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Global Firepower - 2014 Ranks

Egypt .In conventional and in nuclear you can see lot of countries is behind of Pakistan.They fought 4 full scale war.They defeated by India but it still gave them experience.That is all I mean
Egypt is not in top 10,If pakistan wants to be in top 10 then it should replace someone from top 10.
Actually we should be at 6 or 7th position because we still are not self sufficient for our weapons.

yes I agree but they ranking behalf of current Military potions. right??? Most of the countries are not self sufficient but also they ranking?

also, we are designing tank, Aircarft career, fighter plane and other defense related arms.
yes I agree but they ranking behalf of current Military potions. right??? Most of the countries are not self sufficient but also they ranking?

also, we are designing tank, Aircarft career, fighter plane and other defense related arms.
France,Britain are ahead of us in technology they are self sufficient which means they can sustain a war so i think we should be at 6 or 7th position.
France,Britain are ahead of us in technology they are self sufficient which means they can sustain a war so i think we should be at 6 or 7th position.

But their country is not that large.A large army or navy can easily over run their country.Technology is still evolving .So they cant keep it in real future.
But their country is not that large.A large army or navy can easily over run their country.Technology is still evolving .So they cant keep it in real future.
It depens,India in no way can over run there country.
Omly America has the capability to do that.
It depens,India in no way can over run there country.
Omly America has the capability to do that.

So IF INDIA involve in any war in near future (China or PAK) than how many days INDIA will survive. I am asking about OIL status, how many Submarines will be ready Mode, Fighter planes, ships, tanks... ETC

I am just asking is sombody attack us tomorrow and without preparation time????

Note :- I already know, it's not going to happen....but
So IF INDIA involve in any war in near future (China or PAK) than how many days INDIA will survive. I am asking about OIL status, how many Submarines will be ready Mode, Fighter planes, ships, tanks... ETC

I am just asking is sombody attack us tomorrow and without preparation time????

Note :- I already know, it's not going to happen....but
Our army is prepared for any attack from China or Pakistan and so is there's
We are building strategic oil reserves which will last for 3 months in case of hostilities,war,sudden price rise and other emergency situations.
It depens,India in no way can over run there country.
Omly America has the capability to do that.
India dont have tha power projection for now.If we develop a defence industry then we can do that.

So IF INDIA involve in any war in near future (China or PAK) than how many days INDIA will survive. I am asking about OIL status, how many Submarines will be ready Mode, Fighter planes, ships, tanks... ETC

I am just asking is sombody attack us tomorrow and without preparation time????

Note :- I already know, it's not going to happen....but

At present case due to weapons shortage we can sustained only for 22 days.But after modernisation it will become 45days.
But Pakistan can only survive for one day against IAF for now.They dont have conventional abilities.But they have nukes.China is a real conventional challenge to India.But it also not that easy because China dont have a navy like USN.So they resorted to PLAAF and PLA .But PLA ability will restrained due to Himalayas and also IA for that.PLAAF only get little advantage because India is a large country.
This list does not take into account nuclear bombs.Pakistan's navy is very weak and so is airforce,you economy is also in very bad condition which means you cant sustain a war.
Pakistn only beats some countries in land forces due to no. and population.
In short in no way Pakistan should be in top10.

When you start ranking a country globally then we should take everything in account......i am really surprised that south korea is number 9 when US offcials admitts that SK cannot stand a month against NK without US......and where is italy comming from....i don't think that Italy can stand even pakistan given the war time conditions...and egypt at 13......i mean seriously, a country which is so unstable for last 2 years and has nothing compared to even saudi arabia in his millitary equipment....... and israel at number 11...OOOO GOD.......this devil alone can wipe out all the above countries in Except the top 3.......in war time condition all that matter is what you can produce, not what can you buy.......israel is producing hell weapons and exporting it to top countries like china, their intelligence is one of the or perhaps the most brutual intelligence in the world.....and canada below pakistan considering the conventional weaponary......quite hard to accept ...but most funny thing is sirilanka is at 86 while afghanistan is at 76..isn't this funny......in war times, those countries who can produce with their own capabilities stands much more longer than who imoport weapons from other countries......so this list dramatically changes except top 3......if war could have been won with weapons and numbers alone than arabs with musch superior weapons and numbers would not have lost against israel.....war is more about strategy+intelligence +weapons , and history has proved that you can compromise with weapons but not with strategy and intelligence.....

