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India followed a lite version of socialism(compared to extremes of USSR, Mao's China) for most of it's history, and several of it's industries still needs reform due to Nehru choosing a command economy for the country. If you had continued the hardcore teachings of Mao and didnt liberalize, you would be much worse than India. India, China, Cuba, USSR, etc. proved is that extreme socialism doesnt work.

From what I have studied, India's problem is not from its socialist planned economy. It is due to the lack of social structural reform after her independence, which in China's case was complete by Mao's sometimes brutal revolution.

There is an old thread I started discussed the exact issue:

How China Beat India in Race for Success------A 1997 Article That Predicted Today
Any Chinese who has China in heart, would be grateful for what Mao and his comrades did for this country and her people. Many young people today are simply too selfish to think for the country as a whole. Hope they will grow up someday.
Selfish !
The young Chinese can not understand how difficult to get today's life.

What 's up ?
From what I have studied, India's problem is not from its socialist planned economy. It is due to the lack of social structural reform after her independence, which in China's case was complete by Mao's sometimes brutal revolution.

There is an old thread I started discussed the exact issue:

How China Beat India in Race for Success------A 1997 Article That Predicted Today

It is absolutely because of it's choice of a command economy. India self crippled the entrepreneurial spirit of it's people and limited it's industrial potential. The government had no business controlling the amount of cars that needs to be sold for example. It's not some how a coincidence India saw economic growth after it started to liberalize it's economy. And saw expansion of private firms like TATA, Mahindra, L&T, etc. If it didnt liberalize it would be doing 3% like it averaged all those years before. And if China continued Mao's extreme socialism, cult of personality, it would be nothing more than a giant N. Korea.
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It is absolutely because of it's choice of a command economy. India self crippled the entrepreneurial spirit of it's people and limited it's industrial potential. The government had no business controlling the amount of cars that needs to be sold for example. It's not some how a coincidence India saw economic growth after it started to liberalize it's economy. And saw expansion of private firms like TATA, Mahindra, L&T, etc. If it didnt liberalize it would be doing 3% like it averaged all those years before. And if China continued Mao's extreme socialism, cult of personality, it would be nothing more than a giant N. Korea.

India's problem is much more deep-rooted than mere "crippled entrepreneurial spirit" or "15-year late start on reform". You do have some world class companies, but you also have 2/3 population that sill live in the same social structure as hundreds years ago. As of today, you do not even have a unified market in India which China achieved in 1952. Whatever China has today were built on the foundation laid by Mao era when China achieved universal education, ICBM, H-Bomb, Nobel award winning level of scientific researches, which India still can not claim even today.

Deng was a great leader for China, but he wouldn't have been able to turn India into today's China, as India did not have the economic and industrial foundation that his reform was based on.

Please read the linked article in my last post. Some very smart people in the world, including Indian scholars, have already predicted the outcome of the race between China and India 19 years ago, when China and India were on somewhat similar footing. Just ask yourself, what you would have predicted this outcome 19 years ago?
It is absolutely because of it's choice of a command economy. India self crippled the entrepreneurial spirit of it's people and limited it's industrial potential. The government had no business controlling the amount of cars that needs to be sold for example. It's not some how a coincidence India saw economic growth after it started to liberalize it's economy. And saw expansion of private firms like TATA, Mahindra, L&T, etc. If it didnt liberalize it would be doing 3% like it averaged all those years before. And if China continued Mao's extreme socialism, cult of personality, it would be nothing more than a giant N. Korea.
Hey bro, you will see your bronze statues all over NK in a few years.:p:
You do have some world class companies, but you also have 2/3 population that sill live in the same social structure as hundreds years ago.

Those world class companies only expanded recently after India opened up it's economy, and loosening of restrictions on several sectors with in India. That's not a coincidence. India still needs more reforms in several sectors today. Before that/still, each respective sector were controlled by incompetent government owned companies. And I dont know what you mean by social structure, structures like the caste system for example? I mean, it's not something that's going to go right off the rip, but India did vote in a dalit PM based on his credentials in a state instead of a dynastic name recently.

And much of the stagnation is absolutely caused by Nehru choosing a socialist, command economy for India. India was average around 3% for decades after independence. India was nearly broke in the early 90s, because of those policies. Like I said, it's not a coincidence it was seeing higher growths after it started to open up it's economy. And there are already several examples of socialist economic failures like Mao's China, Cuba, USSR.

Whatever China has today were built on the foundation laid by Mao era when China achieved universal education, ICBM, H-Bomb, Nobel award winning level of scientific researches, which India still can not claim even today.

USSR also had ICBMs, Space launchers, SSBNs, etc. doesnt change the fact it was an economic failure either.
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India followed a lite version of socialism(compared to extremes of USSR, Mao's China) for most of it's history, and several of it's industries still needs reform due to Nehru choosing a command economy for the country. If you had continued the hardcore teachings of Mao and didnt liberalize, you would be much worse than India. India, China, Cuba, USSR, etc. proved is that extreme socialism doesnt work.
You said a new word "The extrem socialism",Well I agree,when china start to rebuild the economic system with the help of USSR.The china copy the economic system from Soviet Union,and it works well,PLS care about the economic stituation china faced at that time.Extrem serious bad.So the extrem measure must be done.
How can China become a developed country when it was nuclearly threatened by two superpowers at the same time?

Deng and the pro-Soviet/anti-China faction within the Vietcong were both responsible for the Sino-Viet split.

it is him mad and silly action make usa and russia both anti china. in that time,china is a fucking poverty agriculture country, the mad mao make china waste 30 years
it is him mad and silly action make usa and russia both anti china. in that time,china is a fucking poverty agriculture country, the mad mao make china waste 30 years

Not he was mad, but he wanted to preserve China's prestige and didn't want to let China to turn into a vassal state.

If it wasn't his decision, China will never become a nuclear power, and the scenario of 1840, 1856, 1894, 1900, 1931, 1937 will simply come back again.

How you can develop your own economy when you can't even defend yourself? Didn't the late Qing Dynasty tell you enough story about it?

You should do more research before making those superficial ignorant statements.

When I was your age, I also used to dislike Mao, but after I have done more research, I have to say that Mao is indeed the greatest leader in China's 5000 years of history. No one can surpass him so far.
it is him mad and silly action make usa and russia both anti china. in that time,china is a fucking poverty agriculture country, the mad mao make china waste 30 years

I disagree
Both - the imperious USSR and the hegemonic USA and dont forget the spirits of imperial Japan also if they had a chance. They wanted to colonise China during that era when we were so poor and weak until Chrmn Mao ordered the creation of the 2 Bombs and Dongfang Hong (两弹一星) seeing the dangers fast encroaching on us all around

And "waste 30 years" ??? you are going to lose multiple lifetimes if unfortunately you're born in these hard times

How many lives properties/assets and time have we lost in the destruction arson torture massacre genocide and looting due to the numerous invasion of jpn?

May 1874
Japanese invasion of Taiwan (1874) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1 August 1894 – 17 April 1895
First Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

May–October 1895
Japanese invasion of Taiwan (1895) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eight-Nation Alliance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sept 19 1931
Japanese invasion of Manchuria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mukden Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The January 28 Incident (1932) between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan in, and around, Shanghai
January 28 Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Defense of the Great Wall (1933) of Rehe (province) and subsequent Actions in Inner Mongolia (1933–1936)
Defense of the Great Wall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

July 7, 1937 – September 9, 1945
Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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