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Give Pak A Chance

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Jul 8, 2006
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Today's (16th July 2007) editorial in ToI.

Give Pak A Chance

It may now be time for Washington to push democracy

Washington’s Pakistan policy chugged along for a long time on inertia, but is currently under review following intelligence assessments that Al-Qaida is enjoying a resurgence. The terrorist organisation is steadily acquiring greater capabilities to hit targets in Europe and the US, and Pakistan is unambiguously named as its centre of operations.
It appears that Washington is belatedly waking up to something that has been apparent for a long time in South Asia. Its policy of planting all its eggs in General Musharraf’s basket hasn’t paid off in terms of containing Al-Qaida or winding down the global jehad machinery that operates from Pakistan. Musharraf signed off on a peace deal in Waziristan that has been a disaster. It effectively turned over the area to the Pakistani Taliban, which is allowing Al-Qaida elements to operate freely from there as well as sabotaging NATO’s efforts in Afghanistan. Who knows, maybe it was awareness of the rumblings in Washington that motivated Musharraf to launch decisive action against armed fundamentalists holed up in the Lal Masjid.
Musharraf may have handled Operation Silence well, but any which way it is going to sour the military-conservative alliance. Liberals are already cheesed off following the heavy-handed dismissal of the chief justice, which could be overturned by the supreme court. Politically that leaves the Musharraf-supported Pakistan Muslim League exposed and vulnerable. The conclusion is inescapable. One man cannot substitute for institutions; Pakistan needs to forsake the saviour principle. It can’t be allowed to trade off movement towards democratisation for limited cooperation in tackling Al-Qaida. The Iraq fiasco may have made Washington chary of helping democracy movements anywhere in the Muslim world. But Saddam Hussein was a totalitarian ruler who destroyed any semblance of civil society in Iraq. The same can’t be said for Pakistan, which gave itself a viable constitution in 1973. Neither is anyone calling for military intervention in Pakistan. All that’s needed is for the international community to nudge the country on the path of greater democratisation instead of aiding the military to stay in power. As Musharraf himself says, Pakistan by and large is not an extremist society.
Let’s face a fact, the military is too strongly entrenched in Pakistan’s society and economy to fade away quietly. But increasing the democratic voice, curbing the scope of arbitrary powers in Pakistani institutions, ensuring the constitution cannot be monkeyed around with and supporting an independent judiciary and election commission can work hand in hand to restore faith in democracy, which in turn would check the rising tide of Islamic fundamentalism.
Dear K,

I think the best solution for pakistan lies in the hand of the pakistanis. Musharraf has tough job and actually I admire that guy. He has actually saved Pakistan from death and destruction.

The USA is the worst master / selfish friend, to have but the general has kept the balance between Pakistans interest and the worlds interest.

Pakistan will now bear the brunt of Islamic militancy that it had fed for so long to work against India and Russia ( Afghanistan). You can expect to hear more 'peace overtures ' from Mushraff on kashmir. India shud show its back to those proposals and make PA stretch itself, elt them also face the music of Islamic terrorism.
Pakistan will now bear the brunt of Islamic militancy that it had fed for so long to work against India and Russia ( Afghanistan). You can expect to hear more 'peace overtures ' from Mushraff on kashmir. India shud show its back to those proposals and make PA stretch itself, elt them also face the music of Islamic terrorism.

Dear Bull,

To be honest and fair, Afghanistan affair in the olden days was Pakistan being abused by the west who were keen to get rid of the russians. It backfired on the whole world and some of the short sighted leaders of Pakistan played ball. Pakistan is now paying that price. Today i read more than 30 people died and 100 were injured due to suicide bombings in Pakistan which is very sad if the news is true. I think its in India's interest to have a strong and democratic Pakistan.

It is more of Pakistanis interest to have a democratic Pakistan. People must decide who is going to rule them. A democratically elected government would ensure that government instituion of justice, sharing of resources among its people are not eroded. This is a not one man job.
Dear Bull,

To be honest and fair, Afghanistan affair in the olden days was Pakistan being abused by the west who were keen to get rid of the russians. It backfired on the whole world and some of the short sighted leaders of Pakistan played ball. Pakistan is now paying that price. Today i read more than 30 people died and 100 were injured due to suicide bombings in Pakistan which is very sad if the news is true. I think its in India's interest to have a strong and democratic Pakistan.



