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Google removes Singapore hate blog against Filipinos


Mar 1, 2012
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Google removes Singapore hate blog against Filipinos

Google has taken down a blog that listed ways to harass Singapore's Filipino population, drawing praise from Internet users appalled by growing racial tensions in the city-state.

Police said Thursday that they are investigating the anonymous "Blood Stained Singapore" blog, which suggested Singaporeans should refuse to be served by Filipinos in restaurants, or "accidentally" shove them in crowded places.

In a post titled "Filipino infestation in Singapore—5 point guide to showing displeasure without breaking the law", the blog also advised Singaporeans not to help Filipinos involved in traffic accidents.

The blog, which surfaced on Google's Blogger platform in May, was no longer available by late Thursday.

A Google spokeswoman said she could not comment on individual cases but confirmed that the US web giant removes material from Blogger that violates its policy on hate speech.

The Filipino community in Singapore is estimated at more than 170,000, many of them professionals seen by some Singaporeans as rivals for jobs—a sharp change from a decade ago, when most Filipinos there worked as domestic helpers.

Singaporeans make up just over 60 percent of the 5.4 million population, with a low fertility rate forcing the government to rely heavily on guest workers.

The influx of foreign workers in general, many of them from China and India, has sparked a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment.

The blog had triggered indignation among Filipinos at home and abroad, with some calling for counter-measures against Singaporeans.

The Philippine embassy has urged Singaporean authorities to take action against the blogger.

Google's decision to remove the blog drew mostly positive reactions from Singaporeans online, including the cabinet minister in charge of approving foreign worker permits.

"Vile and vicious blogs like this do not reflect who we are as a people," Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin said in a Facebook post.

But others questioned whether the move stymied freedom of speech in Singapore.

"Hooray for a democratic country which forcefully shuts the mouths of her citizens!" wrote Titus Lin on the Facebook page of national broadcaster Channel NewsAsia.


It seems Filipinos have gotten the short-end of the stick lately in Asia. First the Hong Kong textbooks controversy. Now this Singaporean hate blog. Let's not forget Taiwan's sanctions for the 2 fishermen killed, and China's anger over the abduction of fishermen by Filipino pirates. And Hong Kong's attitudes continue to be colored by the bus hostage massacre, which Aquino laughed about.

For the Pinoys to clean up their image, they need to:
1. Respect others' territorial integrity.
2. Offer sincere apologies when Filipinos sailors/pirates/terrorists/renegade bus drivers injure/abduct/kill others. Even though these may be actions of private individuals, the Pinoy govt. still needs to step in because foreign nationals are the victims.

If they take these guidelines to heart, they should see a noticeable improvement in regional attitudes towards them. There will be no incentive for these "hate blogs" to proliferate.
Growing up in Hong Kong, my family had quite a few Filipino maids.

I don't know what the fuss is about, they are generally reliable and trustworthy workers.

If people think that being a "maid" is somehow derogatory, tell me why do people leave these maids in charge of their children while they are at work? It's a noble job, similar to a nanny in the West.

Most importantly, our territorial disputes with the Philipines and our disagreements with their government, should not have any impact on our relationship with Filipino people in general.
Growing up in Hong Kong, my family had quite a few Filipino maids.

I don't know what the fuss is about, they are generally reliable and trustworthy workers.

If people think that being a "maid" is somehow derogatory, tell me why do people leave these maids in charge of their children while they are at work? It's a noble job, similar to a nanny in the West.

Most importantly, our territorial disputes with the Philipines and our disagreements with their government, should not have any impact on our relationship with Filipino people in general.
Its not derogatory but the relation of Filipino = maid is! Its not like every Filipino is a maid or when you see a Filipino you shouldnt assume she is maid...

Its called propaganda...like Western media show you a man with a turban then a blow up scene or the Azan when something is blowing up...

Singaporeans should refuse to be served by Filipinos in restaurants, or "accidentally" shove them in crowded places.

Filipino infestation in Singapore - 5 point guide to showing displeasure without breaking the law
Its not derogatory but the relation of Filipino = maid is! Its not like every Filipino is a maid or when you see a Filipino you shouldnt assume she is maid...

Its called propaganda...like Western media show you a man with a turban then a blow up scene or the Azan when something is blowing up...

I don't. I had a close friend who was a Filipino, she is now a scientist.

As for your second point, are you talking about the news, or the movies?
Well if it makes you feel any better, Chinese movies don't do that. Chinese Muslim minorities are usually shown in a good light.
I was giving you how these thoughts are planted...West did it with Muslims post 9/11 to make sure people supported their "war on terror"

Its good to know Chinese dont...I dont know much about Chinese media except TVB (back in the days)
It's a strange world you know.

