Majority of USA companies have heavily employed Indian origin Directors, as investors are mainly jews and both parties have moved jobs to India
Very common to see Jewish Financial CFO who does all reporting for company financial reports with investors
The bigger game plan is control of the internet and Social media
None of these entities were selected based on merit majority of time selection is based on affiliation to Israel or India
The bigger posts are all appointed by a vote of investors , and most of the investors are Pro Israel, they have made a united decision to push forward Indian agenda
They control the
- Banking Segment
- Movie / Media networks
- Social Media (This media was free between 95-2008 but measures have been taken to control it and heavily monitor it)
Last 10 years the push has been made to force people to use facebook/linkedin to login in different websites , so force people's data to be collected in these social media systems to create a massive intelligence software
Google since 2005 has been spreading incorrect Kashmir Map , to confuse people about Kashmir as a part of India
FATF is a expansion of Global control but at a Country-level , a similar ban was once imposed on Ottoman Empire by combination of British and Europeans to increase poverty in the Ottoman Empire
The games being played are old ... been done before