You take away so much responsiblities from the Pakistani Leaders. A staunch Indian Ally in the western borders of Pakistan,To the East India, To the West Soviet Union; Isnt that motivation enough for Pakistan to do what they had to?

Pakistan is as responsible as the Americans.

Dear Bull,

To be honest and fair, Afghanistan affair in the olden days was Pakistan being abused by the west who were keen to get rid of the russians. It backfired on the whole world and some of the short sighted leaders of Pakistan played ball. Pakistan is now paying that price. Today i read more than 30 people died and 100 were injured due to suicide bombings in Pakistan which is very sad if the news is true. I think its in India's interest to have a strong and democratic Pakistan.


Pakistan hasnt paid the price yet. For more than 5 decades India bore the brunt fo these Islamic terrorism under the pretext of 'freedom fight' and 'fight for rightfulness of Islam'. And all these years Pakistan suported and armed them. Now they have realised the folly and its too late. They were recruiting from Azad Kashmir and NWFP provinces to keep the terrorism in Kashmir going and now Pakistan themselves have shot dead the same very people in Lal Masjid maing them enemies.

Now its India's turn to sit and watch the 'fun'. 60 soldiers have died in just 2 days only because Lal Masjid attack.
So if lal masjid hadnt happened whom would have thse terrorists attacked?
From where did they get these weapons and training to carry out such systematic suicide bombing?

The very fact that PA didnt do anythign to bring them to taks proves the point that these terrorists where there at PA/ISI's behest to be used in Afghanistan and Kahsmir. And now they have to fight them. Good i would say, let them clean up the mess they have created and then we shall give Pakistan a chance as the author says.
Now its India's turn to sit and watch the 'fun'. 60 soldiers have died in just 2 days only because Lal Masjid attack.
So if lal masjid hadnt happened whom would have thse terrorists attacked?
From where did they get these weapons and training to carry out such systematic suicide bombing?
What the hell large number of IA is doing in Afghanistan and why does the hostile Afghanistan is so friendly to them.
Anti-Pakistan elements were waiting for lal masjid raid.
Al-Qaeeda had joined hands with enemies of Pakistan on the basis of enemy of enemy.
All weopans come via Afghanistan, there is no doubt about it.
Why we are diverting from the topic here. The topic is democracy and rule of people in Pakistan. Where the afghanistan come in to picture here? Are we going to appoint Karzaii as chief electrol officer here, for coming elections in Pakistan?
I wrote it before in my post that india always enjoy seeing pakistan getting destroyed. Well wuld be disappointing for all u indian fans but this isnt going to happen. As for pakistan supporting kashmiri militants its a vis vs vis against what u were doing in balochistan the only difference was we supported morally and politicaly while u actually armed the militants( IA doing in afghanistan ). As for democracy in pakistan we are going on that part and the election this year will show the fact too. Its an unfortunate event that democracy hasnt prevailed in the country and for the 1st time the current government has completed the tenure.
What the hell large number of IA is doing in Afghanistan and why does the hostile Afghanistan is so friendly to them.
Anti-Pakistan elements were waiting for lal masjid raid.
Al-Qaeeda had joined hands with enemies of Pakistan on the basis of enemy of enemy.
All weopans come via Afghanistan, there is no doubt about it.

Indian agents through their puppets in Afghanistan are more than capable of carrying out the suicide attacks against the Pak army. Its the most right chance they have ever got. Now they are hunting 2 preys with one arrow by which they will put Pak in the state of a kind of civil war between Islamist and Liberals and on the other hand make their grip on Kashmir more stronger.
what u were doing in balochistan the only difference was we supported morally and politicaly while u actually armed the militants( IA doing in afghanistan )..

Try this crap talk elsewhere morally, my foot. You gave all the support other than moral, you had your own politcal intention.

As for democracy in pakistan we are going on that part and the election this year will show the fact too. Its an unfortunate event that democracy hasnt prevailed in the country and for the 1st time the current government has completed the tenure.

I amnt bothered abt hw ur country is ruled. What i said earleir was that PA will taste its own medicine which already it ahs last weekend when 60 were killed.
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