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Golden Mao ready for adoration


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In Remote Field In China, There's Now A Giant Golden Statue Of Mao
Updated January 5, 201612:32 PM ET

A giant statue of late Chairman Mao Zedong was under construction Monday near crop fields in a village in Tongxu county in China's Henan province.

Reuters /Landov
A visitor to central China's Henan province might expect to see wide green plains of farmland or cliffs dropping down to the Yellow River.

Now, there's a more surprising sight on the horizon in Tongxu county: a towering, golden statue of China's former leader Mao Zedong.

The 121-foot-high homage to Mao sits on a wire chair, with his hands crossed in his lap, staring out onto agricultural fields.

It was paid for by local businessmen and villagers and reportedly cost 3 million yuan (about $460,000), the BBC reports.


Another head in Mao's likeness is placed on the ground next to the giant statue of Mao.

Reuters /Landov
The statue is painted gold and mysteriously has a spare giant Mao head placed next to it.

The founder of Communist China ruled until his death in 1976. Tens of millions of people died during his rule "through economic mismanagement and political terror," as NPR has reported.

Henan province was one of the worst-hit areas of what has become known as the "Great Famine" during Mao's rule, so a statue of Mao in the middle of farmland there might seem like a surprising choice.

In a book review, The Guardian described the horrors of that famine on one nearby town, where "more than a million people — one in eight — are wiped out by starvation and brutality over three short years."

"In barely nine months, more than 12,000 people — a third of the inhabitants — die in a single commune; a tenth of its households are wiped out. Thirteen children beg officials for food and are dragged deep into the mountains, where they die from exposure and starvation. A teenage orphan kills and eats her four-year-old brother. Forty-four of a village's 45 inhabitants die; the last remaining resident, a woman in her 60s, goes insane."


A man looks at the giant statue of Mao.

Reuters /Landov
The Guardian reports that the statue has drawn criticism, with one online commenter asking, "How about using the money for poverty alleviation first?"

At the same time, Mao continues to be a revered figure in China, and tributes to him are common. Here's more from the Guardian:

"Mao, whose portrait still stares out over Beijing's Tiananmen Square and appears on banknotes, has enjoyed something of a revival under Xi Jinping, who became president three years ago.

"Mao's favorite revolutionary opera was recently remade for stage and screen while a professor at one of China's top universities has started offering an online course on 'Mao Zedong Thought'."

A statue depicting Mao as a young man, nearly as tall as this new one, was unveiled in 2009.

In Remote Field In China, There's Now A Giant Golden Statue Of Mao : The Two-Way : NPR
Mao is the man that ended China's century of humiliation at the hands of foreigners.

He gave China an independent foreign policy and not dictated by foreign powers.

He defended Chinese mainland from invasions by Japan, US, India.

Modern China would be know where without Mao.

Mao is without a shadow of a doubt the greatest Chinese that ever lived considering the obstacles he had to overcome and the resources at his disposal.

There should be Mao statues all over China.
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My respect to him from Vietnam.

I've read a lot about Long March and Mao. I believe not only China, but the whole of East Asia should be grateful to him, because we regained the confidence to fight and compete (not only in war, but in economy as well) against the West thank to him, even more than the Russo-Japanese war in 1905. And he helped Vietnam a lot during our wars against the French and the US. And it was Deng Xiaoping who decided to conquer Vietnam in 1979, not Mao.

It was much like Russia and other European countries (mostly Slavic), which was under Mongol rule for almost 250 years, only regained the confidence of European to overthrow the Mongol yoke (or Tatar yoke) after winning some decisive battles.
Nothing wrong with statues
But Golden not exactly the best choice for color
Stuff like this becomes a wonder 1000 years from now. China owes a lot to MAO and remember those nations always excel who love and adore and admire their heroes rather than criticize them in a brainless fashion.

A fine gesture even though personally over the top but never the less a fine one.
Mao is the man that ended China's century of humiliation at the hands of foreigners.

He gave China an independent foreign policy and not dictated by foreign powers.

He defended Chinese mainland from invasions by Japan, US, India.

Modern China would be know where without Mao.

Mao is without a shadow of a doubt the greatest Chinese that ever lived considering the obstacles he had to overcome and the resources at his disposal.

There should be Mao statues all over China.

India really ?? lol You have overestimated us and this resulting in 1962.
India really ?? lol You have overestimated us and this resulting in 1962.
Technically speaking Mao was still alive in 1975 and showed no military response, when India integrated Sikkim as an Indian state (territory claimed China).

Sad for him that just one year before his death to see Sikkim become part of India.
Mao bigger than life :rofl:

if they was going to build a giant statue it should of been of Deng and Nixon not mad man Mao.
Massive golden ‘Mega Mao’ statue demolished days after pictures of the $465K statue in rural China went viral


Friday, January 8, 2016, 8:36 Pm
A photo from Monday shows the giant statue when news of the massive "Mega Mao" first surfaced this week. It was torn down by Friday morning.
A golden 120-foot-tall Mao Zedong statue erected in rural central China was torn down days after it drew worldwide attention, reports revealed Friday.

The $465,000 statue, dubbed “Mega Mao,” rose up from a field in Henan province in December after nine months of construction paid for by several of the area’s entrepreneurs, Agence France-Presse reported. Photos of the Chairman Mao likeness went viral after a Chinese website published them Monday.

Yet the statue of the Communist revolutionary and founding father of the People’s Republic of China hadn’t received the proper government approvals, according to a People’s Daily Online report cited by state-run CCTV.

Pictures of the dismantling showed a black cloth thrown over the statue’s head and no legs, hands or feet left over. Crews began demolishing Mega Mao Thursday morning and nothing remained Friday but a pile of rubble, The New York Times reported.

Residents of nearby Zhushigang village and Chinese social media sites traced the project to local businessman Sun Qingxin, the deputy chairman of the County People’s Congress Standing Committee.

“He is crazy about Mao. His factory is full of Maos,” a potato farmer who identified himself as Mr. Wang told the Times.
Online commenters wondered whether the funds could have been spent on education or health care in the poor region. Others questioned whether the area really needed a Mega Mao given that 3 million people starved to death in Henan province during the Great Leap Forward of the late 1950s, The Guardian reported.

The statue’s fall reminded still others of the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem entitled “Ozymandias,” according to the Times.

“And on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!,'” the poem reads. “Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Massive golden ‘Mega Mao’ statue demolished - NY Daily News
i am disgust MAO ,he is a devil. if he died in 1950,china will became a developed country
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