If someone hires a person, to manage their financial assets, that is somehow a noble thing that they could boast of.

But when someone hires a person to take care of their children, who are infinitely more valuable than any financial assets, somehow that is a profession to be degraded and ashamed of?

Trusting a person to look after their children is the greatest level of trust.
Google removes Singapore hate blog against Filipinos

Google has taken down a blog that listed ways to harass Singapore's Filipino population, drawing praise from Internet users appalled by growing racial tensions in the city-state.

Police said Thursday that they are investigating the anonymous "Blood Stained Singapore" blog, which suggested Singaporeans should refuse to be served by Filipinos in restaurants, or "accidentally" shove them in crowded places.

In a post titled "Filipino infestation in Singapore—5 point guide to showing displeasure without breaking the law", the blog also advised Singaporeans not to help Filipinos involved in traffic accidents.

The blog, which surfaced on Google's Blogger platform in May, was no longer available by late Thursday.

A Google spokeswoman said she could not comment on individual cases but confirmed that the US web giant removes material from Blogger that violates its policy on hate speech.

The Filipino community in Singapore is estimated at more than 170,000, many of them professionals seen by some Singaporeans as rivals for jobs—a sharp change from a decade ago, when most Filipinos there worked as domestic helpers.

Singaporeans make up just over 60 percent of the 5.4 million population, with a low fertility rate forcing the government to rely heavily on guest workers.

The influx of foreign workers in general, many of them from China and India, has sparked a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment.

The blog had triggered indignation among Filipinos at home and abroad, with some calling for counter-measures against Singaporeans.

The Philippine embassy has urged Singaporean authorities to take action against the blogger.

Google's decision to remove the blog drew mostly positive reactions from Singaporeans online, including the cabinet minister in charge of approving foreign worker permits.

"Vile and vicious blogs like this do not reflect who we are as a people," Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin said in a Facebook post.

But others questioned whether the move stymied freedom of speech in Singapore.

"Hooray for a democratic country which forcefully shuts the mouths of her citizens!" wrote Titus Lin on the Facebook page of national broadcaster Channel NewsAsia.

It seems Filipinos have gotten the short-end of the stick lately in Asia. First the Hong Kong textbooks controversy. Now this Singaporean hate blog. Let's not forget Taiwan's sanctions for the 2 fishermen killed, and China's anger over the abduction of fishermen by Filipino pirates. And Hong Kong's attitudes continue to be colored by the bus hostage massacre, which Aquino laughed about.

For the Pinoys to clean up their image, they need to:
1. Respect others' territorial integrity.
2. Offer sincere apologies when Filipinos sailors/pirates/terrorists/renegade bus drivers injure/abduct/kill others. Even though these may be actions of private individuals, the Pinoy govt. still needs to step in because foreign nationals are the victims.

If they take these guidelines to heart, they should see a noticeable improvement in regional attitudes towards them. There will be no incentive for these "hate blogs" to proliferate.
The person is basically inciting hate and hostile acts against us. I suspect his not a real Singaporean rather a 50cents running the blog in Singapore. I still believe most Singaporeans are friendly and not racist towards others. Anyway regardless of this isolated case, Singapore and Singaporean people will remain our friends and one of our closest allies in ASEAN.

About Taiwan technically they are still our ally and I believe there’s already a positive development going on in the relationship of our country and Taiwan more than a year after the unfortunate incident.

Regarding HK I don’t know if racism is engrained in most of their people psyche. It’s not only Filipinos, Bangladeshis, Indonesians or other Asian nationalities they looked down because of their profession but even your fellow Chinese from mainland.

To China unfortunately the main problem is your greediness. You just can't get enough no matter how rich you are or successful you may be. You are always looking for someone to gobble.
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I still believe most Singaporeans are friendly and not racist towards others.

lol do you know @Lux de Veritas :rofl::rofl:

About Taiwan technically they are still our ally

Just ask taiwanese if they think so, don't lie to yourself.

Regarding HK I don’t know if racism is engrained in most of their people psyche. It’s not only Filipinos, Bangladeshis, Indonesians or other Asian nationalities they looked down because of their profession but even your fellow Chinese from mainland.

This is true, but not most of HKers.
Well racist jerks should be jailed i wish it happen here in the forum there a lot of chinese jerks here that need to be kick out of the form
Well racist jerks should be jailed i wish it happen here in the forum there a lot of chinese jerks here that need to be kick out of the form
You hate free speech when it doesn't suit your social view. Typical Pilipino hypocrisy.
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