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Government Pushes for Madrissah Reforms to curb extremism

Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was a Pakistani and many others are and now a days many who are joining these organisations belong to rich families who are also really good in studies but anger is growing among them
Wrong. KSM was a Kuwaiti - that is probably where he was born, and certainly where he grew up. He also stayed in the USA briefly, where he was arrested for not paying his bills, which is why later he wanted to harm the USA. He came to Pakistan only at the age of 21, to fight in Afghanistan. After that he again left Pakistan, to go fight in Bosnia and a few other places. Of course, finally he chose to hide in Pakistan, like many other terrorists including osama. And he was captured by the CIA' Special Activities Division, and swooped to Guantanamo bay, where he is still being held, and techniques of waterboarding are being refined and practised on him everyday.

Anyway, the point is that your beloved TTP are not full of doctors and engineers - mentioning the names of a few educated terrorists from al qaeda is irrelevant. Your TTP and its foot soldiers are illiterate babboons.
@janon he was a Pakistani his parents were Pakistani he was a Pakistani Kuwait doesn't give nationality Mr he was a Pakistani citizen
Nice move by your government. Our bastards supports Madrasa Education fr the sake of vote bank.
@janon he was a Pakistani his parents were Pakistani he was a Pakistani Kuwait doesn't give nationality Mr he was a Pakistani citizen
What is the relevance to the topic? The point is that pakistan's jihadis, the TTP fellows, are not graduates of world famous universities, like you said. Nor are they doctors and engineers. They are illiterate madrassah products. Which is why the govt is pushing for madrassah reforms.
What is the relevance to the topic? The point is that pakistan's jihadis, the TTP fellows, are not graduates of world famous universities, like you said. Nor are they doctors and engineers. They are illiterate madrassah products. Which is why the govt is pushing for madrassah reforms.
Many of them are Mr many of them are graduates of Universities and also doctors and engineers Mr Madraassa guys are very few and many of them are also those who ran away from Madrassas so these so called reforms will do nothing at all and government which is famous for being USA slave any attempt on their behalf will fuel more anger and extremism
Many of them are Mr many of them are graduates of Universities and also doctors and engineers Mr Madraassa guys are very few and many of them are also those who ran away from Madrassas so these so called reforms will do nothing at all and government which is famous for being USA slave any attempt on their behalf will fuel more anger and extremism
USA has better things to do than reforming Pakistan's educational system. It is for Pakistan's own good, that children should be given a proper education. Not everything happens at the behest of the USA.

And your terrorists being mostly doctors nd engineers is simply a googly from you, and I would like to see some citation for that, instead of just your word.

Anyway, if you are so certain that jihadis are all highly educated people, and madrassah students dont end up as terrorists, then why should this move fuel any more anger and extremism?
USA has better things to do than reforming Pakistan's educational system. It is for Pakistan's own good, that children should be given a proper education. Not everything happens at the behest of the USA.

And your terrorists being mostly doctors nd engineers is simply a googly from you, and I would like to see some citation for that, instead of just your word.

Anyway, if you are so certain that jihadis are all highly educated people, and madrassah students dont end up as terrorists, then why should this move fuel any more anger and extremism?
Mr mostly funds are coming from USA to reform Madrassas
Please provide a source for this statement.
Around 500 Million dollars have come for Madrassa reforms Sir and these come as secret and some are openly come to NGOs to reform Madrassas
Around 500 Million dollars have come for Madrassa reforms Sir and these come as secret and some are openly come to NGOs to reform Madrassas
As I said - please provide a source for your claim, not just your word. Please demonstrate that you are not simply making things up. Where did you learn this, or to put it simply, how do you know?
What is the relevance to the topic? The point is that pakistan's jihadis, the TTP fellows, are not graduates of world famous universities, like you said. Nor are they doctors and engineers. They are illiterate madrassah products. Which is why the govt is pushing for madrassah reforms.
Madrassah reforms are not going to do anything because the syllabus by itself is not composed of subjects on how to make suicide jackets, or how to crush the faces of childrens of other sects with stones, or how to sacrifice innocents. The syllabus is primarily composed of Dars-e-Nizami, which in essence prepares one to be a scholar of Islam (with a title Moulvi). If you are a scholar of Islam, you are never going to commit heinous crimes, which are a hallmark of TTP (alias JI/JUI) or similar outfits. There is NO invitation or provocation of such acts in Islam, period. There are Madrassahs in India too (and literally for a couple of hundred years), but they are not churning out terrorists, though the syllabus of all deobandi madrassahs is essentially the same. Why we don't see such terrorist acts from graduates of Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband during British raj or later?

