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Global power shift gives Pakistan options

I find what some of you are saying as interesting but I read something else from the OP. My thinking is probably nearer to Dev's than others.

Its quite simple we have been in a uni polar world with one superpower. The space for smaller countries in a uni polar world are significantly less than a multi-polar world. In either a uni or multi polar there is no such thing as a free lunch.

In Pakistan we are fortunate that we have over decades built up a trust level with the Chinese but that on it's own has limited worth. I mean the historic ties and links between America and British did not prevent Americans in 1935 drawing up plans to destroy the British Empire for America's benefits.

Added to the decades of trust we in Pakistan have a unique geo strategic location. Whilst in this multi polar world America tries reining in China we are a beacon of light for the Chinese. We are able to provide a land route to Chinese investments in Iran and Afghanistan.

The Chinese did not invest in Gwador and do not have troops in NE Pakistan assisting with infra structure for fun or that they sit there thinking oh how can we help Pakistan. Further they have made significant investments in the SW China. These investments also are with the hope of bettering the economic climate for the Uighur Muslims to turn away from unproductive actions.

We in Pakistan therefore have a lot more options in a world where America is no longer the sole power. Our interests converge with China. (it was not a Pakistani general that said to the Americans that Pakistan is our Israel it was a Chinese officer and it wasn't simply because we like each other even though we do anyway. Their are many facets of China Pak relationship which are of benefit to both countries )
Pakistan, Iran, Central Asia, Russia, China, new global power order in the making.
Firstly we are not dependent on any state, and if we were wtf has that got to do with bhartis. We choose how we run our country, if we are dependent it is for certain reasons but we can go it alone.

Explain how we are dependent, technology, military assets, so called aid. Answer: every nation buys tech, military hardware, AID: look at how much we have lost since this war of terror consider what was "AID" as reimbursement. Other funds are for services rendered.

Now question yourself how you are dependent on other nations i.e. Russkies etc. You have jack sh1t that is note worthy all yourtech is bought or where you develop your own so called INDIGENOUS tech you require the expertise of foreign firms thus evidently not being INDIGENOUS and DEPENDENT on other nations.

Try thinking about life...something beyond weapons and war. Can you quote the same of any infrastructural development in Pakistan, independently executed by the state, that is benefitting life of ordanary citizen there? You are hugely dependent on China for your development activities, be it roads, railways, power, nuclear (peaceful) etc.
you could say the same about India. First the Soviets now the Americans. The point missed by you is that Pakistan position is not nearly as bad as Indians like to believe and that it has positive options

Allowing drones to kill your own citizens, using your own jets to kill your own citizens ?
If that is not bad enough for you, then i dont know what more bad you are waiting to cross.
Pakistan should gradually distance itself from the influence of USA. Relations with Russia and China should be further strengthened as USA is not a reliable partner.

The good news keeps on coming and coming, great to see Russia is seeing Pak as a huge market for its exports. With already deals signed on Karachi-Lahore Pipeline, Helicopters, upgrade of Steel Mill and now this, great work by the teams working in the background.
Pakistan's thinking if I can put it in Computer terminology is always binary, either this or not this. Whereas India's is more fuzzy, meaning it has multiple values for its logic. It's an art! Hamse sikoo
Pakistan's thinking if I can put it in Computer terminology is always binary, either this or not this. Whereas India's is more fuzzy, meaning it has multiple values for its logic. It's an art! Hamse sikoo

India's only advantage is population, not fuzzy logic. :p Has always been so. :coffee:
You have perfectly articulated the mindset which keeps Pakistan from attaining its potential. I hope and pray that most Pakistanis do not think like you.

Mere numbers are irrelevant to define a country's potential. By your logic, all the current powers -- from US, UK, Russia, Japan, Germany, France -- should just pack up their bags and call it a day. There is nothing inevitable about a country becoming strong just because it has a lot of people, just as there is nothing inevitable about a smaller country destined to play second fiddle.

As for your gratuitous attack on the Chinese, you fail to understand the fundamental dynamics of the American political system and the absolute, uncompromising choke-hold of the pro-Israeli camp on US foreign policy.

numbers is not everything. small states can achieve maximum potential for their citizens.

i disagree with the influence of pro-Israeli lobby. they are influential. but saudi arabia has more influence in Washington than israel.

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