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Good Video ! have you guyz seen this


Jul 25, 2009
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Yesterday I was invited to watch worldcup game and some spicy tika masala (which i was craving for long time) at my colleague's place.He showed me this video , i couldn't understand the song but i got a decent(very little) idea of what the video meant to explain.He went on to explain me lyrically and said that an inherent message lurks in it.

India rises even as the administration sleeps !

I didnot try to argue with him, as my mind was fixed on my burning mouth and just concluded cricket match.

I want Indian members (or concerned members) view on this point !!

ps: Does everyone eat that SPIIICY food in India ?? thankfully we had :cheers:
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I have seen that actually. It's quite symbolic. The policemen at the end represent the government.

And you're friend is right.
A very motivational and conveying video.
Only if our media was a little positive except for being hypocrite.
That is a very good video, which says quite a lot in a little time-frame. Something on the lines of "don't wait for things to happen, make them happen".

Years ago John Kennedy famously said "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".
i would say ultimate video... this symbolizes sometimes small steps or initiatives taken by anyone can mobilize the whole system.. keep it up :cheers:
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