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Government Pushes for Madrissah Reforms to curb extremism


Sep 19, 2008
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This should have been done when Pakistan was born.
Reforming madrassas would solve taliban and LEJ problem, not military operations.
No Sir it will not many of LEJ guys are not even from Madrassas Sir and reforming Madrassas will do a little to solve any problem
No Sir it will not many of LEJ guys are not even from Madrassas Sir and reforming Madrassas will do a little to solve any problem
Yes you are right. Therefore, the idea is to level these terrorist nursery to the ground, along with the ticks inside them. This will solve the problem once for all.
Yes you are right. Therefore, the idea is to level these terrorist nursery to the ground, along with the ticks inside them. This will solve the problem once for all.
It will not Osama Bin Laden was an engineer Ayman al Zawahiri is a MBBS doctor Al Libi was MSC in Chemistry and those who did 9/11 were studying in famous universities of the world when you don't have any idea of this phenomena than please go and first learn about it
It will not Osama Bin Laden was an engineer Ayman al Zawahiri is a MBBS doctor Al Libi was MSC in Chemistry and those who did 9/11 were studying in famous universities of the world when you don't have any idea of this phenomena than please go and first learn about it
I have all the idea of this and whatever phenomenon. It is people like these for which their is a hidth in Sahai Bukhari.

Narrated 'Ali:

No doubt I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, where-ever you find them, kill them, for who-ever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection." Sahih Bukhari. Volume 9, Book 84, Number 64:
Any credible source of the news? cause all I see in Lahore suburbs is one madrissah after another being constructed !

p.s. oh without goes to mention that they have armed men guarding the madrissah. >>>
This should have been done when Pakistan was born.
When Pakistan was born, there was no purge of terrorism and extremism taught in the medressahs. It was a very progressive and modern society up until the late 70's

It was only after Zia was done with this country and his jihad ideas that Medressahs became a breeding grounds for intolerance.
This should have been done when Pakistan was born.
The phenomenon accelerated in mid-80s amid afghan war and growing Saudi riches. And now it would be a very challanging task for the government to revert the thing back.
Yes you are right. Therefore, the idea is to level these terrorist nursery to the ground, along with the ticks inside them. This will solve the problem once for all.
Yes you are right. Therefore, the idea is to level these terrorist nursery to the ground, along with the ticks inside them. This will solve the problem once for all.
Reformation of madrassas doesnt mean putting restrictions on them or demolishing them or have survaillence over it. The idea is to introduce modren education along with dars e nizami. The reformed madrassas then should be built more in those areas of punjab and sindh which are still under hindu and bidaati influences.
It will not Osama Bin Laden was an engineer Ayman al Zawahiri is a MBBS doctor Al Libi was MSC in Chemistry and those who did 9/11 were studying in famous universities of the world when you don't have any idea of this phenomena than please go and first learn about it

None of them were Pakistanis. The jihadis in Pakistan, the foot soldiers of the TTP, are not doctors and engineers and scientists, and did not graduate from famous universities - they are illiterate and brainwashed losers. Don't overrate your beloved terrorists.

People like bin laden were multi millionaires from arab countries, and could lead a life of luxury, while creating large jihadi networks. They sent gullible and poor young men to die for their jihad, while they themselves lived in mansions with several wives and children. The reason that the 9/11 terrorists were educated, is because they needed educated people to fly planes and also to live in the USA. But only for such special cases will they use educated people. For jihading pakistan, they use illiterate young men who don't know to read and write, forget calculus or medical science.
None of them were Pakistanis. The jihadis in Pakistan, the foot soldiers of the TTP, are not doctors and engineers and scientists, and did not graduate from famous universities - they are illiterate and brainwashed losers. Don't overrate your beloved terrorists.

People like bin laden were multi millionaires from arab countries, and could lead a life of luxury, while creating large jihadi networks. They sent gullible and poor young men to die for their jihad, while they themselves lived in mansions with several wives and children. The reason that the 9/11 terrorists were educated, is because they needed educated people to fly planes and also to live in the USA. But only for such special cases will they use educated people. For jihading pakistan, they use illiterate young men who don't know to read and write, forget calculus or medical science.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was a Pakistani and many others are and now a days many who are joining these organisations belong to rich families who are also really good in studies but anger is growing among them
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