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Gotta give Bilawal Betay some credit here (BJP announces bounty on his head for his assassination)


  • cap pickard harami army 2.png
    cap pickard harami army 2.png
    712.5 KB · Views: 31
Complete utter bollocks, the army worked against PTI rigging the election against it, and helping PMLN yo gain more seats through rigging and manipulation, then undermined throughout but great decisions such as not locking down during COVID and saved lives and jobs, growth in all sectors, record remittances, great speech in UN, fight against Islamophobia, raised issue of Kashmir, independent policy, winning in Afghanistan, insisted on responded to India over the Balakot crow murder and downing 2 aircraft, fantastic tea, tree tsunami, 6% avg growth sehat card, panah gah, fight against corruption and entrenched mafia groups, building 5 new large dams, new motorways, negotiating for ML1. People like you are the jahil corruption beneficiaries/apologists and liars.

The Army, SADLY PRODUCED the PTI from the crabhole it was in, to running the government but with a leader who was worst than a cry baby. You can keep these fancy numbers designed for you-thia's "thia thia" (as in Indian classical dance). And dance you are taught to do. Had Mr Khan done what he was supposed to do for 4 years of his time and things helping Pakistan were done on time, we wouldn't be in this mess today as a nation. We are in it because the cry baby Khan didn't want to grow up. If this wasn't going to be super awkward, he'd probably report his potty colors to the military.

Mr. Bajwa went so above and beyond and took the "project Imran" as a baby project and ran it to where he became the PM. Only to find out how terrible snakes civilian bloody politicians are. All his favors to IK are being turned into insults along with insults to the institution. Had IK PERFORMED his JOB, the country would've moved forward and not fell so low. He also lied to the IMF, upset Saudis, Chinese, the Americans and the Europeans. No one wanted to work with him. Why is that? If he's REALLY what you people think he is? Think about Pakistan and his performance gaps and then start writing posts. Pakistan is ABOVE ALL Imrans and Rizwans and Kamrans!
Country is now in the obnoxious grip of:

Mir Hafiz + Noora Shareef + Zardari 10%

Its Mr. Hafiz, who is as big an as*hole as Haji he replaced. Zardari & Sharif are piece of sh*t. They can be in jail if establishment is not at their back.
The Army, SADLY PRODUCED the PTI from the crabhole it was in, to running the government but with a leader who was worst than a cry baby. You can keep these fancy numbers designed for you-thia's "thia thia" (as in Indian classical dance). And dance you are taught to do. Had Mr Khan done what he was supposed to do for 4 years of his time and things helping Pakistan were done on time, we wouldn't be in this mess today as a nation. We are in it because the cry baby Khan didn't want to grow up. If this wasn't going to be super awkward, he'd probably report his potty colors to the military.

Mr. Bajwa went so above and beyond and took the "project Imran" as a baby project and ran it to where he became the PM. Only to find out how terrible snakes civilian bloody politicians are. All his favors to IK are being turned into insults along with insults to the institution. Had IK PERFORMED his JOB, the country would've moved forward and not fell so low. He also lied to the IMF, upset Saudis, Chinese, the Americans and the Europeans. No one wanted to work with him. Why is that? If he's REALLY what you people think he is? Think about Pakistan and his performance gaps and then start writing posts. Pakistan is ABOVE ALL Imrans and Rizwans and Kamrans!
loooooooool, you should be doing comedy.

You lot are all the same brain dead corruption loving apologists. If Pakistan was your concern you lot would have had elections by now, but you cannot face the reality - the reality of being slaughtered at the ballot box hence you ignore facts and brush them under the carpet and bring up nothing but the sound of torture or the ISI obscene video making cells, - I suppose you will justify all of this corruption is sanctioned by the constitution and God.

If you really care about Pakistan hold FREE & FAIR elections, the people have a right to choose their own leaders and not this cabal of imported crooks.

Allow for political stability and hence have a chance of putting out the fire that the imbecilic, fat, corrupt c*ck sucking generals started with the even worse PDM.

Have a nice day loser.


  • Bajwa & PDM burn PK disaster girl.png
    Bajwa & PDM burn PK disaster girl.png
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loooooooool, you should be doing comedy.

You lot are all the same brain dead corruption loving apologists. If Pakistan was your concern you lot would have had elections by now, but you cannot face the reality - the reality of being slaughtered at the ballot box hence you ignore facts and brush them under the carpet and bring up nothing but the sound of torture or the ISI obscene video making cells, - I suppose you will justify all of this corruption is sanctioned by the constitution and God.

If you really care about Pakistan hold FREE & FAIR elections, the people have a right to choose their own leaders and not this cabal of imported crooks.

Allow for political stability and hence have a chance of putting out the fire that the imbecilic, fat, corrupt c*ck sucking generals started with the even worse PDM.

Have a nice day loser.

Another brown man speaks up, wana be white on British gora sahib's payroll getting welfare checks! Have you bowed down to his majesty, the King your lord yet? He's providing for your family through welfare. Are there any irregularities in your documents? I am sure there are. It's kachra like this who speaks up like they've done MBA on Lon-don school of economics and give "precious advise" to us Pakistanis. Itna he shouq tha to come back, stay here like the rest of us. Deal with whatever situation we are in as a nation AND THEN RAISE YOUR VOICE. If you can't stand with your nation in bad times, than bow down to his majesty the king and live where you are happily ever after. How long is it before you turn the "country" flag to UK also? A person bowing down to King his lord, asking for "free and fair elections"! What a dumb joke!
Another brown man speaks up, wana be white on British gora sahib's payroll getting welfare checks! Have you bowed down to his majesty, the King your lord yet? He's providing for your family through welfare. Are there any irregularities in your documents? I am sure there are. It's kachra like this who speaks up like they've done MBA on Lon-don school of economics and give "precious advise" to us Pakistanis. Itna he shouq tha to come back, stay here like the rest of us. Deal with whatever situation we are in as a nation AND THEN RAISE YOUR VOICE. If you can't stand with your nation in bad times, than bow down to his majesty the king and live where you are happily ever after. How long is it before you turn the "country" flag to UK also? A person bowing down to King his lord, asking for "free and fair elections"! What a dumb joke!


  • di caprio stop just stp mate..png
    di caprio stop just stp mate..png
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