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Old news irrelevant here.Almost all princely states in British India wanted break away and form their own Independant states after independence.Thanks to some of our visionary leaders that disaster didn't happen.

Who the hell are you to tell us what to study.This is our history our culture we know it very well,If we don't know something,we will figure it out ourselves.Don't need your help in it.You should worry about your distorted history books.

I know you are desperate to butt into the conversation, but take the time to read the posts in full and the context before jumping in.

I won't bother responding to your inane out-of-context banter next time, although I know it won't stop you and fellow Hindutva fanatics.

Vedic culture is part of South India since all its recorded history.

Learn about linguistic evidence (Tamil language, etc.) of pre-Vedic culture in the South.

No, we have written them off. For good.

It doesn't matter what you wish.

Your math was disingenuous and the numbers had to be corrected. Of course, that's only for intellectually honest people, so you should just look some other way and relax.

Anyway, why did the others opt out?

Million reasons, to each his or her own.

That was just a movement within Dharma

Unfortunately, your Brahamists didn't take such a benign view of Buddhists who had opted out of the caste system. Like any master who has lost his slaves, they were ruthless in their persecution of the Buddhists.
You guys are.

The debate started when YOUR guys were blabbering as usual about the superiority of Hinduism over Abrahamic faiths.

Your own Vedas talk about the Vedic gods' conquest over various peoples to bring them to "enlightenment".

O boy ur up with this again i tried to explain this to u earlier also bt never mind thats why i said a little learning is a dangerous thing...:)

Had u read my previous posts u wouldn't have been asking this question again n again...

i m telling u for the last time focus...

1. Both Devtas n Auras r step brothers they r both the off springs of Rishi Kshapa n their mothers were grand daughters of Lord Brahma himself.

2. Even the Auras use to follow Vedic traditions as they were also great scholars as they were also sons of great Sages(although they used their knowledge for purpose) like Hiranyakshapa, Ravana, etc.etc.

3. Even the Auras have been staunch follower of Lord Shiva n Brahma n some of them like Prahlad n Vibhishan were followers of Lord Vishnu as well.

U might be surprised to know that one of the most beautiful Sanskrit Stuti(Prayer) of Lord Shiva was composed by Ravana himself i.e. The Shiv Tandav Sotram.

4. So the Vedas do talk about ancient kingdoms beyond the Aryavarta in the South, West n East but those were also controlled by Asura, Nagas, etc who r them selves children of Sages or Celestials...

The Vedic Gods fought to defeat these kings to put n end to the suffering of the general people...

N had u ever read the Vedic Scriptures then u would have known that the Vedic known that even though the Vedic Gods(Lord Narshima or Lord Rama) fought with the Asuras in South for the sake of humanity n justice but they never ruled that place...

As earlier it was Prahlad n later it was Vibhishana(both of whom were Asura) who ruled over Southern territory...

Besides all this is mythology although we have many architectural proof but still for the sake of discussion it would be better if u avoid these else u'll again start cribing that Hindus r claiming their superiority over others...:wave:
When did I make claims about all south Indians? The fact that you are setting up yet another strawmen here is telling...

The only thing that is telling is in your insistence to try & push discredited arguments.

There's that strawman again. The fact is that, racially speaking, different races have a preponderance in different geographical parts of India. The average south Indian skin tone is darker than in the north, regardless of how much you deny it. That is not a racist statement; it is a statement of racial distribution.

Irrelevant argument since you seem to argue that having some elements who are darker means that the average (of what) is on the whole darker. For that you have to assume a racial characteristic but since Dravidians are not a race & no one clams that anymore, you are the one using a strawman argument.

That would provide additional evidence, but their absence says nothing either way.

Maybe but since there is already a dispute of that version within Tamil scholars, it might be an indicator.

Dravida Nadu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Initially, the demand of Dravida Nadu proponents was limited to Tamil-speaking region, but later, it was expanded to include other Indian states with Dravidian speakers in majority (Andhra Pradesh, Kerala].[1]) Some of the proponents also included parts of Ceylon (Sri Lanka),[2] Orissa, Karnataka and Maharashtra.[3] Other names for the proposed sovereign state included "South India", "Deccan Federation" and "Dakshinapath".

Claims mean nothing. The people of those areas obviously didn't agree.

It simply means that their ancient legends need to be revived and studied. Lack of other data points does not invalidate the Tamil data. The Vedic influence happened; that much is fact.

Influence does not mean conquest.

Again you bring in the AIT. Once again, the indigenous nature, or not, of the Vedic Aryans is irrelevant to the debate.

It is because you are drawing your arguments from the Rg veda and the battles referred therein. See below.

I already gave you examples from Rig Veda about dark skinned enemies, but you reject scholars' interpretations since they are politically inexpedient.

