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Government proposes 1.3 Trillion worth of PSDP


Sep 19, 2008
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GDP target 5.1% YoY
Inflation Target 8% YoY
Investment growth target 15.7%
Savings growth target 14.6%
Export Target 27 Billion USD
Power Sector 260 Billion + Contribution by WAPDA,PEPCO+NTDC's own sources 135 Billion
Power Generation 155 Billion (84 Billion for Hydal+33 Billion for Thermal+38 for Nuclear)
Transport and Communications 163 Billions
Highways (under NHA) 114 Billions
Railways 40 Billion
Education, Health and Social Welfare 51 Billions
Special Development Package 36 Billion (Baluchistan 15 B, Sindh 8 B, KPK and FATA 4 B each, GB 2 B, AJK 3B)
25 Billions allocated for Diamr Bhasha (15 B for Land Acquisition+10 B for initial construction works)
13.4 Billions allocated for Dasu Dam's first phase
1 Billion for National Endowment Fund
500 Million for Technology Fund
50 Million for Scientific Farming
100 Million for Value addition
20 Billion for HEC (2 Billion increase over previous year)
1 Billion proposed for National HR Development Fund. The fund will be used by the government to provide free education facilities to the meritorious children of poor families from metric upto PhD
49 Billion Proposed for Pak-China economic corridor, China will provide bulk of the funds.
Export volume of 150 Billion has been set for 2025
100 Million have been allocated for national games
250 Million for training and education in economic journalism
100 Millions for Madrissah Reforms.
"20 Billion for HEC (2 Billion increase over previous year)"

Shoud have been more :(

"25 Billions allocated for Diamr Bhasha (15 B for Land Acquisition+10 B for initial construction works)"

"13.4 Billions allocated for Dasu Dam's first phase"

Good so nothing stop this train now :D
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"20 Billion for HEC (2 Billion increase over previous year)"

Shoud have been more :(
I think otherwise. For example, Japan's initial policy target was not to produce PhDs but labors who could work in the factories of the nation. There are a number of headwinds to a strategy,focusing on higher education, in Pakistan
1-The average lead time for a human resource to reach masters level is around 23-24 years. Which is very long for poor families with higher trade offs (sending their child to some shop for earning). In secondary education, the gap is reduced to 16-17 years and thus much easier to plug by introducing income support.
2-The population with secondary education can be more easily employed in masses in the industrial concerns where.
a-They reach social safety nets (i.e. mill operater school, worker's welfare health card. EOBI etc). This ensures that the offspring of such a person would face lesser risk of not getting basic services and eventually someone will be able to break through further and propel the family from lower-middle to middle/middle-higher income,
b-easily absorbed albeit at lower wage rates.
3-The technical requirements for jobs with secondary labor require lesser technical expertise, reducing the risk of having a mis-match of skillset.
4-Reasonable educated labor, in masses, adds equal or more to industrial efficiency than the jobs with high education requirements.
HEC last year Budget was 59Billion PKR

Increase of Rs11 bn: HEC all praise for new budget - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Budget 2013-14: Higher education gets attention, finally – The Express Tribune

the proposed Budget for HEC this year was rather 77Billion PKR.

i am not getting the news
This is development budget, there is also a current portion of allocation as well.
This allocation includes Rs18.4 billion for the proposed Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for the fiscal 2013-2014, against Rs15.8 billion allocated last year, plus a hefty amount of Rs39 billion, allocated to increase the enrolment in higher education by 14% from 1.08 million students in 2012-13 to 1.23 million students in 2013-14.
Looks like total HEC budget is 80bn this year then? Good news in this case.
Well current budget is for day to day administration, current programs and salaries etc. The development budget is for new or ongoing development projects.
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