During Musharraf's time, the GoP established a central body called Wifaq-al-Madaris, which looks into the syllabus taught and other matters. However, its role or jurisdiction is limited to only those madrassahs which are registered under Wifaq-al-Madaris (which are in thousands though). There are literally tens of thousands others which are un-registered and don't come under any scrutiny. However, how effective this body is in keeping a check on those madrassahs which are registered is questionable. Now if the government tries to introduce new reforms, she has to go through Wifaq-al-Madaris, which as I have mentioned, has not been effective previously.
As I said - please provide a source for your claim, not just your word. Please demonstrate that you are not simply making things up. Where did you learn this, or to put it simply, how do you know?
WikiLeaks: Saudi-Financed Madrassas More Widespread in Pakistan Than Thought - FPIF
Well, we all know about Saudi interfering in Pakistan. The thing is, the US has always been a close ally and supporter of Saudi Arabia. Why is Saudi Arabia such a powerful and influential nation in the ME? The US has been paying them millions and millions of petro-dollars, even after the 9/11 incident. It amazes me how the US has been fighting a "War of Terror", yet continues to support and further the interests of a nation which has been close with the Salafist and Wahabi line of Islam. The US! one of the worlds most powerful nations, which has overthrown and established countless governments has done absolutely nothing in taking down a major exporter of terrorism.I admit, this is based on assumptions and guesses, but the connection between the US and Saudi cannot be ignored.
As I said - please provide a source for your claim, not just your word. Please demonstrate that you are not simply making things up. Where did you learn this, or to put it simply, how do you know?

So what even if money is coming from NGOs? He is acting like madarsas don't need reform.... oh wait this is Zarvan we are talking about he probably prefers to jihadi factory they got set up how you think he got his "education"?

Madrassah reforms are not going to do anything because the syllabus by itself is not composed of subjects on how to make suicide jackets, or how to crush the faces of childrens of other sects with stones, or how to sacrifice innocents. The syllabus is primarily composed of Dars-e-Nizami, which in essence prepares one to be a scholar of Islam (with a title Moulvi). If you are a scholar of Islam, you are never going to commit heinous crimes, which are a hallmark of TTP (alias JI/JUI) or similar outfits. There is NO invitation or provocation of such acts in Islam, period. There are Madrassahs in India too (and literally for a couple of hundred years), but they are not churning out terrorists, though the syllabus of all deobandi madrassahs is essentially the same. Why we don't see such terrorist acts from graduates of Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband during British raj or later?

During Musharraf's time, the GoP established a central body called Wifaq-al-Madaris, which looks into the syllabus taught and other matters. However, its role or jurisdiction is limited to only those madrassahs which are registered under Wifaq-al-Madaris (which are in thousands though). There are literally tens of thousands others which are un-registered and don't come under any scrutiny. However, how effective this body is in keeping a check on those madrassahs which are registered is questionable. Now if the government tries to introduce new reforms, she has to go through Wifaq-al-Madaris, which as I have mentioned, has not been effective previously.

The main problem is the unregistered madarsas, but either way the fact remains that Pakistani madarsas are used as propoganda grounds they need to all be absorbed into one general curriculum monitored by the government. If Wifaq has been ineffective wifaq has go to go as well.
WikiLeaks: Saudi-Financed Madrassas More Widespread in Pakistan Than Thought - FPIF
Well, we all know about Saudi interfering in Pakistan. The thing is, the US has always been a close ally and supporter of Saudi Arabia. Why is Saudi Arabia such a powerful and influential nation in the ME? The US has been paying them millions and millions of petro-dollars, even after the 9/11 incident. It amazes me how the US has been fighting a "War of Terror", yet continues to support and further the interests of a nation which has been close with the Salafist and Wahabi line of Islam. The US! one of the worlds most powerful nations, which has overthrown and established countless governments has done absolutely nothing in taking down a major exporter of terrorism.I admit, this is based on assumptions and guesses, but the connection between the US and Saudi cannot be ignored.

So you are saying that since Saudi and US are close allies, US is now spending money to reform the madrassas that saudi initially funded? Yes, saudi arabia funded and still funds madrassahs across Pak. But give me ny claim that the reform is being paid for by the USA. It doesn't even make logical sense, to say that saudi's ally is spending money to correct the mistakes made by saudi.
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