You are the one selectively using expedient arguments. While I support the argument that the supposed references to "dark skinned" is a misinterpretation, even if otherwise, you arguments goes back to the AIT because these battles happened in North India & had nothing to do with the South. You can't run away from the AIT in general but use an argument originally made to support it & juxtapose it into a South Indian context.

You are contradicting yourself. Earlier you wanted evidence of Vedic conquests in southern cultures, and now you are denying that these regions even had a culture prior to Vedic ingress.

I'm saying no such thing. You are referring to Dravidian culture. No such culture exists. The word does not refer to a race or a group, merely to a language family, each of whom have distinct cultures and sub cultures. Tamil culture is only one part & your usage of a term that only has political meaning(other than the description of a language group) is without meaning.

In any case, I am accepting Tamil claims of the antiquity of their culture at face value since they are generally accepted at large, and I have no reason to doubt the established view.

Can't be selective about criteria used for accepting "established" views.

Not at all. I reject your strawman that, unless all south Indians have dark skin, the Vedic claim is invalid.
No one has ever made any claim about all south Indians.

What then are the references you keep making to dark skinned enemies? You made a claim based on some criteria of an average you suggest and I pointed out the hopelessly inaccurate nature of that claim.

Already mentioned Agastya, his conquests southward, and the confluence with Tamil legends. Of course, you don't accept it but, like I wrote, that doesn't stop scholars from comparing and reaching conclusions.

Many have drawn different conclusions as you have accepted. Anything so disputed can hardly be termed as clinching evidence.

The rules of military conquest haven't changed and such conquests were the norm in the past, including the subcontinent. The Vedas, southern legends all attest to military conquest. The later indigenous empires grew through conquest. To assume that somehow things were different in this particular case is illogical, especially when we have legends like Agastya's to say otherwise.

What Southern legend alludes to military conquest? Agastya was a Rsi, not a military conqueror and to draw any conclusion from a legend which is one of many is silly. As already said by another here, the Velir show no trace of a indo-Aryan linguistic ancestry which then begs the question whether a leader of that clan as Agastya supposedly was could be of an "aryan" descent. If he wasn't, your claim that he was part of an invasion is badly damaged. Nothing here that helps remotely your argument.

Illogical or not, Indian religious teachings were largely spread through debates & not through conquest. Since you are suggesting otherwise, you are required to rustle up the proof to back your claims.

Again, the AIT is irrelevant. It doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't make it any more relevant to the debate.

See above & read your own arguments.

You keep setting up the AIT strawmen as some sort of rebuttal, but it falls flat. The Mauryas invaded and conquered much of the subcontinent; will you then claim that they were outsiders? How about the Guptas, and other indigenous conquests? Why do you need to posit that the southward invaders in this particular case, Vedic elite, could only have been outsiders? Why couldn't local tribes enter an expansionist phase driven by the usual factors?

Not my argument but then you would not be buttressing your claims with references to "dark-skinned" persons & like. I have said that there is no evidence to back your claims of an "Aryan" invasion, not that kings didn't invade at all. After all argument for cultural/religious amalgamation does need a contact to have occurred, just disputing the nature of the contact. For all we know, maybe South Indian kings moved northward & were responsible for that amalgamation.No way to disprove that either.

When you keep propping up strawman after strawmen, deliberately exaggerating statements to the extreme (all south Asians have dark skin, unified Dravidian culture, etc.), what else is there?

Ha, ha, you were not even referring to me when you said that, so if my arguments got you that way, you owe the poster you replied to an apology.:lol:

Who says it had to be unified? Yet another misrepresentation by you.

What matters is that there are Dravidians who believe they had their own individual culture before Vedics came along. I gave the link above about Dravidian nationalism. In fact, one of the things that broke up the movement was feat of Tamil hegemony.

There are no one apart from some Tamil nationalists of fairly recent vintage who have argued about a Dravidian culture. It simply does not exist under that nomenclature. Your link, as I explained, proves nothing.

No one's running off, but there's only so long that I can keep refuting irrelevant strawmen arguments about the AIT, lack of Tamil culture, etc. and all these deliberate exaggerations.

With your own super exaggerations?:lol:

Lots of things get clouded by centuries of dust.

What is not clouded is the staunch Dravidian claim that Sanskrit, caste system and other Vedic cultural constructs were imposed on them.

Bogus argument. Simply not supported by facts.

Large numbers of Hindus opted out as soon as they had the chance, first with Buddhism, then with Islam and Christianity.

Finally the religious angle. Do not care for your religious driven humbug but facts must be pointed out. Buddhism was never a religion of the rural, it was largely urban which makes your claim false. Islam? :lol:If it makes you happy......

