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Govt Orders Arrest of Individuals Posting Anti-Pakistan Content on Internet


Mar 8, 2019
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Govt Orders Arrest of Individuals Posting Anti-Pakistan Content on Internet

Posted 2 hours ago by ProPK Staff


The Ministry of Interior directed authorities on Thursday under the cybercrime law to trace and arrest all those posting, sharing, and commenting against the Republic of Pakistan on the Internet.

According to the notification, all the supporters of banned terrorist organizations and those found to be posting, sharing, and commenting against Pakistan and inciting a civil war in a bid to harm law enforcement agencies and the police will be arrested.

PM Imran Reshuffles the Ministers He Appointed Days Ago
The notification further stated that the footage of attackers must be collected and identified through the National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA), and then arrested under the law and anti-terrorism act.
The ministry has also directed that the data of the culprits be shared with all the embassies in Pakistan so that they are not granted visas and are not cleared by the security agencies of the country.
PBC Informs Hammad Azhar of Investors’ Negative Sentiments on Recent Policy Reversal

The ministry has asked the concerned authorities to share their progress on the matter within the next 72 hours.

Superb move. Let the commies and Western libturds cry rivers about lack of freedom. Absolutely set rules and laws. Strictly implement them. We won't tolerate any abuse towards our dear nation. When you live in this beautiful country you will respect and cherish it. If not, leave Pakistan.
Govt Orders Arrest of Individuals Posting Anti-Pakistan Content on Internet

Posted 2 hours ago by ProPK Staff


The Ministry of Interior directed authorities on Thursday under the cybercrime law to trace and arrest all those posting, sharing, and commenting against the Republic of Pakistan on the Internet.

According to the notification, all the supporters of banned terrorist organizations and those found to be posting, sharing, and commenting against Pakistan and inciting a civil war in a bid to harm law enforcement agencies and the police will be arrested.

PM Imran Reshuffles the Ministers He Appointed Days Ago
The notification further stated that the footage of attackers must be collected and identified through the National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA), and then arrested under the law and anti-terrorism act.
The ministry has also directed that the data of the culprits be shared with all the embassies in Pakistan so that they are not granted visas and are not cleared by the security agencies of the country.
PBC Informs Hammad Azhar of Investors’ Negative Sentiments on Recent Policy Reversal

The ministry has asked the concerned authorities to share their progress on the matter within the next 72 hours.

I find it interesting that this new hatsh stance from Pakistan state comes after U.S announced withdrawal. I wonder if it gives the Pak state a sense that now we can deal with these 5th columnists with a heavy hand.

Either way I am jubilated at this news. I just hope they don't mind me criticizing HIT/POF pos Brigadiers lol 😆
i think it is directed towards people posting after TLP protest and arrests
This is probably related to TLP. Hopefully they will swiftly destroy that terrorists organisation before it rebrands itslef as PTL or LPC and tries to overthrow the government
ultra liberal think tanks
Militant neoliberal left wing. My God I hate them vehemently as they target our creme de la creme youth, are deceptively enshrouded in an air of false intellectualism and target the very core of our national and religious identity.
I see what you did there lmao.
Militant neoliberal left wing. My God I hate them vehemently as they target our creme de la creme youth, are deceptively enshrouded in an air of false intellectualism and target the very core of our national and religious identity.

Don't you just love it when they try to speak posh? :lol:
And most of them end up sounding like Raj from tech support or the uncle who was colonized and worked in White bueruacrat office.

That fake American accent is also a killer. The girls use it all the time. It's funny as hell.
So will they dare put Imaan Hazir Miazri behind the bars? I doubt it.
That fake American accent is also a killer. The girls use it all the time. It's funny as hell.
I think the American accent for Pakistanis is easier to learn as it has many common pronunciations. Like the word doctor. In urdu it is written daaktar. And Americans also pronounce it daaktar. This is one example.

But yea them left wing folks are absolute posers. One guy's dad I knew was into this left wing NGO business. Got rewarded by the gora Americans with a nice big house in a posh area. I was livig in a dark, damp basement of my uncle(he's a great man and a sweetheart) and he was living in a palace like a saith. Year 1 of immigration.
So will they dare put Imaan Hazir Miazri behind the bars? I doubt it.
She's a spoiled brat who had too much of gora lesser appendages inserted in her body. She should just stay in Goraland choking on gora balls. Pardon my French. But then again the language is being used on some colorful people in this context :butcher:
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