India dont have tha power projection for now.If we develop a defence industry then we can do that.

At present case due to weapons shortage we can sustained only for 22 days.But after modernisation it will become 45days.
But Pakistan can only survive for one day against IAF for now.They dont have conventional abilities.But they have nukes.China is a real conventional challenge to India.But it also not that easy because China dont have a navy like USN.So they resorted to PLAAF and PLA .But PLA ability will restrained due to Himalayas and also IA for that.PLAAF only get little advantage because India is a large country.

When you start ranking a country globally then we should take everything in account......i am really surprised that south korea is number 9 when US offcials admitts that SK cannot stand a month against NK without US......and where is italy comming from....i don't think that Italy can stand even pakistan given the war time conditions...and egypt at 13......i mean seriously, a country which is so unstable for last 2 years and has nothing compared to even saudi arabia in his millitary equipment....... and israel at number 11...OOOO GOD.......this devil alone can wipe out all the above countries in Except the top 3.......in war time condition all that matter is what you can produce, not what can you buy.......israel is producing hell weapons and exporting it to top countries like china, their intelligence is one of the or perhaps the most brutual intelligence in the world.....and canada below pakistan considering the conventional weaponary......quite hard to accept ...but most funny thing is sirilanka is at 86 while afghanistan is at 76..isn't this funny......in war times, those countries who can produce with their own capabilities stands much more longer than who imoport weapons from other countries......so this list dramatically changes except top 3......if war could have been won with weapons and numbers alone than arabs with musch superior weapons and numbers would not have lost against israel.....war is more about strategy+intelligence +weapons , and history has proved that you can compromise with weapons but not with strategy and intelligence.....


This is not my assumption and not a GoI assumption.It is from cables sent by US embassy in Pakistan to Washington DC.
US assumed this and for that they gave you 18 modern F-16.To get enough time to US diplomats to reduce nuke risks in SA.
This is not my assumption and not a GoI assumption.It is from cables sent by US embassy in Pakistan to Washington DC.
US assumed this and for that they gave you 18 modern F-16.To get enough time to US diplomats to reduce nuke risks in SA.
o dear, what you was wating above was not US diplomatic cables....it was a neutral source, perhaps a think tank...
and where is italy comming from....i don't think that Italy can stand even pakistan
I am not not arguing against the validity of this list but against your claim that Pakistan should be in top 10.

And Pakistan defeating Italy??? Form where you got this?? lmao.
Italy's navy and airforce both are far stronger than of Pakistan's,Not to mention that Italy's economy is light years ahead of Pakistan.
I am not not arguing against the validity of this list but against your claim that Pakistan should be in top 10.

And Pakistan defeating Italy??? Form where you got this?? lmao.
Italy's navy and airforce both are far stronger than of Pakistan's,Not to mention that Italy's economy is light years ahead of Pakistan.
it,s not about economic war dear, it,s millitary war.....saudi arabia has even more powerfull weapons and economy than italy, (i am taliking about italy alone not NATO as collectively power) do you think saudia can stand or defeat pakistan .....it,s not about your economy, it,s about your overall millitary capability, it,s about what you can do given war times conditions....modern day wars cannot be won based on number of weapons or how many light year your economy is ahead of your enemy......it was, is and will be about strategy+intelligence+weapons and then your economy...and history has proved it, ie arab israeli war.....war is not about showing weapons, it,s like how far you can go on the path of death......and italy has lost it since world war 2
it,s not about economic war dear, it,s millitary war.....saudi arabia has even more powerfull weapons and economy than italy, (i am taliking about italy alone not NATO as collectively power) do you think saudia can stand or defeat pakistan .....it,s not about your economy, it,s about your overall millitary capability, it,s about what you can do given war times conditions....modern day wars cannot be won based on number of weapons or how many light year your economy is ahead of your enemy......it was, is and will be about strategy+intelligence+weapons and then your economy...and history has proved it, ie arab israeli war.....war is not about showing weapons, it,s like how far you can go on the path of death......and italy has lost it since world war 2
First you explain me how Pakistan can defeat Italy.
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