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Government defends new restrictions on alcohol sales

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Dec 27, 2009
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
ANKARA- Hürriyet Daily News

New restrictions on Turkey’s alcohol laws, strongly backed by the government, have created a splash in the public and media and worried those involved in the sector.

The new regulations brought by the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, would prohibit alcohol from appearing in commercials and advertisements and bring strict new restrictions on alcohol licenses.

Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority, or TAPDK, head Mehmet Küçük defended the new regulations Wednesday. He said the aim was not to restrict freedoms but to lessen alcohol’s incentive.

The TAPDK released the regulations over the weekend and alcohol-manufacturing companies quickly called in legal experts to examine the new laws, worried that they were dangerously unclear and open to broad interpretation.

AKP Group Deputy Chairman Hüseyin Çelik on Wednesday defended the new restrictions, stating they were implemented to protect young adults from alcoholism. He said every country has laws regulating alcohol.

The legal age to purchase alcohol in Turkey is still 18, Çelik said, adding that this is lower than the legal drinking age in the United States.

Ordinary citizens have come together to protest the new regulations. A group on Facebook titled “We drink to the AKP!” had over 80,000 members by the time the Hürriyet Daily News went to press.

While initially set up as a humorous way for people to voice their discontent, the overwhelming response from Turkish Facebook users, most of them young adults, prompted the group to set up meetings in İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Eskişehir, and Antalya on Jan. 29.

The press also reacted to the bans, comparing the ruling party to Ottoman Sultan Murad IV, who famously banned coffee and alcohol in Istanbul, executing anyone who disobeyed the law.
Kyun rokte ho mujhe masjid main baith kar sharab peene se
Warna mujhe who jagah bata do jaha khuda nahi.......

for non hindi and urdu speakers
Why you stop me from drinking inside a Mosque, tell me a place where there is no god.
If you look at Europe, Sweden and other countries, they're restricting the sale of alcohol and cigarettes to people under 15 maybe even higher. They've also forbidden smoking in restaurent/cafe areas that are bigger than 40 sq meters.

Also it's forbidden to make commercials for cigarettes etc. in these countries.

it's a trend, or a rational pattern that is on the move. You don't want alcohol to be a role model for the kids, and I can understand that.
Kyun rokte ho mujhe masjid main baith kar sharab peene se
Warna mujhe who jagah bata do jaha khuda nahi.......

for non hindi and urdu speakers
Why you stop me from drinking inside a Mosque, tell me a place where there is no god.
Tunn pujari?

Khud peena hai toh piyo, humara Dharam brasht na karo :P

These restrictions, seem fine, as long as they are not motivated by religion. Drinking, smoking, drugs, should be discouraged.
Why is it wrong if it is driven by say islam or chritianity?
Countries the world over, especially european countries are based on christian values and norms, if people are contended with islam and the rules and regulations it brings why should it be a problem?
Why is it wrong if it is driven by say islam or chritianity?
Countries the world over, especially european countries are based on christian values and norms, if people are contended with islam and the rules and regulations it brings why should it be a problem?

The Problem are Rules and Regulations made by religious Sects or politicans which use the Religion to gain Popularity among the People. I have no Problem when the Goverment only forbid to drink Alcohol in Public, but I don't know what will the Goverment do later.

What when they forbid Women to go in Public without Hijab ?
Is this a joke? According to you forbidding women wearing hijab in universities etc. is fine but the opposite is completely out of question?
Asim Aqil said it best; i would go so far as to say give people the CHOICE. But also guide them and advise them about the health and social risks of these -what we could call ''vices''

there's an interesting distinction between Pakistan and Turkiye.....when people drink booze in Pakistan, they do it at elaborate parties behind closed doors where whisky flows like water. People get drunk till 4 in the morning; whereas in Turkiye, people who do decide to drink do it publicly but do it in moderation. When I lived in Istanbul, never once did I see somebody overly intoxicated and making fool out of themself. Whereas I have seen people in Peshawar so drunk they had to quietly be carried home while nobody was looking. (true story)

the best way to kill 2 birds with one stone is to raise taxes on alcoholic beverages; at least this will create some dis-incentive and also raise revenues. The left-leaning secularists however could perceive this as some kind of agenda by the Islamists, so some kind of balancing act should be undertaken.

