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Govt Issues NOC For Raheel Sharif To Continue Heading IMCTC

Wasn't PTI against granting this NOC when Noon league was in power ?
Keep in mind what's happening in the region since the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran. All will bow down to Islam. The people of the region will win! Islam will win.

Nobody will respect you unless you stand behind the banner of Islam. Stand up for your self! Don't let others dictate crap to you. Who are they to tell you whats right or wrong?

Yeah after destroying everything like they did in Yemen and Syria.
Keep in mind what's happening in the region since the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran. All will bow down to Islam. The people of the region will win! Islam will win.

Nobody will respect you unless you stand behind the banner of Islam. Stand up for your self! Don't let others dictate crap to you. Who are they to tell you whats right or wrong?

You don’t need to be a genius to understand what Iran is doing. We know everything about Iran India nexus, Chabahar port, Iran convincing Taliban to talk to India in the Afghan end game. Similarly, we know what Uncle Sam wants in this region. We are an independent country which was created in the name of Islam. So don’t teach Islam to us and keep your sectarian filth to yourself.
oh so why don't you as a muslim do business with us?, so we don't do business with hendi?.......lol.......cuz you ain't allowed to, which means you ain't independent!......you are a small time chump. Doesn't take a genius to figure this out. and what sectarian filth? Is this about being independent? no?......What sectarian when you take orders from the west? for 70 years now chump! We stand on our feet, what about you?.......lol

You don’t need to be a genius to understand what Iran is doing. We know everything about Iran India nexus, Chabahar port, Iran convincing Taliban to talk to India in the Afghan end game. Similarly, we know what Uncle Sam wants in this region. We are an independent country which was created in the name of Islam. So don’t teach Islam to us and keep your sectarian filth to yourself.
A Handicapped, Deaf, Dumb and mumble-jumbled IMCTC WITHOUT Iran and Syria! Where are Iran and Syria? Will Pakistan be a Saudi War Front in case of Saudi-Israeli aggression on Iran?
Houthis are already cleansing Saudi Mercenaries in the Jizan area! What about Saudi backed Al-Qaeda in Yemen?
View media item 17797
Who the fck are Iran and Syria? They are no bodies, little boys with no relevance.
The Federal government has issued a No Objection Certificate (NOC) over the appointment of General (r) Raheel Sharif to continue heading the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC).

A new NOC was issued by the federal cabinet upon special directions of Prime Minister Imran Khan eight days ago.

The NOC has been submitted in the Supreme Court as well.

The NOC for heading the IMCTC was going to expire on January 15.

Sources said that the federal cabinet acknowledges the services of Raheel Sharif.

It was because of the services of Raheel Sharif that Pakistan was able to curb the menace of terrorism.

The former army chief is making Pakistan proud all over the world.

Gen Raheel Sharif played leading role in the fight against terrorism and extremism through an effective strategy under the National Action Plan.

Gen Raheel Sharif during his term as COAS served the country as a true professional soldier and set an excellent tradition of moving ahead in mutual harmony with all state institutions.

As bravery, professionalism and best discipline were the hallmark of Pakistan's armed forces, General Raheel Sharif further strengthened this identity of the armed forces during his term in service.

I was begning to worry thank godness for that .,

now Gen Rahil can unpack and stay put where the dollars are halal and everything is great
I was begning to worry thank godness for that .,

now Gen Rahil can unpack and stay put where the dollars are halal and everything is great

Oh he has his work cut out for him, rest assured.
oh so why don't you as a muslim do business with us?, so we don't do business with hendi?.......lol.......cuz you ain't allowed to, which means you ain't independent!......you are a small time chump. Doesn't take a genius to figure this out. and what sectarian filth? Is this about being independent? no?......What sectarian when you take orders from the west? for 70 years now chump! We stand on our feet, what about you?.......lol

You are an uninformed person who doesn’t know shit about ground realities. Pakistani markets are filled with Iranian products like food items, carpets etc. We also have illegal trade of iranian oil in border area. I have seen people who have invested in Iranian currency. Similarly we are acting neutral when it comes to conflicts between Iran and other Middle east countries. We are not allowing anyone to use our soil as launching pad for terrorist attacks within Iran. Same can’t be said about you guyz as we have seen recent episode of Kalbushan Yadav.

Show me one example that you guyz have done anything positive for us since so called Islamic revolution. You guyz are still standing on your feet because of oil you produce. We are already seeing effects of recent US sanctions on your economy.

Iran needs to behave like a brother, not an enemy to its neighboring countries. We have learned from our mistakes and you guys should too.
lol, who or what are these countries going to fight? A US created and sawdi/ UAE/ Qatar/ Turkish/ pashto mercenary staffed ISIS?........:omghaha:

Note: Syria/ Iraq/ Iran/ Hezbollah will defeat this terrorist mercenary army backed by the US and EU.

oh so why don't you as a muslim do business with us?, so we don't do business with hendi?.......lol.......cuz you ain't allowed to, which means you ain't independent!......you are a small time chump. Doesn't take a genius to figure this out. and what sectarian filth? Is this about being independent? no?......What sectarian when you take orders from the west? for 70 years now chump! We stand on our feet, what about you?.......lol

Honey you like attracting attention?
No, there are people here who despite knowing the truth, try to obfuscate it, because they ain't got legs to stand on. We don't take money or orders from no one. We decide what's right. Not some think tank in DC or Beijing or Moscow.

Honey you like attracting attention?
No, there are people here who despite knowing the truth, try to obfuscate it, because they ain't got legs to stand on. We don't take money or orders from no one. We decide what's right. Not some think tank in DC or Beijing or Moscow.

Paris too?

It is all about striking a balance, but your insistence of using proxy warfare to achieve diplomatic goals do not really impress us and thus the difference.
:sarcastic:...........how many more dead you need?.......would another million work?.........:sarcastic:

and what proxy?........we own it now!

Paris too?

It is all about striking a balance, but your insistence of using proxy warfare to achieve diplomatic goals do not really impress us and thus the difference.
No need to flaunt. The truth is in front of you. You think we joking around on this drama?.....lol

We do work with both Russia/ China........in cleanup work. Now that I will concede on, because that is exactly what's up.

The Kalifate of tariffs must go. The one's who block trade, are violent, uneducated and backwards and who are allied with the West. Actually, they're gone bro....Iran has to make a new reality out of all this.

honey i know you have a 56 inch chest.... but why flaunt it?
No need to flaunt. The truth is in front of you. You think we joking around on this drama?.....lol

We do work with both Russia/ China........in cleanup work. Now that I will concede on, because that is exactly what's up.

The Kalifate of tariffs must go. The one's who block trade, are violent, uneducated and backwards and who are allied with the West. Actually, they're gone bro....Iran has to make a new reality out of all this.

Honey all you have managed to do is to bring others down to your level of barbarianism and nothing else.
When the dust settles, it will be harder for you to pick the winners as you are dragged deeper and deeper into this quagmire of hell
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