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Government Pushes for Madrissah Reforms to curb extremism

The main problem is the unregistered madarsas, but either way the fact remains that Pakistani madarsas are used as propoganda grounds they need to all be absorbed into one general curriculum monitored by the government. If Wifaq has been ineffective wifaq has go to go as well.
Both the un-registered and the registered ones are the problem. These schools are not used as educational institutions but to churn our personal armies for those who are running them. So to deal with the problem, you need to cut the serpents head, and that head is those so-called religious and politico-religious individuals who are running them. Now can we really go about it? Yes, but than the GoP would have to forget about political implication. Given the record for NS, and any other Pakistani politicians for that matter, you can easily forget about it. There is no hope, the country is already doomed.
If this measure is implemented, it will be a slap in the face of extremist. Does any govt panel gives certificates for the appointment of Mullah's or religious bodies themselves do it?
If this measure is implemented, it will be a slap in the face of extremist. Does any govt panel gives certificates for the appointment of Mullah's or religious bodies themselves do it?
No measures will be taken or implemented, and if any, they will have only cosmetic value. PML(N) is too scared to do anything. There is no pressure from the apposition (they are as worse as the ruling party) on PML(N) to do anything, and poor public is busy in figuring out how to make it to the next day. You have to understand that these politicians come to make money, not reforms. Status quo suits them so that could concentrate fully on looting ad plundering. If there was a miracle, and one day Pakistanis woke up from their long sleep, than may be, there would be a change. But then, the first to go would be the politicians and they will delay that day from coming for as long as possible.

At the end of the day, it is the people of Pakistan who would decide to bring about a change. Right now, they are getting what they deserve.
No measures will be taken or implemented, and if any, they will have only cosmetic value. PML(N) is too scared to do anything. There is no pressure from the apposition (they are as worse as the ruling party) on PML(N) to do anything, and poor public is busy in figuring out how to make it to the next day. You have to understand that these politicians come to make money, not reforms. Status quo suits them so that could concentrate fully on looting ad plundering. If there was a miracle, and one day Pakistanis woke up from their long sleep, than may be, there would be a change. But then, the first to go would be the politicians and they will delay that day from coming for as long as possible.

At the end of the day, it is the people of Pakistan who would decide to bring about a change. Right now, they are getting what they deserve.

To be honest, it has become a localised problem. Lets say, if a govt plans to close a madrassah in a locality, then its students, ex-students, and ex, plus locals citing religion will come to streets. Local MLA or MP taking a populist stance, will oppose it. It will be the way all over Pakistan. You guys need a Leader like Nelson Mandela who took decisions in a far sighted sense , brushed aside opposition and took a tough stance. South Africa sees less tension between races today.
But still South Asian countries lack a leader in the Charisma of Madiba. The leadership of Pakistan needs to be strong. I hope for the best. Stable Pakistan is in India's interest.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was a Pakistani and many others are and now a days many who are joining these organisations belong to rich families who are also really good in studies but anger is growing among them

Their anger can be sorted out with a bit of water boarding.
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