To its credit, the smoking ban in restaurants and cafes will ensure better public health. I thought Egyptians were heavy smokers until I saw Turks :woot::lol:
Is this a joke? According to you forbidding women wearing hijab in universities etc. is fine but the opposite is completely out of question?

If they accept the other Womens will to not Wear a Hijab I have no Problem that Women with Hijab can enter in Universities, it is neccesary to protect the Right which will not wear Hijab !

BTW: Why do you care about Hijab, do only the Hijab make a Muslim Women to a believer ? Why do you not care about forced marriages ? According to Quoran forced marriages are clearly forbidden , but allready practised patriachal structured Societys !
If you look at Europe, Sweden and other countries, they're restricting the sale of alcohol and cigarettes to people under 15 maybe even higher. They've also forbidden smoking in restaurent/cafe areas that are bigger than 40 sq meters.

Also it's forbidden to make commercials for cigarettes etc. in these countries.

it's a trend, or a rational pattern that is on the move. You don't want alcohol to be a role model for the kids, and I can understand that.

True, in fact Swedish government has a monopoly on alcohol sale in order to keep things under control, you have this place called "systembolaget". I find nothing wrong in what the Turkish government has done be it from a health perspective or islamic perspective.
Tunn pujari?

Khud peena hai toh piyo, humara Dharam brasht na karo :P

These restrictions, seem fine, as long as they are not motivated by religion. Drinking, smoking, drugs, should be discouraged.

Just two words :lol: double :p:P

YouTube - Peene Walo Suno

Though i agree that drugs abuse, alcohol should be stopped but people need to be educated abouts the ills. Because at the end of the day those who want it will get it. Just banning them catches unwanted attention and attraction towards them.....
I don't have a problem with it unless these restrictions impede my being able to buy and consume alcohol. The fact is i see no reason these restrictions are needed in the first place. No one sells to minors and that is really the only thing that needs to be regulated. I see they are banning it from appearing in commercials. All that tells me the government is now taking some moral high ground and trying to limit alcohol knowledge in society. They have no right to get involved in these affairs. Its good though the more they restrict the more voters they will lose.
I don't have a problem with it unless these restrictions impede my being able to buy and consume alcohol. The fact is i see no reason these restrictions are needed in the first place. No one sells to minors and that is really the only thing that needs to be regulated. I see they are banning it from appearing in commercials. All that tells me the government is now taking some moral high ground and trying to limit alcohol knowledge in society. They have no right to get involved in these affairs. Its good though the more they restrict the more voters they will lose.

Yups same in India. They are not allowed to do commercials. But what companies actually do they launch a soda with the same name. And the advertisement continues to be same. So at the end of the day brand publicity continues. Thats how it happens in India. Neither cigarrettes nor alcohol is allowed to be advertised.
Skywalker i would kindly ask you to write in turkish, because i have difficulties in understanding you, no offense.

Why do you care about Hijab, do only the Hijab make a Muslim Women to a believer ? Why do you not care about forced marriages ? According to Quoran forced marriages are clearly forbidden , but allready practised patriachal structured Societys !

When did i express such a view? I never said that wearing hijab transforms you into a perfect muslim, some women not wearing hijab may practice their religion better, that is completely relative.

Again you accuse me of something i have never expressed. When you throw mud at people at least be considerate and do it a little more professional. When did i say anything about forced marriage? I know that forced marriage is not something Islam says. I am 100% against it, as most intelligent muslims probably are.

You need to discuss in a mannered way, the way you present your views and accuse people is really really low.
Kyun rokte ho mujhe masjid main baith kar sharab peene se
Warna mujhe who jagah bata do jaha khuda nahi.......

for non hindi and urdu speakers
Why you stop me from drinking inside a Mosque, tell me a place where there is no god.

Masjid peenay ki jaga nahi saaqi
ja Kafr kay dil may pee wahan khuda nahi


For non hindi and urdu speakers

don't drink inside a mosque
go inside heart of communist because inside his heart there is no god
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