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GMR row: India freezes aid to Maldives, ties under stress

I know legal side.

No Dude. You don't know a whit about the Legal terms of a duly drawn up contract. You have provide ample evidence of that already.
As for what you have been peddling, its simply driven by a personal agenda.
In other words; simply "montgolfiering". :)
Aid is always tied with one's own agenda, same incase of UK, china or US aid.
Once you guys start giving aid you will know. :)

+1. Now thats what true so hopefully Indians wont claim they are distributing free potatos.
Foolish move!

I thought India had learnt something from doing the same in case of Nepal.
Stopped Aid..? What for..? Not a very good move by GoI. This will only harden one side's stance as anti-India..
The GMR imbroglio, being manipulated by former President Gayoom for point-scoring against his nemesis former President Nasheed, has got enmeshed with the political developments in the country.

The day the Singapore Court pronounced its injunction, the Majlis by a vote of 41 to 34 passed a motion to allow secret ballot for voting on a no-confidence motion against the President.

The same motion had been defeated barely two weeks ago on Nov 19, 2012 by 34 to 39. What has shocked the Gayoom-Waheed-Adaalath nexus and made them nervous is that the MDP had increased its voting strength from 34 to 41 in two weeks.

Maldives faces the prospect of becoming an international pariah and all because Gayoom is determined to settle personal scores with Nasheed using GMR.

Maldives risks its nascent and hard-fought democracy going asunder.

Unless saner counsels prevail in the government, Maldives is being pushed towards self-destruction

Is Maldives self-destructing?
The beleaguered GMR group, whose 25-year concession to develop and operate the Male International Airport has been terminated by the Maldives government, got a shot in the arm, with International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank, coming out in its support.

The Hindu : News / National : IFC backs GMR
So india is bullying her small helpless neighbor- again-
No wonder why her other relatively strong neighbors are at odds with them-
+1. Now thats what true so hopefully Indians wont claim they are distributing free potatos.

Just the way US has withdrawn aid for your country because you stopped their containers. You guys thought that they would not stop the aid. You had to relent to their demands and allow transit. In case of Maldives they are in better position than you guys. It would not make much difference to their economy if they accept our aid or not. So, they can call the shots and get away.
So india is bullying her small helpless neighbor- again-
No wonder why her other relatively strong neighbors are at odds with them-

True - India does it through Singapore Court, through World bank and what not. :yahoo:
Just the way US has withdrawn aid for your country because you stopped their containers. You guys thought that they would not stop the aid. You had to relent to their demands and allow transit. In case of Maldives they are in better position than you guys. It would not make much difference to their economy if they accept our aid or not. So, they can call the shots and get away.

ahh again bringing Pakistan in :) sorry state of mentality at your end.

but just for your information we had always been prepared in even in the 80s for call off of the financial bargain aka aid or whatever you may call it.

It is other way round here where they thought Pakistan will not stop their containers and Indians claimed NATO does not need Pakistani route , both failed miserably.

We got what we wanted and also got the money.
The beleaguered GMR group, whose 25-year concession to develop and operate the Male International Airport has been terminated by the Maldives government, got a shot in the arm, with International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank, coming out in its support.

“This is very disappointing. I hope that the sanctity of the contract is upheld and the matter is resolved as per the contractual framework and in line with Maldivian and international laws,” the IFC said in a letter to G.M. Rao, Chairman of the Group.

IFC was the agency that managed the global tender process for award of concession for development and operation of the Male airport in 2010.

“I want to emphasise that IFC, as the lead transaction adviser to the Government of Maldives for this project in 2010, provided advice to the Government of Maldives that complied with Maldivian laws and regulations and followed international best practices at each step of the bidding process to ensure the highest degree of competitiveness, transparency and credibility of the process,” says Karin Finkelston, Vice President, Asia Pacific, IFC.

Meanwhile, Mr G.M. Rao, Group Chairman, GMR Group has alleged that the termination is “totally political” and does not follow due process. In an interview to The Hindu group of publications at its office in Chennai, Mr Rao said: “They don’t want settlement, they want to cancel, that is their aim.”

He pointed out that GMR had complied with all the demands of the Maldivian government including agreeing not to charge Airport Development Charge (ADC) to Maldivian nationals, consider building an emergency runway to address the constraints of a single runway and upgrade the existing runway. Yet, the government slapped a “stop construction” notice on GMR in July saying due approvals were not taken; GMR says that it has all approvals. The nub of the controversy is over the $25 ADC which GMR was entitled to charge every departing passenger from Jan.1, 2012 as part of the terms of the concession agreement. According to Mr Rao, all the bidders structured their bids by factoring in the ADC revenues into their calculations. As per the successful GMR bid, it had to pay $78 million upfront, a 1 per cent gross revenue share up to 2014 and 10 per cent after that. GMR was also required to share 15 per cent of the fuel revenues until 2014 and 27 per cent after that adding up to a total bid value of $529 million, which was the highest among all bidders.