So it is reasonable to accept the Dravidian claim that these Vedic concepts were imposed onto them. Now, considering that the caste system was an integral part of the Vedic religious doctrine, then it follows that the religious aspects were also imposed.

What is the basis for your reasonableness? A Dravidian claim?:lol: Prove imposition, your wish for such a occurrence is not proof.

A Hindu nationalist claimed that, unlike Abrahamic religions, Vedic Hinduism did not expand through conquest when, in fact, the ancient texts (Vedic and Tamil) as well as Dravidian nationalists say quite the opposite.

"Dravidian" nationalists, like other nationalists, say many things. Hardly constitutes proof.
It doesn't matter what you wish.

Your math was disingenuous and the numbers had to be corrected. Of course, that's only for intellectually honest people, so you should just look some other way and relax.

What was disingenuous is your canard that people opted out from Hinduism because of caste system.

The reason was only one, all across.

You need to study why Dharma survived after a thousand years of Islamic bigotry in this region while so many others lost their culture and civilization, mostly within 15-20 years of invasions and persecution and rapine and genocides.

And Zaziya and dhimmitude.

Or what you rather euphemistically choose to call "gift".

Million reasons, to each his or her own.

Just one common thread.

Unfortunately, your Brahamists didn't take such a benign view of Buddhists who had opted out of the caste system. Like any master who has lost his slaves, they were ruthless in their persecution of the Buddhists.

Your Hinduphobia is quite interesting.

And the desperate need for justifying persecution of your own ancestors even more so.

You consider that a gift, we can't understand you Islamists without those books. ;)
I know you are desperate to butt into the conversation, but take the time to read the posts in full and the context before jumping in.

I won't bother responding to your inane out-of-context banter next time, although I know it won't stop you and fellow Hindutva fanatics.

Hindutva is political ideology I don't approve of.Here, problem is your Indophobic mentality.

Learn about linguistic evidence (Tamil language, etc.) of pre-Vedic culture in the South.

What about it.Many of Pre Vedic culture of South became an essential part of Vedas and hence essentially a part of Vedic Civilization.You need to understand,One thing, that is certain and can no longer be contested—civilisation did not come to India with the Aryans. This doctrine of the Aryan origin of Indian civilisation which finds no support in Indian Literature which does not consider the Dasyus (Dravidians) as uncivilised, is the result of the theories of Indo-Germanic scholars like Max Muller who held that everything valuable in the world originated from the Aryans.In short Aryans acquired a lot from Dravidians.

A good example of Dravidian influence of Vedic Civilization is Siva worship of Hindus.Siva and Kali, the worship of the Linga and other features of popular Hinduism, were well established in India long before the Aryans came.The clearest evidence of the Dravidian origin of Siva worship is found in Vedas,Siva assumes increased importance only in the later Vedas,and from the period of the Yajur Veda, Siva definitely assumes the aspect of Maheswara or the Great God.

Despite all this Dravidians language continued to maintain its identity.Thanks to its rich literary tradition.

One Advice,You don't know much about South India or its culture.But its completely understandable,If you have any doubts we are very welcome to debate.But don't try to pretend you know every and try to preach about our culture to ourselves.Its frankly annoying.
One Advice,You don't know much about South India or its culture.

Advice: don't make bogus claims and then backtrack when you get egg on your face.

You claimed that Vedic culture was in the south during all of recorded history, and I showed you that the south had its own culture before Vedic influence.

Your claim was wrong.

Your Hinduphobia is quite interesting.

No Hinduphobia. Simple reality that large numbers of people, first the Buddhists, then Muslims and Christians, opted out of the despicable caste system imposed onto them by the Vedic culture.

Your denial will not change history.

the Vedas do talk about ancient kingdoms beyond the Aryavarta in the South, West n East but those were also controlled by Asura, Nagas, etc who r them selves children of Sages or Celestials...

The Vedic Gods fought to defeat these kings to put n end to the suffering of the general people...


Thanks for proving my point that the Vedas talk about military conquest of the south to impose their culture!

What you, and the Vedas, call "liberating the people" involved imposing a caste system onto them.
Advice: don't make bogus claims and then backtrack when you get egg on your face.

You claimed that Vedic culture was in the south during all of recorded history, and I showed you that the south had its own culture before Vedic influence.

Your claim was wrong.

Doesn't make any difference.Both are essentially same for us.South's culture was always Vedic in nature.
No Hinduphobia. Simple reality that large numbers of people, first the Buddhists, then Muslims and Christians, opted out of the despicable caste system imposed onto them by the Vedic culture.

So why are you not opting out of the "despicable sect system"?

And why did people not encumbered by the "despicable sect system" opt out wholesale much faster?

