getting your country map wrong.

Learn some reality about your atoot ang history and then come back and repeat the lies that you country teachers you in your country.
No they don't accept that is why Kashmir is a disputed territory and your government has to whine in every few days about everyone from UN to Google getting your country map wrong.

Learn some reality about your atoot ang history and then come back and repeat the lies that you country teachers you in your country.
There was supposed to be plebiscite to be held, but Nehru never did that. Nehru was a dishonest dog.
A true b@stard he was. Tried to grab as much land as possible after banging Mountbatten's wife. And not to forget that piece of sh!t Sardar Patel. Another true scumbag.
The Indian National Congress were all dishonest.

Thank you Jinnah for Pakistan. Sardar Patel, Nehru, and gandhi were all liars.
Thank you Pakistan!!!(and China). Finally common sense kicks in. Now India can reciprocate and we can all go back to living peacefully.

In a decade or so, this shit show of "kashmir independence" will end. Pakistan has a Kashmir, India has a Kashmir. Next step declare the LOC as IB.
thats a slap on the face of separatists in kashmir. Morons now have now been left high & dry.

Some Kashmiris in IoK will be against this but they should stop blaming Pakistan for everything and fight for their freedom. Allah help those who help themselves. See people of Gilgit and AJK liberated themselves. Obviously now this isn't possible but after Wani murder protests showed IoK was about to explode with in.

Some Kashmiris who are Indian puppets are confused souls, they don't want to fight but also want to maintain status quo/article 370. Problem is Pakistan can't afford to deny rights to GB people anymore.
Some Kashmiris in IoK will be against this but they should stop blaming Pakistan for everything and fight for their freedom. Allah help those who help themselves. See people of Gilgit and AJK liberated themselves. Obviously now this isn't possible but after Wani murder protests showed IoK was about to explode with in.

Some Kashmiris who are Indian puppets are confused souls, they don't want to fight but also want to maintain status quo/article 370. Problem is Pakistan can't afford to deny rights to GB people anymore.
Agreed with you save_ghenda
Indians can't tolerate a prosperous Pakistan, irrespective of controlling IoK.

Even if India removes 370, Kashmiri freedom movement will carry on. Pakistan will still support them.

What the Indians are and will continue to do is to paint this as 'Pakistan dumped Kashmir' but Kashmiris will not buy that.

Kashmiri movement will be fueled further by formal integration of GB, as per the request of GB residents.

And Chinese veto in UN means that India can't really do anything there.

Tough times ahead for Hindu elite who were promoting Akhand Bharat.
Indians can't tolerate a prosperous Pakistan, irrespective of controlling IoK.

Even if India removes 370, Kashmiri freedom movement will carry on. Pakistan will still support them.

What the Indians are and will continue to do is to paint this as 'Pakistan dumped Kashmir' but Kashmiris will not buy that.

Kashmiri movement will be fueled further by formal integration of GB, as per the request of GB residents.

And Chinese veto in UN means that India can't really do anything there.

Tough times ahead for Hindu elite who were promoting Akhand Bharat.

Keep on doing what you guys are doing..you are killing your so called Kashmir Azadi movement yourself.. this move will show the world that Pakistan give a rats *** to Kashmir Azadi.. they just want to capture and own Kashmir.
Keep on doing what you guys are doing..you are killing your so called Kashmir Azadi movement yourself.. this move will show the world that Pakistan give a rats *** to Kashmir Azadi.. they just want to capture and own Kashmir.

There you go - just as I said you guys would and you are.

Kashmiris are not stupid that they would buy Hindu's 'Pakistan killed Kashmir movement' BS! Keep at this propaganda, it'll fail.

We will integrate IoK in Pakistan as well when time comes. It's not like we said No on that front. The moral support will always be there.
i completely support this decision.. GB people are desperate for this. We should intergrate them in such way that it become province of Pakistan and also not violate rights of Kashmiris.. We should take Kashmiri leadership in confidence about this decision..

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