In December last year, the Maldives Civil Court ruled that ADC cannot be charged as there was no enabling legislation from Parliament for that. GMR requested the Maldives Airport Company Ltd. (MACL), equivalent of the Airports Authority of India, to allow it to set-off the ADC against the revenue share payable to the latter which MACL agreed to. Trouble began with the change of government in Male in February this year. The new government cancelled the set-off arrangement forcing GMR to go for arbitration in Singapore where the case is still on.

MACL, meanwhile, filed a case against its former Chairman seeking a declaration that the letter issued by him allowing GMR to set-off the ADC is not binding on MACL. GMR went to the Singapore High Court in July and obtained an injunction against this. MACL unsuccessfully contested this last month after which came the termination notice.

“The Singapore court mentioned that this is one of the best, transparent agreements that it has seen and complimented IFC for this,” Mr Rao said pointing out that the Maldives government now wanted to somehow cancel the agreement without paying compensation. “That is their dream,” he said.

According to him, the contract can be annulled without paying compensation only on three grounds: corruption, safety and security. “They evaluated all three parameters and have not been able to find anything,” Mr Rao said.

As per a working by the Maldives government, compensation could run up to $700 million if the agreement is cancelled. “How will they pay it when they have no money to pay salaries to government staff?” he remarked. As per a tripartite agreement between MACL, GMR and Axis Bank, which has lent up to $160 million for the project, the bank should be served a 60-day notice before termination which has not been followed, according to Mr Rao.

“They have alleged that IFC has funded GMR but the truth is that we have not borrowed a single dollar from IFC. The project is fully funded with Indian money from Axis Bank,” Mr Rao said. Till date GMR has invested about $180 million in the project according to him.


Not a very encouraging move by Male Govt. Lets hope saner heads prevail and issue gets settled as early as possible.
The GMR imbroglio, being manipulated by former President Gayoom for point-scoring against his nemesis former President Nasheed, has got enmeshed with the political developments in the country.

The day the Singapore Court pronounced its injunction, the Majlis by a vote of 41 to 34 passed a motion to allow secret ballot for voting on a no-confidence motion against the President.

The same motion had been defeated barely two weeks ago on Nov 19, 2012 by 34 to 39. What has shocked the Gayoom-Waheed-Adaalath nexus and made them nervous is that the MDP had increased its voting strength from 34 to 41 in two weeks.

Maldives faces the prospect of becoming an international pariah and all because Gayoom is determined to settle personal scores with Nasheed using GMR.

Maldives risks its nascent and hard-fought democracy going asunder.

Unless saner counsels prevail in the government, Maldives is being pushed towards self-destruction

Is Maldives self-destructing?

Sparkie, there are deep internal political dissensions in Maldives. What is happening to GMR is simply a manifestation of that. GMR was a good "bakra" because it was probably the biggest contract on-going in the Maldives. Let the Maldivians tussle it out and see what comes out of it.

Sparkie, will it surprise you too much if you find yourself again posting some news about some Operation Cactus type Rescue Operation later in the future after the Maldivian Govt. again sends out another SOS?? :)
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ahh again bringing Pakistan in :) sorry state of mentality at your end.

but just for your information we had always been prepared in even in the 80s for call off of the financial bargain aka aid or whatever you may call it.

It is other way round here where they thought Pakistan will not stop their containers and Indians claimed NATO does not need Pakistani route , both failed miserably.

We got what we wanted and also got the money.

I just did not want to derail the thread... but was pointing to your country for similar example. In your case it worked out because you guys started cooperating with US for want of aid money. Maldives may do the same for all we know. How are they going to compensate to the tune of $700 million to GMR??? They do not have enough money to pay their employees. If they are thinking of not compensating then it is outright bullying in my opinion. Now, one of their minister is saying that they had to cancel the contract for their own party survival.

If you were the judge in this case how would you rule???
After anexation of a sovereign state of Sikkim, India still hold a "directive" role of anther Sovereign state's foreign policy(Bhutan) though in name the colonial heritage had ended in 2007.

And that's exactly why some Indians are still cherish this "superior" chouvinism ideology, ignorant of the human civilization has come to such high end stage of the 21th century and bring to the world of a shame that had afflicted the third world for centuries, including India itself.
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