Even Christians in many places, in just a matter of 15-20 years, obliterating entire civilizations and all memories of it?

You have no facts and no legs to stand on, just pathetic canards.

Your denial will not change history.

Don't delude yourself that you are talking history.

You are behaving exactly how an identity crisis struck person in your situation is expected to behave.

Thanks for proving my point that the Vedas talk about military conquest of the south to impose their culture!

What you, and the Vedas, call "liberating the people" involved imposing a caste system onto them.

Why are you making up things??Their are no mention of imposing caste system on any Vedas.For all we know Caste system could have origins in South.
Doesn't make any difference.Both are essentially same for us.South's culture was always Vedic in nature.

What a pathetic canard is being raised here by this guy!

Were there people before Vedas, was there language, civilization?

Of course there was.

What is it supposed to prove?
No Hinduphobia. Simple reality that large numbers of people, first the Buddhists, then Muslims and Christians, opted out of the despicable caste system imposed onto them by the Vedic culture.

Your denial will not change history.

All these Buddhists,Muslims and Christians have their own despicable versions of caste system.Nothing new here.

What a pathetic canard is being raised here by this guy!

Were there people before Vedas, was there language, civilization?

Of course there was.

What is it supposed to prove?

He is just another victim of Pakistan's education system.Let's offer him our sympathies.
All these Buddhists,Muslims and Christians have their own despicable versions of caste system.Nothing new here.

They would rather be Ajlaf being looked down on by their Arab and other masters.

Let them be.

He is just another victim of Pakistan's education system.Let's offer him our sympathies.

Education system is an outcome, a symptom. The problem is deeper. ;)
Advice: don't make bogus claims and then backtrack when you get egg on your face.

You claimed that Vedic culture was in the south during all of recorded history, and I showed you that the south had its own culture before Vedic influence.

Your claim was wrong.

No Hinduphobia. Simple reality that large numbers of people, first the Buddhists, then Muslims and Christians, opted out of the despicable caste system imposed onto them by the Vedic culture.

Your denial will not change history.


Thanks for proving my point that the Vedas talk about military conquest of the south to impose their culture!

What you, and the Vedas, call "liberating the people" involved imposing a caste system onto them.

i was fool to thought that u were talking all this BS bcoz of ur ignorance but again ur proved ur just one of those "Kua ka Mendak" whose mind just can think beyond his prejudice...

U just wanna read whatever u like to read n understand what u want to understand

here is my post again read it again u moron

1. Both Devtas n Auras r step brothers they r both the off springs of Rishi Kshapa n their mothers were grand daughters of Lord Brahma himself.

2. Even the Auras use to follow Vedic traditions as they were also great scholars as they were also sons of great Sages(although they used their knowledge for purpose) like Hiranyakshapa, Ravana, etc.etc.

3. Even the Auras have been staunch follower of Lord Shiva n Brahma n some of them like Prahlad n Vibhishan were followers of Lord Vishnu as well.

U might be surprised to know that one of the most beautiful Sanskrit Stuti(Prayer) of Lord Shiva was composed by Ravana himself i.e. The Shiv Tandav Sotram.

4. So the Vedas do talk about ancient kingdoms beyond the Aryavarta in the South, West n East but those were also controlled by Asura, Nagas, etc who r them selves children of Sages or Celestials...

The Vedic Gods fought to defeat these kings to put n end to the suffering of the general people...

N had u ever read the Vedic Scriptures then u would have known that the Vedic known that even though the Vedic Gods(Lord Narshima or Lord Rama) fought with the Asuras in South for the sake of humanity n justice but they never ruled that place...

As earlier it was Prahlad n later it was Vibhishana(both of whom were Asura) who ruled over Southern territory...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ous-landscape-pew-forum-21.html#ixzz2FsM9oPZi

u r just of those Mullahs who just don't know a jack themselves except how to manipulate things in their own favour
keep up the good work Maulaji...:wave:
i was fool to thought that u were talking all this BS bcoz of ur ignorance but again ur proved ur just one of those "Kua ka Mendak" whose mind just can think beyond his prejudice...

A very small sized well indeed.

u r just of those Mullahs who just don't know a jack themselves except how to manipulate things in their own favour
keep up the good work Maulaji...:wave:

They think they do.

Just that it fires back.

Every time. ;)
If I read these people correctly, the internecine Islamic warfare and murders (and there are more than enough) justify others doing their own "haath saaf" on them as well.

So Mongol genocides and rapine and persecution of Muslims was a gift because the Muslims persecuted and killed and fought with each other.

And because Iran and Iraq (Arab proxy) killed millions of Shia and Sunnis, others can indulge in bigotry against the Muslims anywhere!

Is that the message we are hearing?
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