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Global Firepower - 2014 Ranks


Feb 4, 2013
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In 2013 we were not even in top 10 >>>

Global Firepower - 2013 World Military Strength Ranking

If i am not wrong we were 11th..

Now we are 8th...

What do you think about the list ?

Global Firepower - 2014 World Military Strength Ranking

Turkey Military Strength

LOL! They put Israel at 11 to make it look weaker and under threat when we all know they're in the top 6. :lol:
LOL! They put Israel at 11 to make it look weaker and under threat when we all know they're in the top 6. :lol:

You know what ? I also thought about a similar thing... Maybe they are trying to show Türkiye as a big treat for west by rising Türkiye 11th to 8th...
LOL! They put Israel at 11 to make it look weaker and under threat when we all know they're in the top 6. :lol:

Not really ?

The Global firepower considers all three services taken as a whole ( Air Force, Army and Navy) but does not consider the Nuclear weapons. Israel has a strong Air Force and a strong Army, but their Navy is not that great. All they have in the Navy is some pretty awesome Submarines but no Destroyers or Aircraft Carrier Group. Which is why they are at Number 11 position.

You know what ? I also thought about a similar thing... Maybe they are trying to show Türkiye as a big treat for west by rising Türkiye 11th to 8th...

Turkiye has much stronger Navy than Israel.
You know what ? I also thought about a similar thing... Maybe they are trying to show Türkiye as a big treat for west by rising Türkiye 11th to 8th...

I wonder about that too, Egypt is 13...LOL, there's no way they don't have the economy or self sufficiency.
I do not think Pakistan is placed in the right spot

I think with 1 Nuclear Submarine and 6 Diesel/AIP Conventional Submarines added to Pakistan Navy and some 5th generation fighters added to Pakistan Air Force, Pakistan will move up to 10th Position. Pakistan has a strong Army but needs additional Assets in the Air Force and Navy...
Turkiye has much stronger Navy than Israel.

But how we climbed 3 steps in 1 year ? And many country places chaned in that list not only us... Sure i want to see Türkiye to climb 3 steps in 1 year but is this for real ??? Is that list really objective and out of political engineering ?
But how we climbed 3 steps in 1 year ? And many country places chaned in that list not only us... Sure i want to see Türkiye to climb 3 steps in 1 year but is this for real ??? Is that list really objective and out of political engineering ?

Good Question....

Has Turkey added new assets to their Forces ?

Being ahead of Japan and South Korea is pretty awesome, if for real.
Good Question....

Has Turkey added new assets to their Forces ?

Being ahead of Japan and South Korea is pretty awesome, if for real.

Well i remember 2nd MİLGEM corvet entered service...

What else ? Can't remember...

AWACS entered but it entered in this year, 2014... Not counted...
All well and great have lots of shiny toys and equipment but just how many of those armies have fought full scale wars? Combined services experience, and seen soldiers go through hell and back? Experience counts and it's the lessons learnt in war that are the most valuable, which are passed on to the next generation of troops through military academics, training etc.
Nations and their forces when under the pressure of war react very differently.

Compare it to asking someone to walk a narrow plank on the ground, anyone can do it. Now ask them to walk it 150 feet up it is a different story.....
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since we are talking turkey, let's take a look, Japan definitely has way stronger navy, weaker land force, and more or less the same air force, maybe a little better maybe not.

Israel, missile defense, Air force and domestic manufacturing and exporting, israel has the advantage, Navy? Turkey, but not by a lot, land force it depends, I might lean turkey, again, it's not huge.

South Koreans have a navy that's a lot better, air force to turkey and land force, I say a tie, but could go either way.

I think that spot is about right, maybe move down or stay the same, depends on what you value really. The wild card is land force, what's considered better? More men? Equipment? Everyone's more or less the same in Equipment, and I think Turkey and Korea has the most men. ISrael could have a lot of men, and Japan just can't get enough men.
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